Christian Wolffe
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SCP-#### at Site 23 8/29/20██
SCP-#### shortly after Foundation acquisition

Item: ####
Object Class: Safe, reclassification to Euclid requested.

Special containment Procedure: SCP #### is currently housed in a secured hanger at Site 23 located near ██████ AFB, NV.
Termination of any intruder during an active 201 event is mandatory.
A qualified Foundation flight crew consisting of 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 1 loadmaster, 1 navigator, and 1 flight engineer dressed in appropriate US Air Force uniforms and with proper identification, are to be on a 15min alert 5 min alert inside the hanger for response a 201 event. Task force Pi-23 "Prop Jockeys" has been formed for this purpose. Task Force Sigma-23 "Absent Friends" has been formed for this purpose and to ensure site security.
Following Incident 201-██ no attempt is to be made to disassemble, inspect, maintain or disable SCP-#### at any time. Non flight crew personnel are not to approach within 5 meters of SCP-#### unless authorized. Personnel are at not at any time to interfere, or allow anyone else to interfere with SCP-####, SCP-####-1 or SCP-###-2. Use of deadly force is authorized to fulfill these directives. All testing of SCP-#### is on indefinite hold per O5-██.

During an active 201 event procedure 15689-Alpha Foxtrot is to be implemented as outlined.
The alert flight crew are to enter the plane during the preflight phase. Flight crew must not interfere in any way with the operation of SCP-####. Any attempt to take control of the aircraft during a 201 event will result in loss of all personnel within the aircraft.
The Foundation flight crew are to maintain the illusion of operation of SCP #### as a normal aircraft throughout the required time. Any inquires from airtraffic control or law enforcement about the nature of the flight are to be directed to Secretary ██████ at the DHS. Any inquires from military personal about the nature of the flight are to be directed to General █████ at DOD.

Any personnel outside of the Foundation who recognize a SCP-####-1 instance are to be immediately detained, interrogated, and given Class-A amnesiacs. Any Foundation personal who recognize a SCP-####-1 instance are to be immediately transferred, given psychological testing, followed by therapy as required.
At the end of a 201 event the Foundation flight crew is to fly the aircraft back to site 23.

Description SCP-##### is a C-141 "Starlifter" Transport Aircraft tail number ████ produced by the Lockheed Aircaft Company in ████████, GA. SCP-#### came to the Foundation's attention on ██/██//19██ following an attempt to perform routine maintenance which resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED], after which the aircraft was recovered by undercover agents with in the United States Air Force

As of 2346 6 May 200█ SCP-#### is a C-17 "Globemaster-III" tail number ████. Its apperance and construction are identical in all aspects to any other C-17 save all access panels and fuel inlets are sealed with an unknown substance which has resisted all efforts to remove it. Addiontaly the rear cargo ramp cannot be operated by any conventional means. The change in SCP-#### took place in "less then an eyeblink" according to personnel observing at the time. This change appears to be due to the retirement of all C-141 aircraft from military duty. It has yet to require any maintence or fuel.
SCP-#### in its inactive state will perform as a regular aircraft, that is it requires a flight crew to man and operate it. SCP-#### is not to be removed from the hanger unless involved in a active 201 event.

During a 201 event SCP-#### will become Active. It will start its own engines, begin a warm up, and preflight phase. At this point the alert crew should board the aircraft via the personnel door. SCP-#### will then taxi to the active runway, and takeoff, all without any human intervention. It will then fly to a location where a number of US Military combat dead are awaiting transport to the US for burial. It is not known how SCP-#### acquires this information.

Any attempt to block SCP-#### from taking off or damaging it in any way will result in the creation of several [DATA EXPUNGED] hereby referred to a SPC-####-1. It is not known how or from where it generates SCP-####-1. It is thought that they are former Data Redacted. Investigation and exhumation of the [DATA EXPUNGED] lends credence to this theory.

SCP-###-1 are dressed in combat uniforms and armed with weapons consistent with [REDACTED]. SCP-####-1s seem to be fully aware of the situation, have full verbal communication, full range of human motion, and show full use of mental facilities. SCP-###-1 will not discuss their current actions, other then to attempt to convince anyone impeding SCP-#### to allow it to take off, or to stop damaging the aircraft. Attempts by high ranking military personnel to countermand SCP-####-1's current orders result in the statement that current orders are classified above the officer's level. If verbal attempts to allow the aircraft to take off fail SCP-####-1 will use military tactics, coordinated attacks, and extreme violence to ensure the take off and security of the aircraft. Gunfire and melee weapons have proven to be ineffective against SCP-####-1. Although explosives and flame based weapons have proven to be of minimal use all personnel should avoid engaging in hostilities with SCP-####-1. The aircraft will continue to generate ####-1 until the path to the runway is clear and any attempts at sabotage cease. No limit to the number of SCP-###-1 that can be manifested has been found. It has been theorized that the upper limit is 2,██████ the total number of US [DATA EXPUNGED]. If SCP-#### is allowed to proceed in its flight SCP-####-1 will not manifest.

