SCP-1711 "mimicking" Foundation personnel. |
Item #: SCP-1711
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1711 is to be placed within a 15m x 15m x 25m container, which is to be placed within a secure area and is to be locked at all times, with the exception of research purposes. A clear, circular line of duct tape is to be placed exactly 5 metres away from the subject, to indicate the starting point of the subject’s primary effects. No personnel are permitted to step within this range without permission and supervision from a Clearance Level 3 member of staff or above. Although, upon recovery, the object was found burning on charred wood, A supply flammable objects are not compulsory for the object's containment, as the object requires nothing to burn. In the instance of research, no more than one (1) D-class personnel may enter SCP-1711's containment chamber, and is to be supervised at all times by the Clearance Level 3 member of staff that the personnel received permission from.
Description: SCP-1711 is a large bonfire, with several inexplicable anomalous traits. The object was recovered within a secluded wooded area, closest to the grounds of a renowned religious site, containing a large group of monolithic granite structures located in Alentejo, Portugal. It currently unknown as to whether the object's origin is of direct relation to these structures, but some indications suggest otherwise (See Addendum 1711-1).
SCP-1711’s primary anomalous trait is the ability to imitate and mirror the actions of any person(s) that stand within a 5-metre radius from it. Upon entry within the 5-metre radius, the flame will immediately shift its standard appearance to a figure resembling the subject interacting with the entity. Despite mirroring the exact movements of the personnel involved, the flame still maintains its "fiery" state during imitation, and the figure appears to be entirely engulfed in flame. If personnel are to come into contact with the “imitation”, the flame will not cause pain, or spread on human skin. The entity will continue imitation until the personnel steps behind the 5-metre radius, at which point the reflective figure will return to its standard fire-like form.
The site in which SCP-1711 was originally found closest to. |
Addendum 1711-1: Studies show that the constructions of the granite menhirs, which were found close to the location of SCP-1711, date back to the Neolithic Era (between 5000 and 4000 BCE). The site was most likely used for religious, celebratory or early astronomical purposes. Research conducted by the Foundation indicates that religious groups from the specified era used fire for cremation, eternal fires (used to commemorate notable occasions), and bonfires. Further research also suggests that early astronomers, especially from the specified era, had attempted to use fires to ‘make contact with the sun’. The same report also stated that due to the presumed astronomical alignment of the stone menhirs, the site’s purpose was most likely built for astronomical means, but may have been used for other reasons. There is little evidence to suggest that religion and astronomy had any correlation at the time, but it is presumed so.