The following transcript was taken from a video recording of the initial experiment by Dr. ███████'s assistant. Dr. ███████ herself recorded an audio log of the experiment for her own records. Access to log can be found in file ALDR8081A
Juvenile Sus Scrofa Domestica used in experiment 1A. Dr. ███████: "Audio log one alpha. Agent Russell is to introduce a live juvenile Sus Scrofa Domestica into a web based structure, which I am tentatively labeling SCP-808-2. This is in an effort to to draw out SCP-808-1. Agent Russel, please proceed."
[Agent nervously clutches piglet which is squirming and vocalizing]
Agent Russell: "Excuse me doctor, but shouldn't a D-Class be doing this?"
Dr. ███████: "Agent Russell, as you well know our preliminary set up on site is very limited, we're restricted to the personnel and equipment we currently have here. So please, continue with the experiment."[Agent steps hesitantly towards the easternmost opening of SCP-808-1. He places swine at the lip of the structure, and sets it gently down onto the web material without releasing the pig.]
Agent Russell: [Looks questioningly at Dr. ███████.] "It's not sticking, Doc."
Dr. ███████: "Attempt to introduce it further into SCP-808-2, Mr. Russell."
Agent Russell: "You want me to … just chuck her in there?"
Dr. ███████: "That is correct Mr. Russell. Continue. "
Agent Russell: [Indecipherable mumbling].
[Agent steps back and gently tosses the piglet underhand further down the web tunnel. Pig becomes extremely distressed]
Agent Russell: "She's not sticking there either. Theres nothing's happening."
Dr. ███████: "Can you retrieve the animal?"
Agent Russell: "Well maybe if I just…" [Agent places left hand carefully onto web, pushing it lightly to test it. He then firmly places his knee onto the tunnel's material and lifts himself slowly from the floor. Web sways slightly under his weight, but holds.]
Agent Russell: "C'mere, piggy, c'mere girl!"
[Agent's hand reaches forward, barely skimming the animal. Pig retreats slowly, further back into the tunnel. Agent crawls forward enough that his entire body is inside the web.]
Agent Russell: "Gotcha! …Shit!"
[Agent's right hand is bitten by piglet. Agent loses balance and stretches out his left arm to catch himself.] "The little shit fucking bit me!" [Agent lifts his weight onto his knees, and appears to be unable to raise his left arm].Agent Russell: [Visibly shaken] "Doc? Doctor? Doctor my hands stuck."
Dr. ███████: "Mr. Russell, you can't move which hand?"
Agent Russell: [Agitated] "The left! It's stuck on the web! [skittering noises] Doctor? Doctor? What was that sound?"
[Skittering sounds increases]
Agent Russell: [Yelling] "Doctor? What the hell is that noise?"Dr. ███████: [to assistant] "Oh my… Are you filming this?"
[Several dark blurs begin to appear at outermost edges of SCP-808-2. See addendum 1A-01 for more detail.]
Agent Russell: [Hysterical] They're fast! They're fucking fast!" [incoherent yelling]
Dr. ███████: [yelling] Agent Russell do not unholster your weapon! Do not fire this is an ord-"
[two gunshots are heard]
[Agent Russell's yells cease]Dr. ███████: "The. Uh. The… creatures have neutralized Agent Russell's firing hand. They're unbelievably fast and are forming a cocoon around Mr. Russell. [To assistant] Stand back from the web! Stand back! They ah, they've completely enveloped the agent from his cranium to mid torso. His legs are still moving about. I count one, maybe two dozen…."
Dr. ███████: "They've now completely enveloped Agent Russell's body and are moving up the web… And now they're gone…"
Assistant: "Jesus Christ…. Doctor?" [motions towards pig]
Dr. ███████: "Leave the pig where it is. We're going to wait for back up and D-Class personnel before we continue with this SCP."
End of audio and transcript
Dr. ███████'s Note:
The video footage take by the lab assistant was inconclusive. Still frames from said video showed dark blurs enveloping Agent Russell when he was attacked. One frame did show a hand gripping the Agent by the throat. This appendage is believed to be covered in a stiff backed black bristles judging from the image. Limb appeared to be emaciated.
Dr. ███████'s Note:
Exoskeleton of SCP-808-1
The two shots fired by Agent Russell struck one of the SCP-808-1s that attacked him. The shots immobilized the creature, and presumably killed it.Upon discovery of the corpse I directed my assistant to recover it. The cadaver was not adhered to the web and by usage of a broom stick the assistant was able to extricate it without coming into contact with SCP-808-2 itself. Corpse was in a state reminiscent of a common spider, laid on back with legs curled into the air.
The carcass itself was extremely degraded and showed what appeared to be the exoskeleton of a Arachnid. The creature possessed forearms similar to those of a Homosapian or Hominidae. The skeletal structure of the arms merge seamlessly with the exoskeleton. No apparent grafting has been noted. DNA Testing so far has not matched any known species.