Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1XXX is contained in a walled compound on a small island with a large enclosed lagoon. An observation tower placed 8 km away at the furthest point on the island from the compound is used for temporary housing. Only vehicles equipped with Stirling Cycle engines are to be used on the island within 5 km of the enclosure. Sailboats with diesel engines are used to transfer personnel and supplies.
Description: SCP-1XXX is a flock of 167 creatures resembling Emperor Penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri). They have adapted to a broader range of temperatures than normal members of their species, capable of tolerating temperatures of up to 35 C. SCP-XXXX exhibits a hive mentality, when 10 or more gather the hive intellect emerges. The hivemind exists as long as they are within a 5 km range of each other. They could be in a line with no more than 5 km in between each one, but they usually cluster together in a flock and all stay in the same 5 km radius. Normally the individuals of a flock act like normal penguins, the hivemind is 'asleep'. [Note] when in the water, SCP-XXXX exhibits a more aggressive behavior.
The hive is not concerned about survival of individual penguins. In fact, the death of one or two stirs it from it’s mental sluggishness. When humans sleep within it’s 5 km range, they dream of penguins. After a few days of exposure humans and other mammals are imprinted with the personality of a penguin. The victims soon go swimming to catch fish to eat. The few who don't drown immediately are usually eaten by sea creatures as their only defense is to try to peck at their attackers.
The hive intellect of 10 penguins is equivalent to an average human. Additional penguins raise the collective intellect of the hivemind with 150 penguins exhibiting the apparent maximum intellectual boost.
SCP-XXX projects a negation field that temporarily disables electrical devices in a 500 m. radius around each penguin.
Penguins are great swimmers and divers, able to go deeper than 500 meters with ease. They are familiar with the dangers of the sea, but act fearless and clueless on land. It is possible for a person to walk among them and club one while the rest just watch. If more than 25% of the flock is killed the hivemind retaliates and immediately mentally imprints the attacker(s). In the water, SCP-XXXX actively seeks out ships in the vicinity and causes electrical shut downs by their proximity, low-flying planes are also at risk.
SCP-086 (penny included for scale) |
Item #: SCP-086
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-086 is stored in Security Vault 7e at Sector 28. Level 2 clearance is required for access. Any testing involving the activation of SCP-086 must be approved in advance by Level 3 personnel.
Description: SCP-086 is a small hourglass-style sand timer. It is approximately 10 cm in height and has a duration of 172 seconds. Frame is similar in composition to a root cluster of an oak or beech and appears to be grown around the actual hourglass. Use of tools or remote devices to attempt to activate item is ineffective. Actively concentrating on a known target while starting the timer by hand causes a random entity, referred to as SCP-086-1, to materialize adjacent to the user. SCP-086-1 proceeds towards target and either chases or attacks target. No fatalities have been inflicted by SCP-086-1 [See Test Log]. Once the timer is activated, the sand continues to flow regardless of timer's orientation.
Addendum: Fragments of the original cardboard box that SCP-086 came in were found with the item. Materials and font style suggest an approximate date of 1960. Strikethroughs on the list below were made in pencil before item was acquired.
The Bully Beater! Another fine quality product from Dr Wondertainment! Has someone ever picked on you? Now you can make them sorry!
The Bully Beater is better than having a big brother who is a policeman! One of our Special Grudge-Fixers will appear at your side and go give that bully a taste of his own medicine! Remember kids, your Grudge Fixer will only last until the sand runs out, so make sure they're close by. Besides, the very best part about payback time is getting to watch!-INCLUDES-
Jumpingcrab swarm
Dr Bigg Needleshot
Special Suprise monster
the Wigglyman
Veryscary Babysitter
plus 2 mystery grudge-fixers!The Bully Beater Timer uses WondergravityTM to keep going even if it tips over. That way nothing stops the fun and there's no Time Outs!
Use only as directed. Dr. Wondertainment disavows any responsibility or liability for events arising from the use or misuse of this poduct.
