Photograph 1a |
Item #: SCP-1943
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1943 is to be kept within a standard sturdy-construction Site 19 container, with soundproof padding on the inner walls, ceiling, floor and door.
Soundproof padding is replaced monthly by two staff members of class D-X1943, who will also inspect walls and door for structural damage. Four staff members of class D-X1943 armed with flaming torches are to stand guard within the container while this procedure is performed. Any signs of damage must be reported immediately to the most senior staff member currently on duty.
SCP-1943 should only be approached with extreme caution and at least two (2) flaming torches. Under no circumstances are D-class personnel other than D-X1943 class personnel to be allowed in SCP-1943’s container.
Description: SCP-1943 is a collection of thirty-two (32) varying sizes of rectangular MDF boards, dyed dark brown. At first glance it resembles the component parts of a self-assembly bookcase, or possibly a wardrobe. However close inspection and extensive discussion of photographs of SCP-1943 has determined that no useful item of furniture could be constructed from it without many components left over. The component parts of SCP-1943 can move independently through the air. SCP-1943 can understand human speech in English and Swedish, and is capable of communication by spelling out letters with its component parts.
Addendum: SCP-1943 was originally found in a residential home after relatives of the homeowner, Mr. E, alerted the police of his disappearance. When police arrived it was quickly noticed that SCP-1943 was arranged in a formation that both defied the laws of physics, and spelled out the word “HELP,” and the Foundation was contacted.
Officer J__ took the photograph labelled as Photograph 1a above on her arrival at the scene, which was relayed to the Foundation incident duty officer. Officer J_ was never heard from again. Officer Y_, her partner, also disappeared.
Two additional boards not shown in the original photograph were found at the scene by E-class personnel who arrived to transport SCP-1943 to its current home (see photograph 1b.) It is speculated that the additional boards were originally Officer J_ and Officer Y_.
SCP-1943 was docile and co-operative during transportation. Upon arrival at Site 19 it proved willing to communicate with Foundation researchers.
Since Incident-1943-1 this is no longer the case.
Researcher sits on the floor in front of SCP-1943 and speaks to it.
Researcher: Did you eat Officer J_?
SCP-1943: (Spells out NO!!!)
Researcher: Is Officer J_ now a part of you?
SCP-1943: YES
Researcher: Were all your components once human beings?
SCP-1943: (hesitates. Appears to be having an internal battle as its components hit each other.)
Researcher : Is Mr E_ now a part of you?
SCP-1943: YES
Researcher___ leaves container.
D-1943-05 sits on the floor in front of SCP-1943. A hammer and three (3) nails are next to him. He is wearing an earpiece.
Researcher (through earpiece:) Pick up one of the boards.
D-1943-05: They’re moving by themselves.
Researcher __: They’re moving slowly. Just pick one up.
D-1943-05 picks up a board.
Researcher _: Now pick up the hammer, and hammer a nail through the board.
SCP-1943 spells out DON’T.
D-1943-05: I don’t want to. It says DON’T.
Researcher ___: Just do it. You know the consequences for disobedience.
D-1943-05 hammers a nail through the board, holding it down to prevent escape
SCP-1943: OW OW
D-1943-05: Ow, it hurts! Oh my god, that’s hurting me.
D-1943-05 drops the hammer.
A component of SCP-1943 moves to cover the camera. Camera is obscured for twenty-three (23) seconds.
The view from the camera is now unobstructed.
D-1943-05 is no longer in the container. An additional MDF board lies on the ground next to the hammer and nails.
SCP-1943 spells out STUPID.
SCP-1943 appears agitated.
Currently it is spelling out the phrase D-CLASS. It has been spelling out the phrase D-CLASS for fourteen (14) minutes. Prior to that it hurled itself against the walls and floor of its container for thirty-two (32) minutes.
In order of frequency, the words and phrases most frequently spelled on the SCP-1943 camera feed since Incident 1943-1 are:
6. POO!!!!
Speculation: the former D-1943-05 is having a negative influence on SCP-1943’s formerly co-operative attitude.
D-1943-03 has been sent to retrieve the former D-1943-05 and isolate it from other components of SCP-1943.
As D-1943-03 enters the container, the component parts of SCP-1943 begin to beat him around the head and neck. He raises his arms to cover his head.
D-1943-03: Help! Stop! Please oh god stop.
SCP-1943 stops.
SCP-1943 spells out JOIN.
SCP-1943 spells out UNITY.
SCP-1943 spells out KILL.
SCP-1943 spells out THEM.
SCP-1943 spells out ALL!!!
D-1943-03: Fuck, yeah. (screaming into microphone) Fuck you all! You pieces of shit, you crazy psychos, you murdering scum, you killers, you (inaudible.)
A component of SCP-1943 moves to cover the camera for fifteen (15) seconds. When the view from the camera is no longer obscured, D-1943-03 is no longer in the container.
SCP 1943 is spelling out D-CLASS
SCP-1943 is spelling out UNITY.
SCP-1943 is spelling out DIE! DIE!
Agreed: that it is a positive development that we have discovered it’s afraid of fire.
Agreed: that there’s no point in reinstalling the camera if it’s just going to keep smashing them.
Agreed: that we have to do something about all the damn noise it keeps making.
Agreed: that no D-class staff should go in there.
Agreed: that no one not D-class should go in there.
Agreed: that we can’t just set fire to the damn thing due to the risk of simulation scenario EJ-1609/1943-1, wherein said action results in an extremely hostile telekinetic cloud of fine ash.
Agreed: that on the basis of simulation scenario EJ-1609/1943-2, we should take action to prevent SCP-1943 from smashing itself into dangerous telekinetic splinters.
Agreed with one (1) dissenting: that Researcher should be censured and brought to the attention of the Ethics Committee, because that was just stupid.
D-X1943 staff are to be recruited solely from the ranks of former Foundation staff who have been censured and reassigned to D-class by the Ethics Committee for excessive and unwarranted cruelty, particularly towards D-class staff.
As this is a relatively rare occurrence, D-X1943 staff are not terminated at the end of the month, but only when suitable replacements become available.
D-X1943 staff are to be given privileges over and above other D-class staff, including
1) an extra helping of dessert
2) a gold star to wear on their uniforms
3) being referred to as “sir” or “madam” by other D-class staff, on pain of termination.
4) “unofficial” rights to demand sexual favors from other D-class staff.
D-X1943 staff are to train at the procedure of rapidly and efficiently stripping and reinstalling soundproof padding for at least three (3) hours per day.
D-X1943 staff are to undergo monthly psychological testing to ensure that they remain contemptuous of other D-class staff.