Ten years. It's been ten years since I sat at my desk.
My old office, everything is dusty. Everything seems a bit off. It's not just my office though. Ten goddamn years have passed.
Ten years for everybody but me. Less than a month ago, I was sitting there, in my office, filling forms.
I am 36 years old man born 46 years ago.
The last time I saw my daughter was at her 14th birthday party and now she's a researcher at Site-18. I missed her graduation. I missed her marriage. I'm a grandfather! I'm dead for her now, she made that clear enough.
Her mother's dead. Classified stuff, hush hush. I wish I could find out exactly what happened.
My colleagues, they avoid me of course. My old research partners. Frank, Flagg, Alex, Dorian and Wilde. My friends.
We've talked of course but they were distant. Went and sat with them at the Site's cafeteria. Like trying to talk with a well knit group of buddies. I don't belong. I'm an outsider. Outcast.
Never should have stepped in that blue police box.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in a locked strongbox at Site ██'s high security vault. As of 03/03/19██, no further testing is authorized and access to SCP-XXXX is prohibited.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a steel stiletto of apparent Florentine design with a blade of triangular section. Radiometric testing dates its origin back to the middle of the 17th century. No maker's marks are present on the weapon.
SCP-XXXX functions like any other stiletto until it is used on a human being to deliver what would otherwise be a fatal blow. Piercing the heart or the lungs is usually the best way to ensure SCP-XXXX activates. The blade then become stuck into the victim as they succumb.
In 24% of cases, the victim will reanimate shortly after (within a few minutes), showing no ill effects from the blade still stuck in their back. The stiletto can be removed easily at this point leaving no detectable wounds on the victim. If reanimation doesn't occur, the stiletto can be removed easily within a similar timeframe.
Interview Log XXXX-01 (alpha)
Interviewed: Dr. Frank Wilde
Interviewer: Dr. Arthur Welbourne
Foreword: This interview was conducted a few hours after Dr. Wilde was stabbed in the back during a public conference in Chicago at the Q Center. Dr. Welbourne was attending. The perpetrator immolated himself moments later, reportedly laughing. More details about this event can be found in Field Intervention Document 1968-345.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Welbourne: Dr. Wilde, please tell me what happened earlier.
Dr. Wilde: Arthur, you can call me by my given name, we've known each other for years. Long time no see, by the way.
Dr. Welbourne: Very well, Frank. So, do tell me.
Dr. Wilde: My memory is still a bit fuzzy about this whole thing.
Dr. Welbourne: Remember getting stabbed?
Dr. Wilde: Oh yes, hard to forget. It's what happened next that's difficult to recall.
Dr. Welbourne: You got up and frightened a few dozen persons out of their minds.
Dr. Wilde: No, before that. When I was… (few seconds pause) I talked to you I think.
Dr. Welbourne: I didn't-
Dr. Wilde: I talked to your mother too. My brother, my neighbour, the postman, some high-school friend too. More.
Dr. Welbourne: Frank, you make no sense.
Dr. Wilde: I don't know. I talked to a a lot of people.
Dr. Welbourne: Frank, please. I'm not following you.
Dr. Wilde: Sorry Arthur. It's just coming back so vividly. So much of it! I was on the ground, face down I realize. But then, I was talking to some kid I had beaten up in kindergarten. We talked for a while then he went away and someone else came to talk to me. Your sister then.
Dr. Welbourne: You're telling me you were having an OBE?
Dr. Wilde: Not really, maybe, I was in places I've been before. I don't remember anymore. The people I spoke to were as I remember them. I say you with more hair.
Dr. Welbourne: And you talked to me? About what?
Dr. Wilde: What I did to you. I wronged you. And this is what we were talking about. About the girl I stole from you in College, Mathilda. You asked me why I would do such a thing. I answered the best I could and you seemed satisfied and you went on. Then, it was someone else and we went through the same thing. Then another and another.
Dr. Welbourne: And always the same thing? About what you did wrong?
Dr. Wilde: Yes, sometimes it was trivial, other times not so much. Not everyone turned away satisfied.
Dr. Welbourne: How many did you talk to?
Dr. Wilde: A few hundreds at least? Three hundred? Yeah, about that much. But then I talked to myself I think.
Dr. Welbourne: Yourself? A projection of yourself?