This product is not designed to be used as an assassination tool. Dr. Wondertainment retains intellectual rights to to all product names, including but not limited to, Bully Beater, Grudge-Fixer, Wondergravity, and all distinctive likenesses, thereof.Super Easy Directions
1. Know someone that you are really mad at. That one was easy, huh?
2. Go to where that bully is hanging out.
3. Think really hard about that person who was mean to you, start the timer, and let your New Grudge-Fixer do the rest!
Activation Test Log Subjects D-2329 and D-5233 are placed alone in a chamber, D-5233 had been previously instructed to verbally and physically abuse D-2329. Security personnel entered the chamber and stopped D-5233 from excessively injuring D-2329. Subjects were placed at opposite ends of the chamber and D-2329 was given SCP-086 and instructed to concentrate on D-5233 while activating item. After approximately 5 seconds SCP-086-1 materialized less than 3 meters from D-2329. Entity was a 2-meter tall bipedal creature resembling a burning effigy of a human which proceeded rapidly towards D-5233 while verbalizing threats in English. D-5233 ran from SCP-086-1 until trapped in a corner. SCP-086-1 proceeded to toy with D-5233, causing numerous first- and second-degree burns on various parts of subjects body. Entity vanished 172 seconds after first appearing.
Subject D-8112 (native English speaker) was placed in an observation booth overlooking a chamber that contained D-3933 (native Mandarin speaker, who speaks no English). Subjects had not been exposed to each other before test began. Two closed but not locked doors separated subjects. D-8112 is instructed to concentrate on D-3933 while activating item. After approximately 5 seconds SCP-086-1 materialized less than 3 meters from D-8112. Entity was a dog-like creature with multiple eyes covering its body, weighing an estimated 80 kg. Entity proceeded to open the doors with its front appendages and entered D-3933's chamber after 21 seconds had elapsed. SCP-086-1 stalked and taunted subject for 125 seconds, verbalizing threats in Mandarin. Subject was eventually attacked and received multiple bite and claw wounds.
Dr William D██████, 04 |
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is stored in what was once the Chief Administrator's office at Bio-Research Station-71. Adequate measures were taken to improve security of the containment area above the norm for standard offices. One (discretely) armed guard is to be stationed at the secretary's desk outside the door. By long-standing tradition this post includes light secretarial duties. SCP-XXXX is to be kept on the desk, with a single connection to the telephone router on the secretary's desk. All communications between SCP-XXX and personnel are to be recorded, transcribed, and archived. SCP-XXX is to only be allowed access to an isolated telephone network contained entirely in Site-71. This network is to consist of no more than 16 remote terminals, most of which are placed in various older labs. Three are set in hallways, and one is in the Main Atrium. All personnel of Level 1 security and above are permitted access to these terminals. The network is to be comprised entirely of equipment manufactured before 1941, primarily for ease of isolation and observable security, but also because infrastructure has been in place and functional for decades. No repairs or modifications to the equipment or network shall be made without written permission from the Site Administrator. Direct physical access to SCP-XXXX is restricted to Level-2 personnel and above.
Description: SCP-XXX is a cognitive organism with the appearance and abilities of a typical rotary phone manufactured in the 1930's. Chief Administrator William D██████ was the head of Station-71 during the time of the 'Golden Age' Event of ██/██/193█. [DATA REDACTED.] now designated as SCP-XXX is an air-breathing mollusc-like creature. It has a carapace that closely mimics the telephone that was on Dr. D██████'s desk during the aforementioned Event. The majority of it's internal structure is taken up by a modified human brain and retains the cognitive abilities and memories it had when it was fully human. It lacks any means of locomotion. SCP-XXX can hear and speak to anyone who uses the organism's receiver or uses a connected phone. SCP-XXX speaks in a clear tenor Chicago accent which matches previous recordings of Dr. D██████'s voice.
Aquisition Log : Organism was classed as a SCP on ██/██/197█, when it was discovered by an internal audit. It was uncovered that S-71's personnel had made a long tradition of keeping Dr D██████'s condition a secret to the point of falsifying employment and payroll documents for over 3█ years. SCP-XXX had been wired to a router that serviced the labs of the main building. Due to the unfolding crises and the shortage of manpower during the Event, it remained in charge of the facility until the end of the incident. Subsequently, it has functioned as a project coordinator and consulting zoologist up to the present time.
