Item Description: A framed print of Dorothea Lange’s famous ‘Migrant Mother’ photograph that is invisible on every wavelength, except visible light.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ██████, California.
Current Status: In storage.
I want this, but I don’t think I’ve earned it yet.
-Junior Researcher █████.
Item Description: A magic 8-ball toy, identical to those produced by the ██████ company, except that its replies are specific to any question asked of it, indicating apparent sentience.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ██████, ██████
Current Statues: Destroyed by Agent █████, after his wife filed for divorce following his use of the object for marital advice. Remains showed no anomalous properties, although Agent █████ noted that every face of the icosahedron inside read ‘Screw you’ following destruction.
Notes: Just because it can apparently think and make decisions, doesn’t mean it can’t be bloody stupid. –Agent █████
SCP-1133 |
Intravenous Exchange:
Item #: SCP-1133
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1133 is to be kept within a secure testing chamber at Site-███, equipped with one (1) standard power socket. Samples of SCP-1133-X should be stored in an on-site bio-research vault. Both should be guarded by a minimum of one (1) armed personnel at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access.
Description: SCP-1133 resembles an ordinary, hospital-standard intravenous fluid stand. Only the infusion pump displays any anomalous properties. The tubes, stand, power supply and intravenous drip bags are entirely ordinary and can be replaced. SCP-1133 must be connected to two (2) intravenous drip bags, both of which must be empty, in order to function. Upon acquisition, a message was attached to the underside of SCP-1133: see Addendum 1133-A for details.
With the exception of the tubes passing through the infusion pump, all openings on the device are fused shut, including the rear battery compartment, requiring that SCP-1133 be connected to a standard power socket at all times. All attempts at opening SCP-1133 have so far failed, as the casing has proved remarkably resilient, such that the force required to penetrate the casing would likely cause irreparable damage to its internal components. As a result, internal examination has been postponed until primary research is complete.
The console of SCP-1133 possesses only seven (7) functional, each labelled with a corresponding number; the remainder of SCP-1133’s controls are non-functional. When supplied with power, the message ‘SELECT EXTRACTION SETTING’ will be displayed, at which point one (1) of the numbered buttons must be selected. This will cause SCP-1133 to activate, providing it is connected to a living human subject; if SCP-1133 is not connected, or connected to a cadaver or any non-human species, SCP-1133 will display the message ‘OPERATION FAILED’ and shut down.
SCP-1133-1 through SCP-1133-7 |
Once operational, SCP-1133 will begin to extract a substance, hereafter known as SCP-1133-X, from the subject, corresponding to the number chosen. This substance will accumulate in the first intravenous drip bag attached to SCP-1133. At the same time, SCP-1133 will synthesize another variety of SCP-1133-X in the second intravenous drip bag, and infuse this substance into the subject’s bloodstream. It is unknown how this process occurs, or how the variety of SCP-1133-X synthesized is determined.
Upon entering the bloodstream, SCP-1133-X either breaks down entirely or becomes completely undetectable, and upon extraction it appears to be directly synthesized from compounds in the subject’s blood. This makes it almost impossible to observe the impact of SCP-1133-X on human physiology.
However, both infusion and extraction produce changes in the behaviour of the subject which are easily observable, and are specific to each variety of SCP-1133-X. These effects are directly proportional to quantity, and whether or not the substance was infused or extracted. Because these processes can only be performed simultaneously, their combined effects are often extreme. These effects do not manifest simultaneously; the ‘extraction effect’, which is typically XXX will manifest almost immediately, whereas the ‘infusion effect’ will not be observed for several hours. Subjects are rarely aware of the changes brought about by the ‘infusion effect’, even when the subject had prior knowledge of SCP-1133’s effects.
To date, seven (7) different varieties of SCP-1133-X have been recorded, each with a distinct colour and effect, and each corresponding to a specific number on SCP-1133’s console. SCP-1133-X of all varieties will break down very quickly at room temperature, meaning samples must be refrigerated, and will also break down if introduced into any form of solution. Ingesting SCP-1133-X into the human body has a similar effect to infusion of the same variety, although lasting for only 2-4 hours, rather than being permanent, although the effect will often manifest immediately. All attempts to synthesize SCP-1133-X in laboratory conditions have so far failed. For detailed analysis of SCP-1133-X's chemical properties, please refer to Document 1133-█.
