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SCP-XXXX when found

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a 3m by 3m soundproof-glass casing of at least three four inches thick, conjoined with the wall of a 9m by 7m storage room in Site █. Another room next to the main containment chamber allows entrance to the object. The object is to be kept on top of the supports it was found with. Electricity should be constantly supplied by a D/C power pack when a person enters the casing, and a single microphone should be installed next to the object. This microphone should be interconnected with 2 pairs of industrial headphones on a table next to the casing, switched off by default. SCP-XXXX must not be disassembled at this stage so that the object can be observed. Staff must always have a pair of earmuffs to hand when testing SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP–XXXX is a standard Yamaha PSR-28 keyboard. It was likely assembled in 2006, when manufacture flourished most. Labels, mostly on the middle section, have been torn off the object frantically. Most of the buttons and switches on the interface do not function except for the on/off switch and the volume slider. The keyboard stand which supports SCP–XXXX is black with seemingly no anomalous properties (experiments have been carried out showing that there is no difference to the object if the stand is separated from it (tested to a range of 30 metres).

Whenever the object is switched on, the heartbeat of the subject who switched the keyboard on becomes attuned with the notes played. If no notes are played, the heart will stop pumping blood, and the subject eventually dies. If too many notes are played within a short amount of time, the subject’s heartbeat increases rapidly and they will eventually suffer a heart attack. The heart attack will stop if the keyboard is switched off. If a white key is depressed, the heart beats once, normally. If a black key is depressed, the heart beats three times ordinarily. It does not seem to matter which of the notes or chords are chosen; the intensity of the pulse will always be the same. However, increasing the volume setting will increase the strength of pulse correspondingly. When the keyboard is switched off, the user will become unconscious for approximately a minute, but will regain consciousness with no permanent damage (not including residual damage from heart attacks) and the heart rate will return to normal imminently.

SCP–XXXX does not seem to make a notable sound. However by placing a recording device in the immediate area, the vibrations of the keyboard can be recorded and reproduced. Subjects who have survived interaction with SCP–XXXX insist that they are able to hear the object when using it, though the sounds of the keys seem muffled. The object most likely does not affect other species of animal (tested with Husky dog species). It has been confirmed that SCP-XXXX does not affect dead organisms. The object can however be used for resuscitation. When a person uses the artifact when it has already been attuned to another person, notes will affect that person. Two notes played simultaneously causes the heart to force blood out for longer than the duration of a beat - which may lead to perforation.

Addendum: Tests Carried Out:

Test A – █/██/██13

Subject: D-159
Procedure: D-159 used the object, playing the same key, once every second for 20 seconds.
Results: D-159 complained of drowsiness after 8 seconds and a strange “hum” coming from SCP-XXXX
Analysis: D-159’s heart rate decreased to 60 beats per minute. The hum has not been explained.

Test B – █/██/██13

Subject: D-159
Procedure: D-159 used the object, playing the same key, once every 2 seconds for 30 seconds.
Results: D-159 complained after 3 seconds that he felt weak and lost consciousness after 11 seconds. D-159 is now deceased.
Analysis: D-159’s heart rate decreased to 30 beats per minute.

Test C – █/██/██13

Subject: D-202 and D-203
Procedure: D-202 turned on the keyboard and D-203 was asked to play black keys as fast as he could until D-202 collapsed, then to play one key every half-second until D-202 regained consciousness.
Results: D-202 experienced a heart attack immediately. However when D-203 then played one note every half-second D-202’s heart attack stopped.
Analysis: The object appears to have few limits regarding the extent that it can affect hearbeats.1

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