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is currently housed at Research Site-14 in an airtight 5 x 12 x 3 meter concrete-walled chamber encased in a Faraday cage. Continuous illumination is provided by conventional fixtures in the ceiling. Access is restricted to Level 2 personnel or D-class personnel assigned by Level 3 personnel. The chamber is to be constantly monitored remotely by thermographic and standard cameras. In the event that SCP-XXX-1 is not detectable by thermographic imagery, the site director and head of security are to be notified. Although it is probable that SCP-XX-1 has vacated the chamber, a Containment Breach Alert is not to be sounded by personnel on duty unless expressly authorized by the site director or head of security.
Description: SCP-XXX is a collection of mirrors (SCP-XXX-a through h m) and an anomalous entity (SCPXXX-1) that is only directly detectable by thermographic scans.
SCP-XXX-1 (commonly referred to as 'the curator') is a endothermic area approximately .5 x .5 x 2 meters that moves at ground level. It drains heat in a radius that varies from 1 to 3 meters. It also has demonstrated a psychokinetic ability to manipulate objects up to 150 kg in weight, at a distance up to 8 meters away. Periodically SCP-XXX-1 dissipates and is undetectable for periods between 15 minutes and 1.5 hours, and there has been no record of psychokinetic activity during these times. It has not been confirmed that SCP-XXX-1 actually breaches containment, but prudence dictates that we must assume so. When the chamber is empty of personnel, SCP-XXX-1 moves about in no discernible pattern, pausing in front of different mirrors for up to approximately 30 minutes each. The entity exhibits awareness of any personnel that enter the containment area and maintains a distance of at least 3 meters away. SCP-XXX-1 has only aggressively reacted to those who have tampered with SCP-XXX-a through h m in any manner other than cleaning them carefully.
SCP-XXX-a through h m are mirrors of various sizes and types. Seven Eight of them are medicine cabinets, the others are wall mounted mirrors of various sizes and makes, the largest measures approximately 1 x 1.5 meters. Style and construction details indicate that all were manufactured between the 1940's and 1990's. SCP-XXX-a through h m exhibit no anomalous characteristics other than their reflections, although exhaustive testing has been hampered by SCP-XXX-1. Photographic imaging and video recordings show a normal mirrored surface. When viewed directly,however, the surface of the mirrors do not reflect an image of the room they are currently in, but rather they show a different scene, presumably of their previous location. [Edit] The original locations of SCP-XXX-c, -k, and -m were identified and confirms the aforementioned theory. [See Addendum Log SCP-XXX-2] The reflections all show a scene of of a violent death of a human subject, usually in a bathroom. The images are not static, but rather run as a loop lasting from 48 seconds to over 4 minutes. If viewed for 2 full cycles, the images change and the subjects becomes aware of the viewer as if looking through a window, often soundlessly pleading for help as the scenes unfolds. The aggressor(s) also occasionally interact with the viewer by making hostile gestures or writing on the surface of the mirror.
On 5 occasions since ██/██/199█, SCP-XXX-1 has dissipated and become unobservable as noted above. In each case a new mirror has appeared among the others as it reforms. In some cases, the mirrors were collected long after the violent incident they portray, even decades later. The latest addition, SCP-XXX-m appeared ██/██/2010.
Addendum Log SCP-XXX-2 Identified victims
█████ ██████, Male, 62 years old, bathroom of an upscale home in █████████, California, ██/██/1968. Victim is kneeling on the bathroom floor, naked and handcuffed. A young Asian woman, dressed in attire suitable for a prostitute of the time enters, blindfolds, and gags victim. Aggressor then administers an injection into each arm, leaving the syringes in place. She proceeds to write obscenities on victim's body with a tube of red lipstick and finally strangles him with a noose before leaving the viewable area. During the third cycle, the aggressor usually stops at the mirror to reapply the lipstick and places a 'kiss mark' on the glass while looking directly at the viewer.
