This is a rewrite of a previous article focusing on a forum's interaction with a malevolent entity and each of the instigating members' demise.
There will be at least five moderators who will be logged in an SCP after-action after dying (or being mentally ravaged, your call).
user: trollerton on 01-11-2006, 10:43 AM
Eat shit and die.
Mary Sue was found sucking the [REDACTED] from her own intestines, toxic shock, yadadadada.
Edit: I'm not sure how to format the posts exactly on wikidot for the actual article. I'm thinking they can look like forum posts, or just typical quote-logs.
Anyone can participate, post in this sandbox with the format:
Username: [invented username] Date: [ xx-xx-20xx, xx:xx xM ]
[Reply to previous post]
user: USERNAME on 01-11-2006, 10:43 AM
Example and first post: POST HERE
user: dalek on 01-11-2006, 10:43 AM
The next question submitted in the [REDACTED] Moderator Threads: Ask Questions thread was submitted by greenflame34.
He asks;
How do we deal with a forum troll?
So let's begin the moderator discussion on this topic.
It should be fun, so get your popcorn out.