Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are to be contained in standard 6m x 6m x 4m humanoid containment units. No personnel are to come within 30m of any SCP-XXXX-1 subject. Food and drink are to be delivered by either automated drones or an individual SCP-XXXX-2. SCP-XXXX-1 are to be monitored by cameras that take still photographs every 0.5 seconds along with audio surveillance.
Instances of SCP-XXXX-2 are allowed to continue their standard routine, and D-Class SCP-XXXX-2s are still to be terminated monthly. SCP-XXXX-2 should never exceed 10 individuals and are to be terminated in order of importance until a maximum of 5 remain should this limit be exceeded.
If at least 6 months have passed since the creation of a new SCP-XXXX-1, or if a single SCP-XXXX-1 has collected a minimum of 20 SCP-XXXX-2s Event XXXX-Alpha will initiate. During this event, 1-2 (See Addendum-XXXX-2) instances of SCP-XXXX-2 are to be isolated in SCP-XXXX-1's containment unit. All other instances of SCP-XXXX-2 are to be terminated. In the event that any SCP-XXXX-2s have not been terminated before the conclusion of Event-XXXX-Alpha Mobile Task Force Eta-6 (aka "Blockade") are to be present and armed with fully automatic rifles to eliminate the resulting instances of SCP-XXXX-3.
SCP-XXXX-1-A, C, F: November 7th, May 7th
SCP-XXXX-1-B, D, E: July 23rd, January 23rd
Description: SCP-XXXX is a phenomenon hosted by 5 6 individuals, collectively designated SCP-XXXX-1 (Further specification is organized SCP-XXXX-1-A, SCP-XXXX-1-B, ect.). Any human being who comes within 18m of an instance of SCP-XXXX-1 immediately regards them as a close friend, interacting with the subject as if they had known them for years. All individuals affected in this manner have been designated SCP-XXXX-2. SCP-XXXX-2 will still perform procedures and tests on the subject if ordered by personnel at least 2 levels above their own or by an O5 in the case of Level 4 or 5 staff becoming afflicted.
SCP-XXXX-2 display knowledge that they have never seen or met SCP-XXXX-1 previously, but insist that this is irrelevant, though are unwilling to elaborate on the matter. Anyone able to clearly see SCP-XXXX-1 either in person or through video have become afflicted after a total exposure of 1 hour, however this does not seem to spread to photos or audio. Because of this any and all attempted interviews of a subject are to be facilitated via audio format only. SCP-XXXX-2 will not under any circumstances attempt to harm the subject, even under threat of violence. Attempts to harm SCP-XXXX-1 via remote controlled and pre-programmed drones has resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED].
Examination of photo and audio surveillance have revealed that instances of SCP-XXXX-1 all suffer from schizophrenia. Subjects will converse with voices not picked up over audio, usually addressing the second participant by the name of an individual SCP-XXXX-2. Testing has proven that SCP-XXXX-2 are not actually participating in the conversation.
When a subject has either collected 20 SCP-XXXX-2 or been afflicted with SCP-XXXX for 6 months Event XXXX-Alpha will be initiated. During Event XXXX-Alpha the subject will stop whatever activity they were previously doing and examine their surroundings. The subject will report seeing short, shadowy figures an average of 1.5m tall. The figures are described as being humanoid and black in color. Subjects report that the mouth and eyes of the figures radiate white light and that they do not seem to blink. The numbers of figures will be equal to the number of SCP-XXXX-2 the subject has made, and will decrease in number if SCP-XXXX-2 are killed during Event XXXX-Alpha.
The following is the log recounting the first instance of Event XXXX-Alpha after containment of the initial subject afflicted with SCP-XXXX.
(Author's Note: I've been told that the dialogue is a bit over the top here, which I'm inclined to agree with. I was going for at least a little over the top here, since SCP-XXXX-1 are all schizophrenic, but I could tone it down a bit.)
Event Log- 7/23/19██
At the time of this event SCP-XXXX-1 consisted of only a single subject, a 34 year old Caucasian female, who had recently been brought to the Foundation's attention when Agent ██████ observed a civilian who had previously showed great dislike of SCP-XXXX-1 become friendly upon entering the subject's field of effect. Agent ██████ reported not being able to perceive the subject's schizophrenia during this time, but was not affected by the memetic quality due to the exposure being less than 1 hour. However, the agent did report that SCP-XXXX-1 "didn't seem all that bad."
11:45 am- SCP-XXXX-1 is currently returning from the restroom. The subject flinches and remains still for roughly 6 seconds, apparently scanning the room. Subject asks 'Who's there?' No response for 14 seconds. Subject slowly continues toward its bed. SCP-XXXX-1 turns and shouts, 'I see you!'. After another 27 seconds subject appears to give up and returns to bed, then falls asleep.