█████ █████, Male, 34 years old, hallway of a home in ██████, Maine, ██/██/20██. Subject is standing on a ladder installing a chandelier. Subject loses balance and becomes entangled in the light fixture, pulling a length of electrical wiring from the ceiling. Subject is simultaneously electrocuted and strangulated in a manner that can only be described as 'morbidly comical'. During the third cycle, the subject show various levels of apprehension when starting the task, the incident is more gruesome and 'spectacular' in nature, and usually includes the discovery of the dying subject by his wife.
[Note] In this case, the mirror was observed to be missing from the home when the death was discovered. It appeared at Research Site-14 at approximately the time of subject's demise. SCP-XXX-1 had dissipated at least 15 minutes before the onset of the events depicted in SCP-XXX-k.
█████ ███████, female, 20 years old, bathroom of Room ███ in the Hotel ███████ in New York City, ██/██/1978. Victim reacts in fear from aggressor out of view and attempts to run out out of room. Unidentified male in denim jacket stabs victim once in abdomen and flees. Victim quickly falls to the floor and expires.
During the third cycle, victim is clearly inebriated and attempts to communicate with viewer before aggressor enters. After the stabbing, aggressor proceeds to [DATA REDACTED.]
[Note] It is very probable but not certain that the presence of SCP-XXX-a through m is a primary factor in the containment of SCP-XXX-1. In light of this, any testing that may be disruptive to SCP-XXX-1's behavior patterns must be approved by the site director.
[Note] As the Faraday shielding seems ineffective, and the role played by SCP-XXX-1 in these incidents is uncertain, Dr. ███████ has requested use of ███ █████ technology to attempt to contain SCP-XXX-1.
Item #: SCP-SCP-XXX Anomalous Item Beta-817
Object Class: Euclid Unclassified
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxx is currently held at Research Sector-71 and is currently contained in a concrete-walled chamber 20 x 30 meters with a ceiling height of 6 meters. The chamber has artificial lighting designed to simulate normal daylight in spectra and interval. The facilities includes live vegetation, a pool of clean water and two adjoining smaller enclosed areas. SCP-xxx is to be monitored remotely and no personnel are allowed to enter without permission from ██████.
A.I.Beta-817 is to be fitted with an explosive collar and allowed to remain on the grounds of Sector-71. Subject is to be terminated if it attempts to leave the premises or exhibits aggression towards personnel.
Security personnel are to be advised that subject's preferred diet is raw human flesh and should take appropriate precautions. Subject is to be provided with a daily diet of raw meat from cattle, sheep, or goats. On occasion, specific dietary requests from SCP-xxx are to be honored if approved by Dr ██████ or other Class 3 personnel any Class 2 on duty.
Description: SCP-xxx Beta-817 is a chimeric felinoid/humanoid. It is quite similar in appearance to a female Asiatic lion, (Panthera leo persica,) approximately 1.5 meters in height, and 2.5 meters in length and weighing 175 kg. The subject's head is very human-like, with the exception of the structure and strength of the jaw. Facial features and coloration conforms to the appearance of a person of Mediterranean descent. Subject possesses a remarkable memory and claims to speak 27 languages. Subject shows a high resistance to bacterial, toxin, and viral pathogens as well as remarkable healing abilities. Fortunately, powerful tranquilizers used in conjunction with multiple taser shots are effective in causing unconsciousness in subject. Although untested, it seems probable that a single round from a high-powered hunting rifle could easily prove fatal to subject.
Addendum: SCP-xxx Beta-817 was initially encountered by MTF Delta 5 near Göbekli Tepe, Turkey in 19██. Eight months later, subject was secured in ██████ with a loss of █ agents.
Subject seems resigned to captivity and willing to interact peacefully with Foundation personnel, but can become aggressive with little or no provocation. The creature claims to have been born in █████ over █████ years ago and is the last of her species. SCP-xxx Beta-817 fluently speaks many languages appropriate to the region and era, including Attic Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, Hittite, and Aramaic. Detailed knowledge of historical events lends some credence to this claim. Subject claims to have the ability to derive knowledge through acts of divination, of both topical and future events. The accuracy of these proclamations are debatable. Observed methods employed by subject include but are not limited to:
Extispicy: Divination from viewing the intestines and the liver of an animal or human.
Cephalomancy: Divination by examining a goat's head.