The following note was found attached to the underside of SCP-1133:
‘Having trouble controlling your little vices? Wish your friends and family were better behaved? Not anymore! Using the Intravenous Exchange ™ you can sort out anyone’s bad habits with just a touch of a button. There is an element of chance involved, but that’s what makes it fun! Are you feeling lucky?’
The possibility of a connection between SCP-1133 and either the Factory or Doctor Wondertainment is currently under investigation. However, the crude nature of SCP-1133’s design suggests it was modified from a normal intravenous fluid pump rather than manufactured, making it likely that SCP-1133 is unrelated to either.
Below is a list of the seven (7) varieties of SCP-1133-X and their effects:
Colour: Light green.
Extraction Effect: Decreased appetite. Subjects display a reduced enthusiasm for food, in extreme cases forgetting to eat to the point of starvation, although they can typically be induced to eat without the application of force.
Infusion Effect: Increased appetite. Subjects infused with sufficient quantities of SCP-1133-1 are unable to resist the compulsion to consume any form of food in the immediate area, including those normally repulsive to humans, such as rotten food, raw meat and animal feed. Subjects will frequently become violent when denied food. Several D-Class subjects infused with SCP-1133-1 have died as a result of choking or stomach ruptures caused by the sheer quantity consumed. In small amounts, SCP-1133-1 infusion has proved to improve the symptoms of eating disorders such as anorexia.
Colour: Red
Extraction Effect: Reduced aggression and increased docile behaviour. When large amounts are removed, subjects will often refuse to defend themselves, even from violent assault. Given the potential of this process to make subjects more compliant, use of SCP-1133-2 extraction in interrogations or pacification of troublesome personnel is being considered, pending further testing.
Infusion Effect: Heightened stress levels and aggressive behaviour. Those infused with large quantities of SCP-1133-2 typically become dangerous and violent, often becoming hostile towards foundation personnel. Following Incident 171-█, any experiments involving SCP-1133-2 require an additional two (2) armed security guards at all times.
Colour: Yellow
Extraction Effect: Loss of interest in money and material wealth, generally becoming indifferent to material possessions, as opposed to actively generous. Subjects will often show reduced understanding of money and financial issues, as well as reduced motivation for the completion of tasks with material rewards.
Infusion Effect: SCP-1133-3 appears to influence interest in material wealth. Subjects typically become obsessed with financial gain, often showing symptoms of kleptomania. Subjects exposed to high amounts will often become violently fixated on shiny objects, such as wristwatches or metal buttons.
Colour: Blue
Extraction Effect: Similar to SCP-1133-3, subjects become quieter and less assertive, although they will still defend themselves if faced with assault. Extraction of the maximum quantity of SCP-1133-4 has twice resulted in attempted suicide before the infusion effect begins.
Infusion Effect: Increased egotism and self-confidence. Although small infusions can lead to beneficial increases in confidence, further amounts will likely lead to narcissism and vanity, often resulting in violent attacks on any personnel the subject perceives as insulting them.
Colour: Dark Green
Extraction Effect: Subjects disinterested in the possessions of those around them. Even in large quantities SCP-1133-5 extraction seems to have comparatively few detrimental effects on subjects, although the subsequent infusion effect usually more than negates these advantages.
Infusion Effect: Increased fixation on the possessions, achievements and privileges of others, with subjects often coming to perceive all others as ‘better off’ than themselves. This has frequently resulted in uncooperative and abusive behaviour in subjects, although subjects are typically not violent, instead preferring acts of sabotage or indirect methods of inducing pain and distress in those around them.
Colour: Brown
Extraction Effect: Increased energy levels, activity and enthusiasm. In extreme cases this can result in hyperactivity and symptoms comparable to Attention Deficit Disorder, although subjects will more commonly suffer from insomnia and mental fatigue, resulting from increased physical and mental activity.
Infusion Effect: Increased levels of general apathy and reduced energy, in some cases showing symptoms similar to those of moderate to severe narcolepsy. Those subjected to high enough levels of SCP-1133-6 enter a coma-like state, and so far no attempts bar the extraction of SCP-1133-6 have proved successful in recovery.
Colour: Purple
Extraction Effect: Reduced interest in sexual activity. Those having the maximum amount extracted typically become completely disinterested and in some cases repulsed by the idea of sexual intercourse.
Infusion Effect: Increased sexual drive. In extreme cases this results in symptoms similar to clinical hypersexuality. Subjects have frequently resorted to violence in attempts to satisfy the resulting compulsions, which has made testing on the effects of SCP-1133-7 particularly troublesome.