Upon arrival at the designated pickup point the aircraft will land and taxi to the required location. Six more [REDACTED] hereby referred to as SCP-####-2 will then manifest on board at the rear of the aircraft.

SCP-####-2 differs from SCP-####-1 in that they are attired in the class A uniforms and do not seem capable of speech. SCP-###-2 will have all required documentation for the retrieval of the corpses. Review of camera footage shows that SCP-####-2 appears in between frames of film cameras and faster then digital cameras can image.

After engine shutdown the loading ramp will lower of its own accord, at this time the flight crew may exit the aircraft though the personnel door for biological functions, but should not move more the 50 meters from SCP-####. SCP-####-2s will proceed to load coffins of US combat KIA's now designated SCP-####-3 into the cargo hold rendering full military honors. Personnel at the pickup point will find all documentation in order and will be expecting the aircraft. How SCP-#### imparts this information is not known nor is it known how ####-2 always have the proper paperwork. Once the SCP-###-3 are loaded the ramp will close, flight crew must renter SCP-#### prior ramp closure. At this point SCP-####-2s take guard positions over the SCP-###-3s. Any attempt to investigate, open, or move SCP-####-3 will result [DATA EXPUNGED]. Personnel should in no way attempt to communicate with SCP-####-2.
SCP-#### will then restart its engines, perform a warm up, taxi to the active runway, take off and will fly itself to █████ AFB, Delaware or ██████ AFB, CA whichever is closer. Upon arrival at the base, the aircraft will again land itself, taxi to the proper location, and shut down. Again all documentation will be in order and military personnel will be expecting the flight. SCP-####-2 will unload and deliver the SCP-####-3 to the base morgue. Once all SCP-####-3s had been delivered, SCP-####-2 will reenter the aircraft, the ramp will close and all SCP-####-1 and SCP-####-2 generated during the event will instantly disappear, leaving no psychical evidence. This includes any wounded, incapacitated, or restrained individuals.

Following completion of unloading operations, SCP-#### will then enter its inactive state. When inactive SCP-#### does not show any effects on the human mind. Local personnel may show interest in where it came from and attempt inquiries. The flight crew should proceed to get SCP-#### airborne on a return flight to Site-23 as quickly as possible, to avoid any inquiries, or attempts at maintenance by USAF personnel.

Studies of SCP-####-3 records have found only three common threads.
One of the individuals to be returned in the flight has died as a result of protecting or saving another person or persons during a combat situation. This same individual has been awarded or is in the process of being awarded a citation for bravery. The individual has sustained wounds which result in making positive identification of the remains extremely difficult.

To date SCP-#### has entered an active state ███ times.

Addemdum ####-1 Internal Memo 02/16/198█
Look #### just wants to bring home the dead. I say let it. Getting in this things way is just asking for trouble. If it wants to it can generate so many pissed off vets that nothing on earth can stop them. I mean they do have us fucking outnumbered.-Researcher Wolffe

Addemdum ####-2 Overheard by Audio Survellence Site-23 break room 03/05/20██
Thank God we're pulling out of [REDACTED], I don't know how many more times I can make that flight and watch those guys load and unload those coffins. -Agent ███████.

Addemdum ####-3 Agent ███████ reassigned to Site-██ pending psychiatric evaluation.

Document ####-1 Personal Journal Dr Wolffe 06/17/20██
If you're reading this you're probaly wondering about incident 201-██. Well you won't find it here. Or anywhere, we expunged the whole fucking thing. Gave Class-A amnesiacs to the █ Agents that were still alive, made up some really good bullshit to feed the locals to cover the deaths and then formed Sigma-27. God help us. I told them. Only ██ people know what really happened. Personally I'll carry it to my grave. I've changed the contaiment and requested an upgrade to Euclid. We've got to let #### perform it's missions or else we'll be having to deal with pissed off, armed, trained war dead. On top of that it's the right thing to do. Those boys deserve the honor.

Addemdum ####-4 Memo to Task force Sigma 27
Following incident 201-███ no personal near or onboad SCP-#### shall make any comment with could be infered as insulting to the USA, the US Military, POTUS, DOD or the JCS.
It's really simple people. Get on the plane. Sit in the seat. Act like your flying it. Stay our of ####-2's way. Make the delivery. Keep your damn mouth shut!-Dr Wolffe.

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