This is my horrible attempts at stories and SCPs in order of creation.
SCP-1325 |
Item #: SCP-1325
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1325 is to be stored in a 30 cm X 30 cm X 30 cm climate controlled safe at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius and 70% humidity via a humidor system to protect SCP-1325 from age-related degradation. This safe shall be stored in a 3 m X 5 m X 5 m room which shall be furnished with a single table, two chairs, one box of large gloves and a pipe cleaning set to be replaced when needed. Any personnel handling SCP-1325 that are not actively experimenting with it must use the provided gloves to avoid direct contact with SCP-1325. The interior of the room to house SCP-1325 shall be monitored by two security cameras.
As per Document-3315- STAHR-2a, experimentation requests require O-5 approval and are reviewed on a special basis due to the unique history of SCP-1325 and the extreme physical and mental health risks associated with its research. SCP-1325 may only be stored at Storage Site 23. Those applying to research SCP-1325 require a 6 month minimum commitment with the possibility for only one extension; there may only be one researcher at a time. Consideration requires at least a Level 4 clearance and routine psychological evaluation with a full spectrum polygraph examination.
Upon clearing both the psychology evaluation and polygraph examination, a health evaluation and a behavioral evaluation will be preformed; evaluation scores of 90% or higher are required to obtain the position and will be cleared to preform any research.
Cleaning is to be conducted twice a week and 3 hours after experimentation procedures, by O5 designated Level 3 personnel who are familiar with pipe care and maintenance and undergo the same examinations and evaluations as researcher position.
After Incident 1325-1a Class D personnel, are not allowed to handle SCP-1325. Personnel who fail the psychological evaluation and polygraph are also not allowed to handle SCP-1325 [See attached incidents report.]
Cross-testing involving SCP-1325 is prohibited without exception.
Description: SCP-1325, is a tobacco pipe with a stylized talon holding an orb at the chamber of the pipe, bearing an inscription in Latin along the side “summam scientiam, quoquo” (Translated from Latin to English: the greatest knowledge, at any cost.) SCP-1325 is for all appearances a normal pipe with an intricate design. However, when a being capable of sentient thought makes physical base surface to surface contact with SCP-1325, SCP-1325 absorbs all of the being's knowledge and memories without regard to context. This information is contained by the pipe and is accessibly only by the act of smoking tobacco through SCP-1325.
Once the subject has begun the smoking SCP-1325, they will immediately have access to all past data stored in the pipe from a first person perspective, as the event happened, and any information, wisdom, experience, or knowledge gleaned by sentient thought on any given subject through externally visible projections observable by third parties. Once the smoking procedure has begun, the subject must take extreme caution in what they think of. The projection's quality is directly related to the cleanliness and handling of SCP-1325; the poorer its condition or handling, the more likely the projections will become distorted or fractured.
The duration of projections are equal to twice the duration of smoking. While the duration of the projections is limited, the knowledge gained from SCP-1325 is dependent on the will of the user. The procedure shall be monitored by closed circuit camera on site by no fewer than three cleared psychologists, due to the projections' direct linkage to the mind of the researcher, and the high likelihood of personality distortion or possible loss of personality as a whole from the mental projections.
This loss of personality or personality distortion can lead to decreased mental capacity if untreated. To date, five researchers have developed dissociative identity disorder after one term researching SCP-1325. While mental disassociation is rare, more common symptoms include depression and delusions of grandeur.
In addition to psychological damages, subjects additionally suffer from premature aging. The degree of aging depends on the subject's overall health and mental state. A researcher in good health and with a positive mindset preforming research on SCP-1325 every other day for six months will on average age six years, will have a slightly weakened immune system, and possess a slightly lower pain thresh hold. This effect has been noted to be similar to that of US presidents after serving a term or air traffic controllers at busy airports. Expected respiratory damage caused by smoking of tobacco products occurs as normal. To date 3592 people have used SCP-1325 and 813 have been Foundation officials.
Incident Report 1325 1a: At 430Z 4/10/19██, one class D personnel D-23781 , entered the SCP-1325 holding room to conduct cleaning activity as assignment detail. Five minutes into cleaning procedure, SCP-███ containment failed and both Level 3 personnel associated with guarding D-23781 were dispatched to handle the containment failure. D-23781 was ordered to stay in the holding room until the all clear was given. At 440Z, while containment was still underway, D-23781 proceeded to reveal the following objects; four smuggled cigarettes, a smuggled zippo style lighter and a smuggled improvised knife made of an unknown material. By 445Z, D-23781 had taken all tobacco from the cigarettes and inserted it in SCP-1325. Within the same minute, D-23781 had started to smoke and a projection was formed, later to be found consistent as known memetic hazard SCP-████ (Dr.████: most likely compromise of SCP 1325 by said hazard) which then, caused all officers watching surveillance footage to lose consciousness.
By 500Z, D-23781 had finished smoking from SCP-1325, had gone through 45 individual memories including the first memory accessible in SCP-1325, and had tossed it aside slightly damaging the pipe. Three minutes later, D-23781 proceeded to the nearby exit and entered the nearby hallway. At 510Z, D-23781 proceeded to stab a nearby guard. The guard was responding to the containment breach and did not notice D-23781. He then stole the guard's key chain and used it to gain access to a nearby containment safe for SCP-███ and removed it. One minute later, D-23781 removed all clothing from the guard and pulled his body into a nearby janitor closet. At 515Z, D-23781 exited the closet, locked it walked towards the nearest wall and used SCP-███ to improvise an exit. D-23781 was found two months later from an unrelated violent crime and SCP-███ was recovered.
Later research on SCP-1325 would show that D-23781 had planned for this event after a previous SCP-███ containment failure.