Tale background information
Dr. Amy Valence, age 38, researcher at Site 32 (north pole), specifically SCP-037. Sarcastic, extroverted, curious. Her knowledge in electromagnetic manipulation got her a call to assist with a new SCP discovery on the opposite end of the planet, Antarctica.
Arrives with two other important characters:
Dr. Ethan Rathers, age 44, extradimensional researcher, formally at site-122, studying SCP-1322. Quick tempo of speaking, jittery, dry humor.
Dr. Tabor Wallace, age 39, xenobiologist and researcher, former work undisclosed. Quiet, distracted, intense.
Destination is a dimensional rift, which was discovered by Russian scientists near (-81°, -108°), part of the western Antarctica mountain range containing Mt. Tyree. The original disappearances were of the scientists, who measured strange magnetic fluctuations that no natural process could explain. After two teams failed to return, the Foundation was alerted and sent a team of soldiers and scientists to investigate.
As a temporary station was set up near by, the soldiers were equipped with GPS trackers. Approaching the known location of the magnetic disturbance, they reported light and inward-blowing winds. Soon after, their GPS tracker signals vanished, prompting immediate calls to O5 regarding a newly discovered dimensional disturbance. Site-42 was designated and quickly constructed around the anomaly. Relocations of Dr. Valence, Dr. Rathers, and Dr. Wallace were arranged, as well as additional combat teams.
The story is told in 3rd person, focusing primarily on Dr. Valence and her interactions, thoughts, and actions.