Item #: SCP-1119
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1119 is to be kept in a standard Beta-class storage unit, which should be kept locked and guarded by two (2) armed personnel at all times. Level 3 staff and higher are permitted access, so long as the purpose is experimentation and with approval of a Level 4 staff member. At no time is SCP-1119 to be handled by Class D personnel unless a method of terminating the subject without getting within their attack range is present.
Description: SCP-1119 is a sickle of indeterminate origin, and is consistent with those used to harvest crops in the early fifteenth century. Although it is indestructible by any known means, external examination is sufficient to identify the handle material as oak and the blade as stainless steel, an alloy which would not see use until almost 400 years after the era this type of tool was typically used in. Its handle is approximately 44 cm (17.3 in) long and the stretches 87 cm (34.3 in) from base at handle to the longest point.
SCP-1119 displays no anomalous properties other than indestructibility under most circumstances. Testing on inorganic materials revealed no special capability to pierce objects which a mundane replica would be unable to penetrate as well. However, the second anomaly manifests whenever the sickle is used to deal physical damage to another organism. Any and all injuries intentionally caused (accidents involving SCP-1119 tend not to display typical anomalous properties, see Experiment Log 1119-A01 for information) by the tool immediately halt all regenerative processes. Subjects suffering from this effect invariably bleed out if the injury isn't inherently fatal, as the wound continues to hemorrhage, and closer inspection with microscopic viewing methods reveals that all platelets nearing the damaged area die off when coming within a small range, preventing clotting.
The only known way to prevent death via blood loss is to remove a large area of surrounding tissue until the affected area is completely gone, or, in the case of damage to extremities to amputate the affected area from the body entirely. Damage to vital internal organs thus proves fatal in 100% of cases, as the damaged organ cannot be removed without killing the subject.
View Experiment Log 1119-A01
Subject: Large patch of wild grass
Age: N/A
Experiment Date: ██/██/19██
Experiment: Subject was mown with SCP-1119 using typical sickle-based harvesting methods.
Results: Parts of subject cut by SCP-1119 failed to show any regrowth and later wilted due to exposure.Subject: D-0812
Age: ██
Experiment Date: ██/██/19██
Experiment: Subject received deep cut to abdomen.
Results: Subject quickly bled out from massive internal damage. Attempts to stem blood flow by medical staff were ineffective.Subject: D-4213
Age: ██
Experiment Date: ██/██/19██
Experiment: Subject received minor cut to upper arm.
Results: Wound continued to bleed steadily for upwards of one week, up until approximately nine (9) days later, when subject was terminated after it became clear that wound would not heal. Effect appears to be permanent or irrelevantly long-lasting.Subject: D-2484
Age: ██
Experiment Date: ██/██/19██
Experiment: Subject received minor cut to lower arm. Stitches applied immediately.
Results: Stitches were torn out as wound forcibly opened despite attempts to hold it closed. Wounds from stitches do not exhibit same effects as wounds resulting from SCP-1119. Other methods such as tourniquets and use of heat to close the injury proved equally ineffective.Subject: Agent ██████
Age: ██
Experiment Date: ██/██/19██
Experiment: Unplanned. Agent ██████ sustained a small cut to the lower left leg upon mishandling of SCP-1119 when transferring it between containment cells.
Resultes: Despite the tool’s normal properties, after being placed under quarantine, the subject healed normally. Further testing confirmed that accidental self-injury and, in some cases, injury to others did not manifest SCP-1119’s usual effect.
SCP-1119 was recovered from a police station in ██████, ██, after a Foundation sweep of local hospital records for anomalous reports consistent with disease-based SCPs found a number of autopsy reports revealing subjects dying from normally non-lethal injuries resulting in expiration due to blood loss. Injuries believed to be caused by [REDACTED], a local farmer with a history of psychotic disorders who had attempted to murder the residents of several nearby farms due to unknown circumstances, using SCP-1119 as a weapon. The farmer was later taken into custody and charged with ██ counts of second degree murder, and when questioned he revealed that the sickle was a family heirloom and that he had no idea of its anomalous properties. All non-Foundation personnel involved were given Class-B amnesiacs and the weapon was confiscated and dubbed SCP-1119.
SCP-1119 appears to be mostly ineffective against SCPs possessing advanced regenerative properties. It is unknown why this is so, but it limits the tool’s value to the Foundation significantly.