“I guess this is evolution to another step of sapient mammal for adjusted oneself to conform current world’s condition.” Dr. ██████
Object Class: Keter
-Containment procedures put subjects showing traits SCP-XXXX at different sites to reduce risk of convergence. They can be put in standard humanoid containment cells with no problem. A restrianing device of some kind is to be attached to them and will electrocute them if they leave containment.
-Upon detection of an individual demonstrating traits of SCP-XXXX, the individual is to be captured and put into containment. All children are to be sterilized. Associated women are to undergo pregnancy tests; if positive, they are to be put under house arrest until birth and offered monetary incentives for early abortion.
-SCP-XXXX-1 through 12 are a number of autosomal recessive genetic disorders sharing common traits.
-Subjects affected by SCP-XXXX show a strong desire to breed, strong signs of sociopathy, and improved charisma.
-Physical mutations vary, including increased muscle growth, the lack of wisdom teeth, and increased lung size.
-Homozygotes with SCP-XXXX can telepathically communicate with other homozygotes and will attempt to mate with them too, preferring those with distinct versions of SCP-XXXX.
-Analysis of individuals with the disorders shows drastic changes in one of the first twelve pairs of chromosomes.
Item #: SCP-TOAD
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be stored in a 5 cubic meter glass terrarium filled up to an 8th of an inch with water and kept at an ambient temperature of X degre. While handling SCP-
Description: SCP-Toad resembles and behaves similarly to Bufo marinis, also known as the Marine Toad or Cane Toad. SCP-Toad's exodermal mucus layer and toxin sacs contain a steroidal bufotoxin, henceforth referred to a SCP-Toad-1. When it encounters danger of any kind, SCP-Toad will squeeze its glands to violently spray toxin at a distance of up to 2 meters. SCP-Toad-1 causes numbness, redness, abrupt swelling, and other symptoms associated with common amphibian toxins. SCP-Toad-1 is also a potent hallucinogen, with subjects reporting mood swings, distorted spatial and temporal awareness, and dramatic shifts in the audio-visual perception of surroundings.
Upon being perceived by a subject affected by SCP-Toad-1, SCP-Toad will suffer various physical changes in shape, size, [DATA EXPUNGED], and color. The shifts appear to be based on the hallucinations caused by SCP-Toad-1; the affected subject is able to accurately describe the shifts occurring in the object. SCP-Toad is not limited by physical constraints in this process, gaining or losing mass, floating around without any apparent means of propulsion, and moving through solid objects as though incorporeal. Changes seem to be only physical; SCP-Toad does not show alarm at its own transformations and continues to behave as it normally would. Changes have no occurred in any other objects
Test 1
D-Toad: Just so we're clear, this frog isn't some jungle thing that kills five thousand mice with a spoonful of venom, right?
Dr. X: The chemical is not going to kill you. Just put the cloth patch on, D-Toad.
D-Toad: Ow, what the hell? You didn't tell me it's sharp!
Dr. X: If I did, would you have put it on? Gotta get the steroid in your system some way. Just look at the toad and start describing what happens.
Two and a half minutes pass before a change is observed. SCP-Toad starts to expand at its anterior end while remaining the same size at its posterior.
D-Toad: Wow, what was in that patch? The walls aren't supposed to get bigger like that. And what the hell is happening to your frog buddy? That's gross.
SCP-Toad's head rotates and detaches from its body. The head begins floating towards D-Toad.
D-Toad: No, stop. Go away, you creepy frog head. You sure I'm safe here Doc?
Dr. X: Yes.
The toad head's coloration darkens. As it reaches the glass, the mouth opens and its tongue begins to extend out through the glass, ignoring the barrier.
D-Toad: Totally safe, right?
The tongue retracts as the head clears the glass barrier. A pair of toad heads identical to SCP-Toad's emerges from the empty eye sockets. They open their mouths and begin croaking.
D-Toad: Okay, let it stop already. This is just-
The distorted SCP-Toad disappears. After a half second, it reappears approximately half a foot away from D-Toad's face.
D-Toad: Jesus Christ!
About three seconds later, D-Toad loses consciousness and SCP-Toad reverts back to its original form, falling onto the D-class's lap. SCP-Toad was subsequently returned to its enclosure.
Item #: SCP-Toad
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:SCP-Toad is to be contained in a 100 cubic meter aquarium filled to the quarter line with water. SCP-Toad-1
Description: SCP-Toad resembles Bufo Marinis, also known as the Marine Toad or Cane Toad. The species also shares the Cane Toad's voracious diet. SCP-Toad's exodermal mucus layer and toxin sacs contain a potent bufotoxin, henceforth referred to a SCP-Toad-1. When it encounters danger of any kind, SCP-Toad will
Upon exposure to SCP-Toad-1, the toxin will cause immediate swelling and redness in the area of contact. Subjects experience a burning sensation in the region. Around _ to __ minutes after initial exposure, extreme pain will subside and the skin in the afflicted area will begin to swell up into hard potrusions or warts. These blemishes will then spread outward from the initial space at an accelerating pace, eventually covering subject's entire epidermal structure. Although the protrusions are irritating and prompt subjects to scratch them, doing so will burst the pustule and send
Item #: SCP-ZZZ
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-ZZZ-2 are to be kept on slides in a refrigerated storage unit at Site _. All personal handling SCP-ZZZ-2 are to wear full-body insulation suits to prevent skin contact and the accidental state transition of SCP-ZZZ-2 specimens.
