Item #: SCP-1234
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1234 is to be kept in confinement at all times. Cell block must always be locked and secured. All cells used for SCP-1234 must be made from refined, impenetrable metal and one window with iron clad bars. If for some reason he is to be transferred, at least four personnel must escort him. Subject must not come near anyone within a radius of two meters unless granted access to.
No potential weaponry or items that could pose a threat can be brought into his cell, in the case of any attempt of breaking out or killing personnel. Anyone entering his cell, let alone going near him, must wear protective clothing at all times. After interaction, protocol requires decontamination of anyone whom was in proximity of SCP-1234.
Subject is now confined in Containment Area-██ until further action is taken. SCP-1234 requires constant surveillance throughout the night. Subject is nocturnal, and is known to wail and scratch during the night. This is considered normal, and if this behaviour changes, it requires immediate reporting to an active supervisor.
Description: SCP-1234 has the appearance of a jester, yet the skin tone and characteristics of a goblin. According to an interview, he is ███ years old. Subject’s eyes have been known to glow in the darkness, and decaying teeth are present. He is known to bear striped braces and a pyramid shaped hat. He responds to the name “Jester”.
Subject has been known to slaughter his victims using objects around him or his long fingernails. When SCP-1234’s enemies have been assimilated, Jester will use their blood and write a tally mark upon his cell wall. One, two, three, four…
Jester can scale walls using his adhesive palms, not unlike a spider effect. This was once seen during [DATA EXPUNGED].
Addendum: It seems we aren’t that different, Subject 1234. We both have some “humanity” left in us. – Dr. Nicole Berry before termination, due to contact
Interviewed: SCP-1234
Interviewer: Dr. █████████
Foreword: Introductory to the Foundation, basic protocol.
<Begin Log, [██:██pm, ██/██/████]>
** Dr. █████████:** Day one in confinement. We are meeting SCP-1234 for the first time. Surveillance is active and functioning. Let’s begin shall we? How are you 1234?
SCP-1234: <heavy breathing> I’m not surviving if that’s what you’re asking.
** Dr. █████████:** Could you please elaborate, 1234?
SCP-1234: Don’t call me that lady. Call me <cough> Jester…
** Dr. █████████:** I’m sorry 1234, protocol requires me to-
** Dr. █████████:** 1234, please relax. We are just here to help.
SCP-1234: I’ve heard that before, believe me.
** Dr. █████████:** Let’s change the subject. Do you know why you are here, 1234?
SCP-1234: Don’t we all? I’m a murderer.
** Dr. █████████:** Yes, that you are, 1234. You know it was wrong, murdering those kindergarteners in broad daylight. Had you not known you would have been caught?
SCP-1234: I don’t care of the consequences. I care about the numbers, milady…
<End Log, [[██:██pm, ██/██/████]>
Closing Statement: SCP-1234 was tranquilized after attacking Dr. █████████, who suffered minor scars to the face and neck and was immediately decontaminated.
Incident: Death
SCP involved: SCP-1234
Personnel involved: Dr. McCallum, Mr. Meital, Mr. Mobbs
Date: ██:██pm, ██/██/████
Location: Area ██
Dr. McCallum entered cell for blood test, accompanied with two Foundation personell equipped with firearms, approved by overseer. SCP-1234 was noted to drop down upon the two personnel, instantly killing them with his sharp fingernails. 1234 shuffled toward Dr. McCallum and murmured “Welcome, number ██”. Video feed goes blank after that.