Dr. Wilde: I think so. Like talking to a mirror except it talked back. We had a very long discussion about things. We basically reviewed my life together. He finally smiled and then I woke up I guess.
Dr. Welbourne: This is all very interesting, Frank.
Dr. Wilde: Yes, I'm sure. Can I remove this thing out of my back now?
<End Log>
Interview Log XXXX-01 (beta)
Interviewed: Dr. Frank Wilde
Interviewer: Dr. Arthur Welbourne
Foreword: This interview was conducted a few hours after Dr. Wilde was stabbed in the back during a conference promoted by the Skeptics of Conspiracy and the Paranormal organization. Dr. Welbourne was attending. The perpetrator successfully evade security and was able to escape the conference centre. Investigation is ongoing.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Welbourne: Dr. Wilde, please tell me what happened earlier.
Dr. Wilde: Arthur, you can call me by my given name, we've known each other for years.
Dr. Welbourne: As you wish, Frank. So, can you tell me what happened earlier?
Dr. Wilde: I got stabbed, you saw it better than I did.
Dr. Welbourne: But afterwards? I checked your pulse and your pupils were unresponsive. You died over there.
Dr. Wilde: Things happened. I had, er, a good talk with myself.
Dr. Welbourne: I'm not following you on that one.
Dr. Wilde: I'm not sure I understand myself. I was laying face-down on that stage but when I turned on my side, I was somewhere else. I can't place it now but I recall recognizing it.
Dr. Welbourne: Are you telling me you were having an OBE?
Dr. Wilde: I'm not sure. It's like a dream now and I'm losing the details now. The only thing I recall strongly is having a good chat with myself.
Dr. Welbourne: Yourself?
Dr. Wilde: As if it were a mirror. I- he was looking at me pensively. I was scared but I didn't move. After a while, he started talking. He asked questions about me and what I do.
Dr. Welbourne: He asked about the foundation?
Dr. Wilde: Not directly. He was interested in me, personally. What I thought of myself. How I viewed what I did. My choices, my rationalizations, morality. We talked for a long time.
Dr. Welbourne: How long were you… over there?
Dr. Wilde: We talked for a very long time, Arthur. I really can't tell how long exactly.
Dr. Welbourne: On my side, it only took a bit over four minutes really.
Dr. Wilde: So it seems. Anyhow, after all this talking, he smiled and pointed behind me. When I turned around was back on stage, laying on my side. Felt fine so I sat up and you know the rest.
Dr. Welbourne: You scared the living shit out of me and a few others, for one.
Dr. Wilde: It goes with the job. So, what now?
Dr. Welbourne: We'll start by removing this dagger out of your back.<End Log>
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in a locked safe-deposit box inside the Safe-Class Storeroom at Site-14. Item can be requisitioned by any staff with a security clearance of 3 or above after filling Requisition Form XXXX-2b.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a satheen dark-blue ascot tie with a white polka-dot pattern in mint condition. The tie only shows itself to be out of the ordinary when worn following correct late-19th century European ballroom formal dress. Considering how "inappropriate" it would be for a woman to wear such a tie, SCP-XXXX has so far only worked when paired to a man. Whomever is wearing SCP-XXXX in these conditions have their personality slightly change to something near their own but set in an almost caricatural version of the popular "gentleman" archetype. Vocabulary is affected to an extent but not our of the subject capabilities.
This new emerging personality bound by the wearer and SCP-XXXX is not static between instances however. Different users relate to wholly different personality traits. Depending on background and preexisting personality traits, the end result may differ greatly.
Additionally, anyone else wearing a formal dress in line with the previously mentioned rules while being in the vicinity of someone correctly donning SCP-XXXX will also become affected by it in the same manner. Including women, giving them a personality near that of a highborn lady. SCP-XXXX's maximum range is consistent with the room it is located in. Working in confined spaces like a closet up and encompassing floored ballrooms in excess of 10,000.00m2.
Addendum XXXX-01: As of January 1st 1951, SCP-XXXX is to be worn during the joint new-year celebration party by the event organizer onsite. This person is to be nominated yearly by 05-█. Additional details for the event can be found in Document S14-0043. No further testing is authorized on SCP-XXXX and extreme care must be taken not to damage it.
Foundation Incinerator (retaining some of the effects of object incinerated?)