Test subjects infected with SCP-ZZZ are to be kept under Type-Z quarantine.
Description: SCP-ZZZ is a parasitic fungus adapted to cold climates. DNA analysis marks it as a member of a new genus with marked similarities to Chaemotium and other molds. Its hyphae have a internal passage with chitin lining, resembling tubes. The reproductive sporangiospores have geometrically shaped grooves connected to larger versions of the tubes; these hollows are responsible for the production of SCP-ZZZ-2 ice crystals.
Upon contact with a heat source capable of melting its medium, SCP-ZZZ-2 will extend its mycelia outwards. Most instances of SCP-ZZZ-2 do not reach a suitable host and die minutes after exposure to the elements. However, upon contact with a human's epidermis, SCP-ZZZ-2 will burrow its mycaea under the dead surface of the skin and extend its hyphae into the living cells, becoming SCP-ZZZ.
After infection, SCP-ZZZ-2 will begin growing and extending its mycea into further into the host's tissue.
Addendum [ZZZ-001]: While investigating an outbreak of SCP-ZZZ in the small town of ██████, █████, the Foundation discovered several contaminated cartons of ████████ ice cream. More investigation will be made into SCP-ZZZ-2 using ice crystal mediums other than snowflakes to spread.
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Photograph taken of SCP-YYY during retrieval after SCP-YYY-1 rendered a ███-x-███ acre space uninhabitable. |
Item #: SCP-YYY
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-YYY is to be contained within a mostly airtight chamber above Site32, with the exception of a single small vent; this feature is to insure the removal of SCP-YYY-1 from the containment unit. Five advanced filters are to be placed within the vent at periodic intervals to collect the substance and eliminate it from the atmosphere. Filters are to be emptied and checked daily for wear from [DATA EXPUNGED]. In the case of damage, they should be repaired or replaced with on-site models if necessary. SCP-YYY-1 is to be transported in airtight aluminum canisters and stored over a kilometer underground for containment and analysis. Under no circumstances is SCP-YYY to be removed from its cell.
The only entrance to SCP-YYY’s container is to be an airlock with programmed opening and shutting times. Personnel entering SCP-YYY’s containment unit should wear X-grade environmental suits at all times. All material entering or leaving SCP-YYY’s container should be checked for SCP-YYY-1. If any personnel inhale the substance, the air lock is to be immediately shut down.
At least one human under the age of seven is to be kept on-site at all times; if SCP-YYY enters a rage state, the child is to be placed in its containment cell to ride the object. Environmental protection is not recommended for this procedure. Containment of the resource is recommended; see Addendum [YYY-001].
Description: SCP-YYY is a wooden rocking horse of unknown make. Some of the features of the horse are worn down or not present, possibly due to natural phenomena or [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject will constantly form a thin layer of sawdust around itself, designated SCP-YYY-1, which can easily be blown off by the wind or other forces. Attempts at chemical analysis of SCP-YYY or SCP-YYY-1 have been unsuccessful, matching no known species of tree; the inherent risk of contamination has put most current studies at a halt, although research is still ongoing.
Inhalation of even a single grain of SCP-YYY-1 causes rapid lignification of the respiratory system cells, converting them into a brittle wood identical to the variety SCP-YYY is carved from. Victims report an increasing tightness and pain in the chest and begin to generate and dispel SCP-YYY-1 with each exhalation. After ten to twenty minutes of intense wheezing and coughing, the lungs and trachea collapse, resulting in death by suffocation. No cure has been discovered. Effects do not seem to manifest in children below the age of seven for unknown reasons.
If levels of SCP-YYY-1 in the object’s chamber rise above an unknown level, SCP-YYY will enter a rage state, indicated by rocking movements and the appearance of dark spots on the wood. Sawdust subsequently shed by SCP-YYY will The only known method to placate SCP-YYY is to place an unshielded human under the age of seven on top of the horse's back and let the child "ride" the object until it calms down.
Addendum [YYY-001]: After Incident YYY-A, the possibility of children being carriers and generators for SCP-YYY-1 is pending further investigation. Permission for use of appropriate test subjects has been granted.
Item #: SCP-1678
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Whenever SCP-1678 develops a photograph, the photograph is to be analyzed by Mobile Task Force Lambda-5 "Red Eyes" for distinguishing geographical landmarks. If any are found, Lambda-5 are to travel to the
Description: SCP-1678 is a Kodak Colorburst 100 instant photograph camera. The name "Lilah" is written in faded blue ink on the back, and there are minor scratches and marks across the object's surface. Because of its advanced age, the shutter button is stuck and the Kodamatic Instant Color Film inside has degraded and will not develop normally.
At 7 pm of each day, SCP-1678 will activate and produce a developed photograph. This activity has continued unabated for the past 9 months. While the subjects of the images differ, they tend to be of suburban family celebrations such as birthday parties and summer barbecues. The faces of the persons in the photographs correspond to those of people who live in those communities. Each photograph contains at least one instance of SCP-1678-1, often sitting or standing next to the human figures in the photograph.
SCP-1678-1 are a collection of humanoids present in SCP-1678.