Watch out for cat poop!
Item #: SCP-ABCD
Object Class: Euclid
Threat Level:
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABCD is to be guarded by the nearby Sector-28.
Description: SCP-ABCD is a toll booth, currently situated on Highway ██ outside of ███████, ██. When opened from the outside, the interior appears as an empty room,
It is occupied by SCP-ABCD-1, a sapient ursinoid superficially resembling Ursus americanus kermodei. SCP-ABCD-1 is estimated to be 2.5 meters in height, with precise measurements of height and weight being impossible due to the nature of SCP-ABCD.
seachest full of ocean
shadow puppets that come to life/can die (discolour the wall?)
brass spyglass that affects sense other than vision
lol damp space ankylosaur