Racist Flour
FAIL button
The man who could NOT be captured on tape/photo
My little burgeoning collection of articles picked from scp-wiki.net before they were deleted. Great material for academic purposes.
By: Subject 001
Version: 10 Jul 2012, 13:59 GMT-04, 14 page revisions.
Item #: SCP-1296
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1296 is located in a room. The containment is made out of 10 cm thick concrete. The containment is not monitored by cameras, but by motion sensors. The containment is to be cleaned daily by Level 1 personnel or higher if needed. The personnel entering the room must face and clean backwards
Description: SCP-1296 is an indestructible tetrahedron. The item appears to spawn a person’s worst nightmare in front of them or makes them relive their worst nightmare by putting them in a deep sleep. The object’s effects apply when it is looked at or touched by a human. The object’s effects still apply when monitored on camera, that includes photos and videos. The item appears to only have an effect on the individual whose nightmare was spawned and the environment. However the nightmare and its effects can be seen, such as scratches and bruises. The object's could spawn a spider for example or it could spawn a 6 meter tall insect that spits acid at anything. Upon further research of the object, the tetrahedron contained an unknown substance that is black and slimy. This substance creeps away from the object spreading around the containment on a daily basis. SCP doesn’t know what the substance does rather than slither and carry the tetrahedron. SCP must clean this slime up for sanitary purposes, and so the tetrahedron doesn't breach the containment.
Addendum: SCP first came into contact with the object in 20██, in the Sahara Desert where locals were talking of a strange meteor landing just outside the city of [DATA EXPUNGED] and SCP-1296 was inside the meteor and taken into custody of SCP.
Experiment Log 1296
Experiment 1296-1: A 34 year old female enters containment and tests the object. A [DATA EXPUNGED] is spawned from the object and the female leaves the containment facility and dies 24 hours later.
Experiment 1296-2: Agent [REDACTED] enters containment and tests the object. A [DATA EXPUNGED] is created and Agent [REDACTED] is killed after Agent [REDACTED] blinks.
Experiment 1296-3: A 28 year old female enters containment and tests the object. The female starts hallucinating and has a heart attack.
Experiment 1296-4: 32 year old male enters containment and tests the object. A [DATA EXPUNGED] is spawned and the male is thrown across the room and goes into a coma. The subject dies 24 hours later
By: Mardun
Version: 12 Jul 2012, 13:27 GMT-04, 8 page revisions.
Item #: SCP-1176
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1176 is to be kept in a circular room with a floor made of sand a kilometer under the [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-1176 does not need to be directly monitored but any entrances to the room must be monitored at all times in order to keep anything from stealing SCP-1176. After the incident of D-49321, the tunnel from the containment area to the surface must be at least a two days journey to prevent anyone who drinks it to escape to the surface.
Description: SCP-1176 is a goblet approximately 30 centimeters high while the mouth has a circumference of 15 centimeters. The goblet is always filled to the brim with wine. It always fills itself from the bottom. Even when it is put upside down, SCP-1176 continues to fill itself so the flow is constant. When the wine is drunk by any sentient being, the drinker receives the inability to feel pain, strength strong enough to lift a ship, and an inability to lose blood. The consequence of drinking the wine is that the drinker will die after 48 hours by slowly turning into sand 10 minutes before the 48 hour timer ends. The wine only has effect when it is drunk straight from the cup.
It was found in the tomb of General ███ █████ in the small town of [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is rumored that the top soldiers of General ███ █████ were to drink the wine of the goblet the night before a battle to ensure victory. When the soldiers died after 48 hours, they believed they were to live with the gods, so the consequences of the drinking the wine were not seen as dangerous.
Addendum: There have only been two tests for SCP-1176. During the first test D-23040 drank from SCP-1176 and rampaged around the containment room for 48 hours before he turned to sand. During the second test 2 D class personnel (49321 and 49340) were used. Only the second test was logged.
D-49321 is a Caucasian male of average build. D-49321 is to drink from the goblet and is unarmed.
D-49340 is a Hispanic male of average build. D-49340 is armed with a handgun and is geared in a protective suit that is similar to armor.Dr. █████: Both of you please enter the containment room.
Both D class personnel enter the room
Dr. █████: D-49321, please approach SCP-1176 and drink the wine.
D-49321 drinks the wine and waits for more instructions.
