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Colony of SCP-XXX located in [DATA EXPUNGED].

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept in a hermetically sealed concrete chamber measuring 5 meters in height, width, and length, to prevent propagation. SCP-XXX is to be monitored by monochrome closed circuit security camera. In the event of the camera being blocked by a section of SCP-XXX, a team in full biological contaminant protection gear with EKG monitoring should be sent in to clear the lens. Sections of SCP-XXX acting outside of normal parameters, or missing from their positions, should be reported immediately. Colonies of SCP-XXX found outside of containment are to be immediately purged, and their locations to be noted and passed to research team SCP-XXX Gamma.

Description: SCP-XXX is a colony of insects of unknown genus and species. SCP-XXX is comprised of a head, possessing antennae, compound eyes, and a series of serrated mandibles, a thorax, with legs attached to the meso, pro, and metathorax, an abdomen with a set of hermaphroditic genitalia, and chromatophoric plating attached to the thorax. SCP-XXX uses its chromatic plating to effect a form of metachrosis in urban environments. Specifically, SCP-XXX colonies tend to mimic dried paint applied on walls. Colonies of SCP-XXX are commonly found to have replaced the paint in abandoned buildings, entering a form of hibernation wherein their metabolism slows to a crawl, and their heat signatures fall to baseline temperatures. It is theorized that their tendency to nest together, as well as the excretion of of an insulating form of latex based fecal matter, allows them to survive in colder temperatures that would normally kill insect life. This latex nesting material has been found to be the remnants of devoured paint, digested and excreted.

SCP-XXX possesses an adaptive hunting pattern, which uses the chromatophoric plating on it's back. SCP-XXX will wait until its prey has taken up residence in SCP-XXX's nest, then begin to slowly shift their color patterns. Once the prey has begun to examine SCP-XXX, the patterns are shifted to a hypnotic, dazzling display which stuns SCP-XXX's prey, leaving it helpless as the colony descends to consume it. The speed of SCP-XXX's consumption varies, based on the size of the colony and the prey. As seen in Test SCP-XXX-KEPLER 1, SCP-XXX possesses a voracious appetite, and is capable of devouring every trace of digestible material present.

A final quality of note in SCP-XXX is the tendency of colonies to expand based on the size of their nest. Examples of SCP-XXX colonies found in the wild are rarely found to inhabit more than one room of any given building, but the size of the room in question can vary greatly. In the case of Report █████████ the colony present in ██████, ███████ had grown to fill an entire warehouse.



A D-class test subject was sent into SCP-XXX's holding cell, with instructions to wait for 20 minutes.

Minutes 1-5: D-Class subject does nothing. SCP-XXX displays no reaction.

Minutes 5-7: D-Class subject paces about the room. SCP-XXX slowly begins to shift in hue.

Minutes 7: D-Class subject goes to examine nearest portion of SCP-XXX.

From here, all notations made are based off of studied recordings, as the observation group recalls nothing after minute 7.

Minutes 8-13: D-Class subject examines SCP-XXX, SCP-XXX responds by shifting its chromatophores to stun Class-D subject. Portion of SCP-XXX holds this color pattern, while the rest of the colony dis-engages from its nest to begin climbing Class-D subject. Subject appears unaware of presence of SCP-XXX on his body.

Minutes 13-20: D-Class subject becomes aware of presence of SCP-XXX, and begins striking at the nearest members of SCP-XXX with his hands. SCP-XXX immediately responds by biting into his legs. Subject is immobilized by pain, and collapses. SCP-XXX finishes swarming over his form, and proceeds to consume all material present, excluding subject's bones. SCP-XXX returns to original position and hue.

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