12:37 pm- Subject awakens. Upon opening its eyes, the subject screams in fear, then shouts for help. Security Officer Charlie ████ responds via intercom and asks for explanation. Subject reports seeing the previously described figures in peripheral vision. Drone is currently undergoing repairs after a malfunction, so 2 D-Class SCP-XXXX-2 are dispatched to investigate, D-4893 and D-8035. D-Class report they are unable to find anything, but insist on staying to comfort the subject. D-4893 and D-8035 cannot be convinced to leave SCP-XXXX-1 and force is impossible due to proximity to subject, so they are allowed to remain, though they agree to report any unusual occurrences.
1:54 pm- Subject mumbles something inaudible, which D-8035 repeats to the intercom, "They're coming for me. They want to be my friends too. I can see them clearly. They're getting closer. They scare me. They want to be your friends too Claire, and yours too George, and even you Charlie. They want to be everyone's friends." D-4893 and D-8035 are identified as Claire and George. Subject begins to tremble, and continues to do so for the remainder of the event.
2:22 pm- Subject screams for 3 minutes straight, then suddenly stops and begins speaking rapidly, "They need me. They need me to get in. I'm the only thing that can let them in and they need to get in. They need to be here they need to be our friends. But they're lying. They don't want to be our friends. They just want in they want to take our world from us and use it as their own they want they want they want they want-" Subject continued to repeat 'They want' for 5 minutes before suddenly pausing. "They can't. They can't get in unless I let them in. I just won't let them in and they can't hurt me or you or any of my friends." Subject becomes silent.
3:00 pm- A large laceration suddenly appears on the subject's arm accompanied by a scream of pain. Subject grabs both D-4893 and D-8035 and begins shouting at them as more injuries of varying severity begin to appear, "I can't keep them out! They say that I am their gate, and if I do not open willingly they will force me to let them in. They will break down anything in their way. I need you to keep them out. I need you to stop them. Act as the gates. Act as the obstacles, please! If you don't they will get in. If you don't they will be set free they will take our world and burn it to the ground they will destroy everything and nothing will stop them. They need us. They need us to act as their gates. All of us. They will force us to be their path, to open their way into our world. We are the gates, we are the guardians. Keep them out keep them out keep them out-" Subject grabs both D-4893 and D-8035 and proceeds to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject then expires of what autopsy later confirms to be blood loss from a slashed throat. D-4893 and D-8035 are tested and confirmed to be the new carriers of SCP-XXXX.
At the time there were 12 SCP-XXXX-2. The remaining 10 SCP-XXXX-2 were confirmed by security footage and survivor testimony to suddenly convulse and collapse on the floor. After approximately 5 minutes all 10 SCP-XXXX-2 disintegrated, each leaving an instance of SCP-XXXX-3 in their place. SCP-XXXX-3 were reported to resemble the description of the figures seen by SCP-XXXX-1, and begin to attack personnel with strength approximately 3 times that of human beings and speeds recorded at ██ kilometers per hour. The resulting containment breach resulted in the deaths of ██ personnel and injury of ██ more. All 10 instances of SCP-XXXX-3 were neutralized by Mobile Task Force Eta-6 through concentrated fire.
Addendum-XXXX-1: Due to a containment breach, SCP-XXXX-1-A was released and managed to affect 24 personnel, initiating Event XXXX-Alpha. 7 SCP-XXXX-2 were eliminated before the conclusion of the event, and 2 SCP-XXXX-2 were close enough for SCP-XXXX-1-A to [DATA EXPUNGED] converting them into SCP-XXXX-1 before expiration when spinal column was severed. The remaining SCP-XXXX-2 disintegrated, resulting in 15 instances of SCP-XXXX-3, which managed to kill ██ personnel before being neutralized by MTF Eta-6.
Addendum-XXXX-2: SCP-XXXX-1-B underwent Event XXXX-Alpha and 1 afflicted D-Class was released into the room. Shortly before the conclusion of the event SCP-XXXX-1-B suddenly began to panic, stating "They're stronger. We can't hold them back! We need more. More gates, more obstacles, or they'll get through. We can't let them get through!" As all instances of SCP-XXXX-2 had already been terminated, on-site staff decided to release an unaffected D-Class into SCP-XXXX-1-B's containment as a cautionary measure. SCP-XXXX-1-B began to convulse. Agent ██████, who was briefing the second D-Class, ran into the subject's containment, followed by the second D-Class. SCP-XXXX-1-B stopped convulsing long enough to [DATA EXPUNGED] converting Agent ██████ and both D-Class into SCP-XXXX-1. SCP-XXXX-1-B then expired from blood loss when the femoral artery was severed.
If these things are getting stronger we're going to be needing a lot more SCP-XXXX-1s, unless we destroy their way into our world. Recommending immediate termination of all subjects.
-Dr. ██████
There is no evidence to suggest termination is necessary. Request denied.
Addendum-XXXX-3: During Event XXXX-Alpha, SCP-XXXX-1-C expressed a need for a new SCP-XXXX-1. The request was granted, resulting in the creation of SCP-XXXX-1-F.