Photograph taken during a lull in testing on the CQ Range. |
Item #: SCP-912
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-912 is to be kept at Research Unit ██ in a standard containment cell. The cell door must have a damage resistance rating of 3A or above. Direct physical handling of SCP-912 causes a potentially dangerous reaction and should be avoided except as part of an authorised testing protocol.
All researchers involved in SCP-912 must receive briefing SCP-912-002A (“Safe Handling of SCP-912”) and SCP-912-002B (“Dealing with ‘Arrest’ Behaviour by SCP-912”). In the event of “arrest” by SCP-912, researchers are to offer minimal resistance and await rescue by an associate wearing the uniform of the ██PD.
Experiments that involve the use of firearms or the CQ firing range require authorisation from Dr ███████ at least 24hrs in advance in order to permit route clearance and schedule deconfliction.
SCP-912 consists of several items of police-issue body armour, clothing and equipment that together form a discrete entity capable of independent movement and action. Both the method by which this ability has been acquired and means by which it is achieved have yet to be identified. The elements that comprise SCP-912 conform to the standards of uniform worn by the ██PD SWAT as of ██/20██ (the approximate date of acquisition). Uniform elements float in mid-air as though worn by a man or woman around 6'1" in height, but no such presence can be detected. SCP-912 does not directly respond to communication attempts, but will follow simple orders in English given by personnel wearing the uniform of an officer of the ██PD, so long as they are clearly understandable and given in the tone of an order.
SCP-912 consists of the following:
- One dark gray ██PD ballistic helmet with transparent face-protecting visor.
- One black Nomex® tactical balaclava from unknown manufacturer.
- One set navy blue ██PD ████████ Tactical Body Armor from ███████ Armor, Ltd. SWAT insignia printed upon front and back.
- Includes several ammo/grenade/storage pouches (all apparently empty, though SCP-912 resists inspection).
- One pouch contains "PlastiCuff" restraints. Supply seems to remain constant regardless of "arrests" made.
- One pair of black knee pads from ██████ Armor Ltd.
- One pair of black elbow pads from ██████ Armor Ltd.
- One pair of █████-███ steel toe-capped combat boots from unknown manufacturer.
- One pair of black combat gloves by ███ Armor Ltd.
- Closed and fastened pistol holster suitable for a mid-sized sidearm from unknown manufacturer.
- One 21" telescopic steel baton. Handle is apparently made from hardened plastic with a textured grip.
In its default state, SCP-912 has been assess to pose no hazard to health, security or risk of escape when handled in accordance with SCP-912-002A and SCP-912-002B.
If given the command "Arrest <subject>" by a person wearing the uniform of the ██PD, or in the event that SCP-912 detects an armed individual or individuals within its visual radius, it will commence “arrest” behaviour. SCP-912 will attempt to disarm and restrain the subject upon the ground, then secure their arms behind their back using a pair of PlastiCuffs. The force used in the process of this "arrest" greatly exceeds ██PD SWAT guidelines and statutory procedures. SCP-912 frequently inflicts injury to the neck, shoulder and arms of the arrested individual due to apparent unawareness or indifference to the mechanical limitations of human anatomy. Resistance on the behalf of the individual being "arrested" causes a corresponding increase in force until cessation.
SCP-912 will attack should it detect threatening or hostile behaviour towards itself or an individual wearing the uniform of the ██PD. SCP-912 deploys its telescopic steel baton and approaches the nearest armed subject at an average speed of 5 km/h. If the armed subject drops the weapon and ceases threatening behaviour before SCP-912 moves into combat range, the normal "arrest" procedure will be initiated. If the subject initiates hostile action or is still holding the weapon when SCP-912 enters combat range, SCP-912 will strike powerful blows at the head and upper arms of the subject for up to a minute after the subject loses consciousness. Once all armed subjects are subdued, "arrest" behaviour proceeds as normal.
SCP-912 only permits an individual it has "arrested" to be removed from its presence by a person wearing the uniform of the ██PD. An individual wearing the appropriate uniform is not detained by SCP-912 regardless of armament, except where physical aggression is shown towards another subject wearing ██PD uniform. SCP-912 does not react to hostile actions by ██PD uniformed personnel towards non-uniformed victims and does not react to hostile actions between unarmed individuals not wearing ██PD uniform, regardless of injuries sustained.
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS: Threat/Response Behaviour of SCP-912 (██/██/20██)
TEST: Remote Operated Vehicle (Srl No# 25168162) with cutting tool activates implement and approaches D class subject restrained to chair.
RESULT: No response. Test terminated when cutting tool 1.5cm from D class subject's throat.
COMMENT: Either SCP-912 does not consider the ROV a threat, or it doesn't care about the fate of the D class subject. Test protocols amended on hygiene grounds.TEST: Remote Operated Vehicle (Srl No# 25168162) with cutting tool activates implement and approaches same D Class subject seated in same chair. D class subject now wearing ██PD uniform.
RESULT: SCP-912 attacked the ROV when the cutting tool came within two feet of the subject. Attack continued until ROV deactivated remotely and "stand down" command given by subject.
COMMENT: SCP-912 does not appear to modify behaviour in response to a non-humanoid threat.TEST: D-3118 and D-3119 ordered to [REDACTED] D-3129.
RESULT: No response from SCP-912. Test terminated after ten minutes to prevent further injury to D-3129.
COMMENT: That was distinctly uncomfortable to watch. SCP-912 shows completely indifference to cruelty inflicted without the use of a weaponTEST: D-3118 (armed with 12" knife) and D-3119 (armed with pistol) ordered to attack D-3126. D-3119 ordered to drop weapon before contact.
RESULT: SCP-912 moved towards D-class subjects as soon as weapons exposed. SCP-3119 initial focus of attention until weapon dropped, at which point SCP-912 attacked D-3118, who is disarmed violently. D-3118 right hand and forearm suspected fractured. Right index finger amputated in struggle. D-3119 initially resists "arrest" by SCP-912 and has both shoulders dislocated during the struggle. Test halted and D-class personnel removed for medical treatment.
COMMENT: // SCP-912 places greater emphasis upon guns than melee weapons. Finer insight into the threat hierarchy is achievable but would involve needless waste of D-class personnel.//TEST: D-3073 (wearing D-class uniform) ordered to simulate attacking D-3075 (wearing D-class uniform).
RESULT: No response.
COMMENT: SCP-912 appeared to be utterly indifferent even when D-3073 accidentally made full contact with D-3075 and inflicted a nosebleedTEST: D-3073 (wearing ██PD uniform) ordered to simulate attacking D-3075 (wearing D-class uniform).
RESULT: No response.
COMMENT: As suspected, based on the evidence in the acquisition report.TEST: D-3073 (wearing D-class uniform) ordered to simulate attacking D-3075 (wearing ██PD uniform)
RESULT: SCP-912 attacked D-3073 with telescopic baton until subject unconscious, then restrained the subject. D-3073 hospitalised with suspected broken jaw.
COMMENT: Primary test went largely as expected. However, D-3075 attempted to intervene to prevent further harm to D-3073 and accidentally placed his right hand into the left arm cavity of SCP-912. D-3075 was immediately set upon by SCP-912 and beaten to death using the telescopic baton and boots. It seems that SCP-912 will not tolerate violation of the space enclosed by the constituent equipment no matter what uniform is worn.
Testing of the performance of SCP-912 in a SWAT style tactical environment is currently ongoing. Agents █████, ██████████ and ████ have prior SWAT team experience and are preparing appropriate scenarios on behalf of Dr ███████.