^^ Low-Resolution image of SCP-XXX ^^ |
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Safe Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept inside 15x15x10 cm. metal box in Storage Site-██. Under the permission of a Class-3 Personal, the object may be taken out and used for testing purposes. After use, personal that have been under direct contact are to be searched for stolen property. Under no circumstance is any part of SCP-XXX to be left out of its box after use. Hiding, sneaking, or taking any part away from the containment site will result in termination.
Description: SCP-XXX appears to be an average deck of cards, roughly 2.5 by 1 inches and contains 52 cards. All of which have normal properties except for the Jack, Queen, King, and Joker ( Hereby known to as (in order):SCP-XXX-1, SCP-XXX-2, SCP-XXX-3, SCP-XXX-4.). All four each have the ability to talk and think, although their memory spans for about roughly 1-2 weeks (See footnote). The deck dates back to the late 1980's, and so do the personalities of the four cards. They have been heard and recorded to discuss with the players about topics of the time period. Any discussion of topics past this time are waved off as a joke by said cards. (See Audio Log XXX-D) On ██/██/19██, SCP-XXX was discovered in a small home in ██████, Texas. The holder of the entity, Mr. ███████ (deceased) was unwilling to give over said entity. Excessive force was required to take the entity, leading to the death of the owner himself.
Each of the SCP's have a distinguished personality, these being listed below:
Scp-XXX-01 - Goofy; Child-like
SCP-XXX-02 - Distinguished; Fancy.
SCP-XXX-03 - Smooth; "Ladies' Man" (According to one of the D-Class personnel.)
SCP-XXX-04 - Hysterical; Sly
Addendum XXX-A: SCP-XXX class has been changed from Safe to Euclid do to Incident Report XXX-B and XXX-C (See Below). It is currently unknown if SCP-XXX has a long-term effect on the human mind, possibly a case of coercive persuasion rooting from them. Further testing is required to be sure. -Dr. ██████
Incident Report XXX-B: Dr. ███████ attempted to pull the deck quietly from containment and hide them at [DATA REDACTED]. It took little time to realize that SCP-XXX was gone. Dr. ███████ was seen with the deck of cards by his private quarters, talking and laughing with them in mindless conversation. After discovery, Dr. ███████ swore that the cards "made him do it," and that their treatment was, "unfair". Dr. ███████'s punishment is still being decided. The Joker has made several references to the incident, though it is still unknown what truly caused the problem.
Incident Report XXX-C: Dr. ████ (deceased) attempted to take and hide the deck just a week after Incident XXX-B. Dr. ████ planned on hiding the cards inside his private quarters. The Doctor was quickly caught in the act before he was able to hide them, saying many similar things Dr. ███████ has said. Shortly thereafter, Dr. ████ is undetermined as well, and further testing has been halted for █ days.