Bobo's SCP-XXXX sandbox
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter
SCP-XXXX within the Foege solution

Special Containment Procedures: The SCP-XXXX sample is to be immersed and frozen in the Foege solution (see Addendum Foege) while sealed within a Bio-hazard Level 4 negative pressure environment. In addition to the standard features of the containment, two additional airlocks are required, separating an on-hand screening and toxicology area and two more decontamination showers. One shower is to be used to remove all organic matter from the exterior of the space suits before entering containment. All suits must be positive pressure suits with outboard ventilation. SCP-XXXX is to be combined with the Foege solution at all times unless further authorization is granted. The solution is not a permanent inhibitor and must be replaced weekly. An emergency incineration system is to be in place in case of a breach.

Description: Under scrutiny, SCP-XXXX is structurally similar to members of the ████████ genus. Like the ████████ genus, SCP-XXXX utilizes spores extensively but unlike them does not create endospores, so the bacteria relies more heavily on hosts for propagation. This is likely due to its unique kinetic properties. SCP-XXXX somehow creates internal vibrations that do not harm itself and are used as a means of propagation. There are no recorded instances of the amount of organic fuel required to produce such vibrations being met. No accurate method for measuring the pathogen's vibration amplitude or hertz has been discovered. This being the case, the abilities of SCP-XXXX are measured through symptoms. The kinetic energy is the most prominent root of the pathogen's destructive capabilities, making it extremely difficult to contain without the necessary equipment. The bacteria has been observed eating through rubber, wood, and metal at varying rates along with many others materials, including those used for Bio-hazard containment. When not combined with the Foege solution the bacteria rarely ever settle, maintaining an airborne state and forming clouds of spores. Long-term exposure to spore clouds, even when wearing protective equipment, is hazardous to an individual's health. Some of the symptoms documented include musculature pain and dystrophy, blindness, and loss of motor control. The bacteria and the spores it creates are microscopic but do become visible when enough are present, forming grey clouds. While in contact with the solution, SCP-XXXX appears as a soft grey powder.

An infection within a living organism always results in a catastrophic amount of cellular damage, with a fatality rate of 100%. Depending on the species of the organism infected, the bacteria show different paths and rates of consumption.

The method that the bacteria uses to spread throughout the body is not dictated by the natural systems of the host like conventional pathogens. The circulatory system delivers the bacteria throughout the body easily, but the energy that the pathogen possesses acts as propulsion and gives the bacteria open access to the body's systems, also giving it surgical precision in its efforts.

Once exposed to the bacteria or its spores, a human host will begin to show symptoms at 3 to 5 days after exposure. Due to the unpredictable nature of the bacteria, the infected are to be considered contagious 24 hours after exposure. The progression of symptoms is rapid, reaching stage 6 after 7 to 13 days. The 6 stages are a collection of major symptoms excluding xxx minor ones.

Stage 1: After 3 days the subject becomes symptomatic, showing the early signs of infection: coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath. The bacteria has begun reproducing in the lungs and releasing spores through respiration.

Stage 2: Excessive sweating begins, releasing spores through the pores of the skin which take flight when exposed to air. Diarrhea becomes prominent at this point. All stool is heavily infected with SCP-XXXX. Transmission through physical contact is possible at this time.

Stage 3: Spore-laced vomiting, mental fatigue, an unusual attraction towards groups, trouble focusing and memory lapses, forgetfulness.

Stage 4: Paranoia, anxiety, confusion, paresthesia, emotional changes. Symptoms resulting from brain damage become more prominent.

Stage 5: Impaired cognition, aggressiveness, violent mood swings, dementia, psychosis, hallucinations. Spores are becoming visible, emerging from orifices and during respiration.

Stage 6: At this point in the infection, the body of the host begins to break down. The consumption of the brain is becoming more rapid, with the frontal lobe being consumed first, leaving the more primitive parts for last. The exterior of the infected, like the internal organs, has begun to disintegrate. Sensory organs are eventually rendered inoperable so the victim becomes aimless. This is the stage at which the host will decay until complete consumption.

Extreme caution is to be used when dealing with SCP-XXXX-positive individuals. Their behavior is unpredictable and often violent. Risk of infection is high if physical contact is made with the infected. Any personnel that comes into direct physical contact with SCP-XXXX-positive matter are to be either quarantined for research or terminated.

Addendum: Due to the sensitive positions of undercover agents involved O5 authorization is required to access Addendum Foege.

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