D-49321: Okay, I drank it, now what?
Dr. █████: D-49340, please proceed to shoot D-49321 with the handgun you were provided with.
D-49340, a bit reluctant at first, begins to shoot. Most of the bullets enter D-49321 but he seems unharmed and begins to rush towards his attacker.
D-49321: I’ll tear you pieces!
D-49321 tears D-49340 in half and begins to rush towards the door, attempting an escape.
Dr. █████: All level 1 and above personnel, stop D-49321 from escaping to the surface. He is too dangerous.
There are no logs after D-49321 went on a rampage due to the fact that he killed all personnel in charge of SCP-1176. After the incident, security on SCP- 1176 has increased due to the risk that someone will drink the wine and rampage like D-49321 and D-23040.
Close up of SCP-1962 |
By: AvengR
Version: 112 Jul 2012, 21:20 GMT-04, 1 page revisions.
Item #: SCP-1962
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Subject is to be kept at Site-19 at all times, preferably as far away from others SCP objects as possible. As of 20/07/2012 SCP-1962 must be placed in a 5cm X 5cm X 5cm lead storage box. For every week after the aforementioned date the thickness of the lead must be increased by 3cm until storage space becomes limited, the subject should then be decommissioned or neutralized in some way. Under no circumstances should SCP-1962 be removed from its storage unit to minimise its damage output, should it react.
Description: SCP-1962 is a 0.8cm X 1cm X 2cm wisdom tooth obtained from a dentist's office in ███ , England. The subject appears to be an ordinary tooth and DNA testing has confirmed that it belonged to Mr. ███ ████ in the 1█th century. Multiple scans of the subject have made possible the identification of 15kg of hyper-dense Uranium-235 contained within its centre. This amount increases by a further 2.5kg every 7 days. All tests have shown that the outer shell for the Uranium is not in fact bone but an as of yet unidentified material.
Appendix A: The established pattern of an increasing amount of U-235 within SCP-1962 appears to be changing after █ weeks of testing. The increase is now 2.6kg per week and if this continues to increase then changes in the storage of the subject should be made accordingly.
By: Naufrageur
Version: 13 Jul 2012, 21:17 GMT, 2 page revisions.
Item #: SCP-1174
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1174 and any similar object must be placed in a large, sealed containment chamber, completely airtight, with a cooling system capable of bringing the inner chamber's temperature near conditions of absolute zero. For additional stability, the chamber needs be surrounded by electromagnetic devices. Atmospheric pressure must be as low as possible, never exceeding 337 mbar.
SCP-1174 must be monitered each hour, in an effort to secure the temperature of the chamber. Slight changes in temperature are relatively harmless, while larger shifts can be potentially life-threatening. In the presence of a large shift in temperature, staff members are instructed to open the chamber, fill it with water, close the chamber, and follow up with keeping the water cool, as to stay frozen.
Any staff member needing to manipulate, move, study, or in any case come in contact with SCP-1174 must have been informed of Protocol-1174. Protocol-1174 comes as follows:
-Enter the chamber, wearing one of the specially designed suits given at the time of instruction for Protocol-1174. This suit is seperated into two sheets, electromagnetic liquid covering the middle ground.
-Stay within 5 meters away from SCP-1174; Any contact must be made with a rubber pole given at the time of instruction for Protocal-1174. Any contact with a type of conductor with SCP-1174 can be potentially dangerous.
-If the manipulation of SCP-1174 requires movement to a new chamber, deactivate any magnetic devices in the vicinity of SCP-1174, place a magnet inside an airtight, metal container, and when SCP-1174 glows white, seal the container. When leaving the current chamber, cool the metal container down and transport it to it's new containement chamber.
-If the manipulation of SCP-1174 was mobility, release SCP-1174 into the new chamber. Proceed to create a magnetic field superior to that of the metal container's magnet, exit the chamber, seal the chamber, and cool off the room. If the manipulation was not mobility, simply cool off the room.
