Content in Progress
SCP-XXXX prepared for shipment to Site-19 |
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As of 03/10/2009, in accordance with protocol Mekler-06, SCP-XXXX has been removed from its original storage safe within Site-19, and is currently held at Site-76 within a reinforced containment cell meeting all construction requirements outlined in Document XXXX-04-EPSIR.
SCP-XXXX is to be stored in containment cell reinforced with 2cm of concrete and installed with two (2) air-handling ventilation units and four (4) ceiling-mounted surveillance cameras. [We’re also going to chain the damn thing down and bolt it to the floor so it can’t run around, herp]. SCP-XXXX’s containment cell and bindings are to be checked twice daily for structural weakness.
A team of two (2) level 1 personnel must be present at SCP-XXXX’s monitoring station at all times. Daily reports of the containment cell’s ambient temperature and video surveillance records are to be compiled and presented to level 2 personnel overseeing SCP-XXXX's containment.
No electrical devices are allowed within SCP-XXXX’s containment cell at any time. Staff with level 2 clearance planning to conduct research on SCP-XXXX may waive this security requirement by filling out a URT9-form and gaining the written approval of at least two (2) level 4 personnel.
Description: SCP-XXXX is structurally identical to a white 1964 Fairbanks Moorse ███-███ model standby diesel generator set. The 3600kg device has a width of [Xm], a length of [Ym], and a height of [Zm]. Despite the presence of a diesel fill-spout and an operating assembly for both engine and generator, SCP-XXXX requires neither fuel nor input to function, and otherwise fails to respond to its control. The assembly’s fifteen (15) gauges likewise seem nonfunctional.
Though typically inactive, SCP-XXXX has been observed to activate spontaneously and generate electricity for several hours before returning to rest. While active, the output cables connected to the generator are to be considered live and dangerous. Though evidently driven by an eight (8) cylinder diesel engine, the ambient temperature of SCP-XXXX's containment cell drops considerably while it runs. The blue smoke expelled from the generator's exhaust vents has been identified as a mundane carbon monoxide gas mixture through chemical analysis, though its distinct odor of burning human flesh remains unexplained. While at rest, SCP-XXXX shows none of the aforementioned abnormalities.
Electrical devices connected in circuit with SCP-XXXX, designated SCP-XXXX-1, often undergo unpredictable structural and functional modifications. While these changes occur inconsistently, even simple electric appliances connected to SCP-XXXX’s load wires have been observed animating, attacking Foundation personnel, altering in size and shape, and exploding by unknown means. Most SCP-XXXX-1 separated from SCP-XXXX cease functioning or revert to their original state within three (3) minutes, though research personnel have documented instances where gross structural alterations remain for several hours after disconnecting.
[I may add some account of the SCP's discovery here if the page has room.]
Addendum XXXX-01: Since its initial containment within Site-19 ██ months ago, SCP-XXXX has undergone a series of qualitative changes that remain unexplained. Most notably, SCP-XXXX has developed three (3) pairs of jointed steel appendages that it uses for locomotion while functioning. An analysis of Site-19 storage surveillance records collected from ██/██/████ to ██/██/████ has revealed an informative account of the limbs' gradual development along the generator's base. These appendages, measuring 5cm in diameter, capably bear SCP-XXXX's weight, despite the insufficient structural support they should theoretically provide. Though SCP-XXXX typically paces about its storage unit aimlessly, the generator reacts to Foundation personnel with a degree of direct hostility suggestive of as-of-yet undiscovered perceptual mechanisms. Thus far, █ staff members have been treated for severe bludgeoning trauma received during daily maintenance routines, and an official request to update SCP-XXXX’s containment procedures has been filed.
SCP-XXXX has also undergone several less dramatic changes since its containment. While in active states, SCP-XXXX has gradually grown colder, lowering to temperatures of approximately 10°C. The smoke issued from SCP-XXXX has steadily grown thick and black, and despite no apparent chemical changes, its distinct odor has intensified considerably. Though SCP-XXXX previously ran without generating much noise, it has begun to produce a throbbing high-pitched whine atypical for a generator of its apparent build. [This paragraph needs a lot of work, especially with tense]
In addition, the mutations characterizing SCP-XXXX-1 appear to endure longer than previously recorded after disconnecting from SCP-XXXX; even simple electrical devices have remained animate for several hours after separation. Furthermore, active SCP-XXXX-1 have grown increasing hostile towards Foundation staff in behavior and function, causing to an alarming large injury rate to build up over the past few weeks.
Personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX monitor duties are to remain on heightened alert, and should report any abnormal behavior to their superiors immediately.
Addendum XXXX-02: Containment procedures have undergone full revision following SCP-XXXX’s escape from its low-security storage cell in Site-19 (see Incident Report ███████). SCP-XXXX has since been officially stripped of its Safe status and approved for Euclid classification. More stringent experimental restrictions have been imposed to prevent further incidents.
SCP-XXXX has been scheduled for relocation to Site-76 via Foundation transport trailer #12-XB9 on ██/██/████. At Site-76 SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a concrete-reinforced containment cell installed with two (2) air-handling ventilation units and four (4) ceiling-mounted surveillance cameras. [We’re also going to chain the damn thing up so it can’t run around, durr]. SCP-XXXX’s containment cell and bindings are to be manually checked twice a day for structural deterioration. Even while inactive, SCP-XXXX is to be handled with caution. [Move this to containment procedures]
Addendum XXXX-03: A full account of the electrical devices tested with SCP-XXXX prior to its relocation is published in Experiment Log XXXX-EG8. A record of Site-19 tests with biological circuits is published in Experiment Log XXXX-Q9. Recent tests conducted since SCP-XXXX's transfer to Site-76 are recorded in Experiment Log XXXX-NEL01 (I'll likely get rid of this addendum and work the information into the main article)
Fluff Files
Experiment Log XXXX-T8
Head of Research: Stephanie Dufau
Research Team: Chai-Youn Kim, Neal J. Gorman, and Travis E. Dorsch
Publication Date: ??/??/2010
The following is a report of all test subjects that have developed consistent SCP-XXXX-1 characteristics on more than 15% of all trials with like subjects. Unless otherwise noted, tests were terminated utilizing protocol Det-7 (reviewed under the “Methods and Procedures” section of Document T8-Madeupname). [These are also tests run on typical electrical equipment, and most of them were run at Site-19]
Test Code: ETE-01
Date: ██/██/████
Subjects: Seven (7) industrial analog multimeters
Results: Three SCP-XXXX-1 developed
Comments: All tested digital electrical measuring equipment failed to function when connected in circuit with SCP-XXXX.
Test Code: HHA-03
Date: ██/██/████
Subjects: Thirty (30) 60 watt incandescent light bulbs
Test: HHA-05
Date: ██/██/████
Dr. Satomi's Note: (Cumming soon)
Experiment Log XXXX-Q9
Heads of Research: Chai-Youn Kim and Neal J. Gorman
Research Team: Harold D. Goldstein, Hillary C. Volkman, Rhea Pajak, and Steven R. Gleitman
Publication Date: ??/??/2009
Test Code:
Date: ██/██/████
Experiment Log XXXX-NEL01
Heads of Research: Arthur G. Roak and Stephanie Dufau
Research Team: Hadas Shintel, Ira A. Noven, [Redacted], Robert A. Traxler, Steven R. Gleitman, Susan O. Heinstahl, and Willem J.E. Elliot
Publication Date: ??/??/2011
Test Code:
Date: ██/██/████