Scrying: Divination using a pool of water as a reflecting surface.
Subject is willing to perform divinations for recompense. Her preferred payment is a young healthy human, which she uses as a divining tool by examining their abdominal organs before she consumes them. Lesser divinations and historical information can be exchanged for more mundane favors, in some cases as little as referring to her as 'Enid' instead of SCP-xxx. Beta-817.
[Researcher's Note] Subject's linguistic knowlege is largely unverifiable, as most of them are lost languages. Dr █████ claims that her grasp of Aramaic is rudimentary at best. Conversely, subject's English is very good, with a distinct Appalachian accent.
[██-Month Update] After extended observation and research, Beta-817 has shown to be an astute interpreter of human body language and judge of character, but subject is not capable of unusually accurate divinations or predictions. In fact, Beta-817's accuracy is so poor that it is statistically improbable. Dr █████ has postulated that the accuracy is actually exemplary, as long as you wager in opposition to the predictions.
Excerpts of Interview logs related to divinations:
When asked about SCP-076 and SCP-073, Subject claimed no prior knowledge of them, except as literary figures. After a lengthy divination, subject claimed that; "The Cursed Brothers were not born before Bloodworth's city burned, and yet their stories are true."
"The Dragon will awaken from it's pool of pain and leave the Secure Cave when the Moon is Full and Bright."
(History Trivia:)
"Heracles really existed, but he was not the son of a god. He might as well have been, he was actually much stronger than the stories claim."
(Potential Lie:)
"That which cannot be remembered is not a threat to anyone."
"The day will come when all humans on this planet will die. It will not be by their own hand, nor by any creature or thing in the collection. Alas, I will not live to see that day."
(Inaccurate Divination/Confirmed Lie)
"The woman with the hair of fire is carrying your child but will deny it."
(History Trivia:)
"My people were in the Autumn of our culture before your race laid the first mud brick atop of another."
(History Trivia:)
"The Great Statue near the River of Life bears the likeness of my firstborn son."
"Aiode's doctor will be consumed a thousand day's hence."
"The famous creature in the lake is actually a school of fish who conspire with the locals against outsiders."
"The Orbs in the Sky existed before I was born, and will dance around each other until the End of Time."
"The Twisted Tower loves you all. Perhaps it loved us once."
"Other than myself, the most dangerous thing you have is a box of colorful toys. I find it amusing that you monkeys are too stupid to realize this."
"All of your great leaders are as human as you are."
(Potential Lie)
"I have decided that it is best that I reside with you and not leave this place."
Odd snippets and notes:
1956… Boeing B-47 Stratojets. and the fact that the one you are talking about left from Florida (Bermuda Triangle) and vanished over the Mediterranean Sea. (sunken Atlantis #37b) I am uncertain whether jet engines powered by intestinal gases helps or hinders this concept, but it does amuse me.
If I were doing it, I might have it surface in Port Everglades (Ft Lauderdale, FL) like a submarine and radio a request for political asylum. A self-aware hermit crab of a bio-tech plane from the Bermuda Triangle sounds like fun to me.
An illustrated children's storybook: laserkittens are protecting Earth from the dogmen from Sirius who are stealing our cows.
-— --- ---- ----—
Until the day that the statue awoke and called out to all its Children; "Bring all of the Unblessed unto me so they can gaze upon My countenance."
It all started with a vacation request. When SCP-208 asked if he could visit the Libyan Desert for a few weeks, he was told his unique healing skills were needed at Site-17. He then asked for an assistant to train as a substitute. A week later Bes got into SCP-222, then trained his newly created clone. "Bes Jr." turned out to be every bit as helpful as the original. Within a few months there was a Bes stationed at every major Foundation site. The deathrate dropped and morale surged. Inevitably, this in turn spawned 'Project Nightingale', an attempt to place a Bes in every major city on Earth. A small colony of Bes was founded on a small uninhabited island in Indonesia with a falsified culture and prehistory implying Egyptian origins. Video footage showed computer-generated females and adolescents added to the all-adult male population. The Bes were accepted by the world as a cousin to Homo sapiens, and they were eventually integrated into every country as healers. Although they were never great in number, they helped make the world a better place.