Description: SCP-1174 is a gas, that, while will react normally to temperature changes and pressure, and is affected by magnetic fields, possesses radical traits. When kept at temperatures near absolute zero, almost no contact with any other particles, SCP-1174 will act as a normal gas, spreading across the empty room. At this stage, SCP-1174 has no colour, odour, or taste. When the temperature rises, SCP-1174 will appear condense into a different object or person. Each time the temperature rises up approximately a half Celsius, SCP-1174 will again change forms. This behaviour is accompanied with a small sound wave each time SCP-1174 changes. At lower temperatures, SCP-1174 will assume normal, banal forms. A few tests had a spoon, a faculty member, and a music cd as forms. However, upon reaching higher temperatures, SCP-1174 will change into more violent or depressing forms. In one test, upon reaching █°C, SCP-1174 changed forms into that of a little boy with no face, with spikes wrapped around his neck and arms. When reaching█°C, it was that of a bound man with no legs or head. Each sound pulse becomes louder and louder, to the point where the form at █ °C deafened a staff member for a month. The furthest tests have gone to were █ °C, where glass in the vicinity of the testing area was shattered; the form was that of a little girl with two heads visibly sewn on, with multiple nooses around her necks, and 7 swords transpiercing her abdomen. In her hand was an identification card of [DATA EXPUNGED], a serial killer. 3 staff members were permanently deafened suffered concussions, while all staff in the vicinity were dazed, while their ears bled.
SCP-1174 has very strange inherent traits; While the visible form is in effect, passing a solid object through it will cause SCP-1174 to disperse like a gas, and to reassemble a few seconds later. Testing so far has concluded that SCP-1174 will never pass to a liquid or solid state. Injection or ingestion of SCP-1174 during it's visible form is b understood; Subjects exposed to SCP-1174 tend to develop an addiction to whatever SCP-1174 was mimicking at the time of ingestion. The addiction tends to cause victims to go on violent crime rampages, until they themselves commit suicide. One addiction case had shown a man repeatedly carving out nightshade flowers on his body, until he committed suicide by ingesting the very same type of flower. An another had a woman steal all the rubber bands from a nearby shop, and the proceed to strangle all the faculty staff with those same rubber bands. All attempts to communicate with those infected with SCP-1174 have been futile, as the subject would incessantly use their 'attributed addiction' as an answer.
By: Dr Beck does not match any existing user name
Version: 18 Jul 2012, 21:41 GMT-04, 4 page revisions.
Item #: SCP-1447
Object Class: Safe/Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: storage should consist of a modified incubation chamber kept at a consistent 305.37 Kelvin. SCP-1447 should not be handled without the authorization of Dr. Jordan Beck and/or Dr. Chris Wheaton, and only by personnel who have undergone proper sterilizing and decontamination.
Description: SCP-1447 consists of eighteen (18) uniform, glass test tubes labeled with masking tape bearing the words ‘Specs-14’ in black marker, individually designated as SCP-1447-1 through 18. Each test tube contains an average an average of 50 milliliters of a transluscent blue fluid. The fluid is pH neutral and has a viscosity of .072 Poiseuille Units. These properties are not what make 1447 of note, however.
What is truly interesting about the unidentified substance is its ability to take a subject’s physical or mental flaws and reverse them, effectively turning a perceived weakness into an actual strength.
Three previous cases of exposure have been recorded (see Acquisition, 1447-Alpha, Beta, and Gamma), with the Foundation having produced three more successful test subjects designated 1447-Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta. The subjects in question were supervised by Dr. Jordan Beck, who also initiated testing. The test subjects were specifically chosen out of a population of several hundred Class-D personnel in order to gather new data to compare to the three existing cases.
- 1447-Delta is an overweight, uncoordinated Caucasian male in his mid-twenties. He was chosen for his inability to move quickly and his difficulty controlling his movements.
- 1447-Epsilon is a middle-aged Hispanic woman with a history of hemophilia. She was chosen for her difficulty recovering from injuries.
- 1447-Zeta is a tall, thin African-American male in his late 50’s. He was chosen for his weak immune system and wide array of allergies.
The test subjects were given steady doses of SCP-1447 over the course of three weeks, the estimated extent of exposure by Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. At the end of three weeks the personnel were told to resume their daily lives for a week. At the end of the week, tests were conducted to ascertain the nature of the genetic changes theorized in Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta. As previous data indicated, the subjects had acquired anomalistic abilities:
- Delta’s balance and coordination had become highly fluid and his mobility levels had increased by 350%.
- Epsilon was found to possess accelerated regenerative abilities, recovering from normally fatal injuries ranging from a .45 caliber gunshot to the stomach to vertical knife wounds over the wrists at such a rapid rate that she showed very little distress at being injured in the first place.
- Zeta was found to be immune to most poisons, toxins, and other foreign agents. Substances tested thus far include cyanide, ricin, V-Series nerve agents, and chlorine gas.
The vials are currently under extensive research and testing is isolated to the current three subjects (pending six if recovery of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma is successful).
Acquisition: initial knowledge of SPC-1447 came to the Foundation via a water treatment ordinance posted in 19██ in [REDACTED] Township, Detroit. Three locals had admitted themselves into hospital care, fearing mental unbalance. Doctors at [REDACTED] found no sign of delusions, but did discover that the three patients had undergone benevolent mutations on a genetic level.
The first, a 33 year-old paraplegic named ████████ █████ (1447-Alpha), found that he was slowly regaining sensation in his legs, and was up and walking unassisted several hours before Foundation agents arrived for retrieval.
The second case was ██████ ████ (1447-Beta), a young girl whose records indicate she suffered Werner’s Syndrome, but according to doctors her skin was suddenly flawless and withstood penetration from a high-gauge IV needle.
The final case to emerge from [REDACTED] Township was ████ █████████ (1447-Gamma), a Vietnam veteran who was previously deemed terminally ill. █████████’s condition was soon withdrawn, as an examination revealed that his internal organs had regressed in age by approximately 20 years.
Agents were immediately dispatched to the hospital upon notification, but all three patients were already gone from the hospital, last seen on security footage leaving the hospital together in the company of man in a blue denim jacket. A retrieval effort is underway, but has yet to yield results.
The only known link between Alpha, Beta, and Gamma was found to be a local well which remained connected to only the three subjects’ houses. The well was disconnected from the city lines, and a retrieval team soon recovered a storage canister containing twenty (20) vials, two (2) of which were shattered and had entered the water supply. The remaining vials were placed into Foundation care, and the soil is checked twice annually for any trace elements.
Addendum 1447-A: after extensive debate, Dr. Beck and Dr. Wheaton have agreed that SCP-1447 is a living protein of unprecedented complexity. Further research will be conducted.
Addendum 1447-B: further testing has yielded theories of a possible connection between SCP-1447 and SCP-500. Any interconnecting data is still technically hypothetical.
Addendum 1447-C: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ANY amount of SCP-1447 be exposed to the following SCP designations:
By: Driveler
Version: 20 Jul 2012, 01:39 GMT-04, 5 page revisions.
Item #: SCP-1219
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The object must be contained within a room having no windows doors or other access's to outside.SCP-1219 should be guarded only to prevent intrusion.
Description: Object is a tiny mote of dust floating in the exact middle of the room.
Addendum:1219a Object is completely harmless and is by Foundation standards,completely banal.The only reason for its containment is to prevent other organizations from studying it.
Addendum:1219b guard comment directed to upper management: You know I'm guarding an empty room right?
(The following section was collapsible under the name [+ Authorized Personnel Only])
Authorized Personnel Only
Item #: SCP-1219
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Only the most cynical, apathetic and indifferent of Foundation personnel should be posted to guard the object.Encourage rumors that the room is in fact completely empty.Any personnel exhibiting interest in SCP-1219 must be administered Class A Amnesics.If further interest is shown, the personnel in question must be terminated.Any personnel who see,hear or come into contact with the object must be terminated.Room must be filled with pure hydrogen gas and the inside of the walls roof and floor lined with highly combustible substance.In case of a breach all combusted matter are to in no circumstance come into direct contact with personnel as they may share characteristics with SCP-1219.All those contaminated by the object and having not yet reached Stage 4 are to be terminated.All those contaminated having reached Stage 4 are to be inclosed in the exact fashion of SCP-1219's containment.All personnel having been directly involved with the capture and containment of Stage 4 affected,are to be terminated.
Description: Specific descriptions of the object have been deemed too dangerous to be documented.All that needs to be known is that it is vaguely [DATA EXPUNGED] in form. Due to the Incidents which occurred concerning personnel involved in the containment and study of the object it is theorized that SCP-1219 may have originated from our own species.The object is now considered a memetic pathogen.Contamination occurs through curiosity.Individuals contaminated by the object while develop over a course of six days in the following four stages:
Stage 1:Interest in SCP-1219 develops into fascination, affected person tries to learn as much as possible about the object.Even if the affected person could not possibly have found any information concerning the object,they while still know.
Stage 2: Affected persons begin to perceive themselves as "inferior" to the object,superficial [DATA EXPUNGED] may occur, as well as trying to inform others of SCP-1219.
Stage 3: Fascination towards SCP-1219 develops into obsession,affected persons while █████ any other person if given the opportunity.Those in stage 3 have never been observed sleeping.
Stage 4:Affected person begins heavily [DATA EXPUNGED] itself and manually [REDACTED] major parts of its anatomy using its previously █████ victims as well as using any surrounding ██████,eventually gaining ████████ similar to SCP-1219.
Addendum: Study of SCP-1219 has been found as possible cause of outbreak.As such all further study of the object are to immediately cease.All researchers involved in these studies must be administered Class A Amnesics.If further interest is shown, the personnel in question must be terminated.
Addendum Stage 2 through 4 have been shown to be capable of spreading the memetic pathogen.Advancement past Stage 1 may be prevented with proper application of Amnesics.
By: n i t r o12 does not match any existing user name
Version: 20 Jul 2012, 10:30 GMT, 22 page revisions.
Item#: SCP-1252
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
Item is to be sealed in a vacuum-sealed opaque tinted plexiglass container measuring 34000cm x 12000cm. Armed guards personnel will guard perimeter of containment facility site [REDACTED]. Any attempts to forcibly remove SCP-1252 without prior concent from at least two board members, as well as thumbprints and retina scan identification, personnel will result in forcible euthanization on site. At no point is any electrical equipment to be allowed within 25 metres of site ███████. Forcible euthanization will also be administered.
Description: SCP-1252 has been identified as being a radiation/electrical hybrid computer virus chip. It is coded at ███████ frequency and will infect all electrical equipment that it comes into contact with by fusing to it (eg. computers, kettles, irons etc.)
All recorded cases of SCP-1252 have identified that once an electrical appliance has been infected, the virus spreads from the 10mm x 58mm chip on the appliance, and the appliance, through an unknown conversion becomes what appears to be an inert form of plutonium. Though further testing needs to be conducted to validify this claim.
The process that the virus infects the appliance is as follows:
Virus infects appliance by attaching to the appliance, hereby refered to as SCP-1252-1, afterwhich anywhere between 15-20 seconds after the initial infection, a "Blue Screen of Death" typical of Microsoft format computers after a critical error or crash caused by an unfixable bug, will project itself off of the surface of the platinum portion of the appliance. Almost immediately after the first projection occurs, three gunshot-like noises can be heard before a second "Blue Screen of Death" will immediately be projected onto the nearest opposite surface, but this time with no discernable projection point, rather the space around the second object will have a blue haze surrounding it.
After the second projection has appeared, a third will appear 90 degrees east of the second projection, quickly followed by a fourth, appearing out of nothing but a blue haze, followed by another opposite it. This repeats itself until a perimeter of floating blue screens have been established. After the ring is linked, it glows bright blue and finally the matter in the circle sphere will be disintegrated using irradiated electrical charges. Everything that is in the ring will be destroyed, including the appliance it is attached to, but the chip remains completely untouched and unscathed in the crater. A distinct smell of burning hair will be present after the electrical discharge.
SCP-1252 was found in a crater that used to be part of the west wing of the
[DATA EXPUNGED] Corporation. An estimated [DATA EXPUNGED] fatalities were reported by [DATA EXPUNGED] Corporation. After which, the SCP Foundation came into possession of SCP-1252. At first it was unknown how SCP-1252 disintegrated the office building, and the first time it was contained, it was housed in an electrical magnetic lock system with 2-hour delay mechanisms. It was only then that SCP-1252 revealed its abilities and fused to the lock, it then promptly decimated all personnel within a 2km radius, an estimated ███.
The reason why The Foundation doesn't try to destroy the chip, is that we are not sure if a backup protocol is present within the chip, a protocol that will detonate the chip in the event that it becomes damaged, as markings on the chip seem to point this.
It is disturbing to note that if no obstacles stand in SCP-1252's way, the range for the ring of blue screens could continue on virtually infinitely, and the range of the disintigration would be catastrophic.