Cards and Dice
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Inside Lid of SCP-<>-1

Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-<>-1 is to be stored in a locked strongbox resistant to fire within the office of Dr. <>. SCP-<>-2 and SCP-<>-3 should be stored within SCP-<>-1 when not in use. Access is permitted for all research staff and agents. A series of graphs are to be stored in the strongbox detailing the precise nature of the documented probability anomolies, and should be used by researchers.

Description: SCP-<>-1 is a United States Civil War era wooden cigar box with an image of General Stonewall Jackson on the outside and inside of the lid. The box appears to have suffered minor wear and tear, such as slight peeling of paper, yellowing, and minor tears. The box will contain SCP-<>-2 and SCP-<>-3 upon opening, regardless of whether either had been replaced before closing.

SCP-<>-2 is two decks of Bicycle brand playing cards. Both wear and style date the cards to the early 20th century. The card backing is either red or blue, and though similar to normal Bicycle playing cards, a minor deviation is always present, and is invariably grotesque. This deviation is consistent across the entire deck, and changes only when a new deck is generated. SCP-<>-2 appears to be made out of paper, but through closer examination and experimental analysis, it has been found that the paper fibers are composed of wood pulp that appears to have a mixture of plant and human DNA. The source of the card inking appears to be typical ink mixed with human plasma or blood and trace amounts of sulfur. It is unknown how the ink avoids normal wear and tear, as an identical composition was developed independently and printed on cardstock, and degraded quickly. The cards feel identical to paper. When found in the box, each deck is secured together by two rubber bands. The rubber bands do not appear to have any anomolous properties.

SCP-<>-3 is a set of six six-sided dice, which appear to be made of ivory or a similar substance. They are aged and yellowed, but structurally are generally flawless and uncracked. The pips appear drilled to a depth of one millimeter with a tapered drillbit, and are very dark black. Experimental analysis has shown that the dice are made of human bone composite, though they are not hollow. The ink used on the pips is a similar composition as the ink used in the cards, though it uses black ink as a base.

SCP-<>-2 and SCP-<>-3 share two anomolous properties. If the dice or the cards are removed from SCP-<>-1 and not replaced within 24 hours of the box opening, anything missing will seemingly have reappeared; in truth, a new instance has been generated. The materials used to generate these new instances are drawn from the person who removed the original SCPs. Though not usually fatal, repeated exposure can be hazardous to the health of the user, as more and more skin, bone and blood is removed from their body. Initial exposure causes a slight rash over much of the human body, as well as weakness and an effect similar to mild osteoporosis. Subsequent exposure can cause organ failure, what appears to be significant "burning", and extremely brittle bones. These injuries heal normally, though the experience generally causes the victim pain. Cards are generated with new grotesque imagery, and dice have slight variations with each new iteration. Additionally, any user who damages or destroys the SCPs suffers the same effect instantly, though the dice and cards themselves do not appear until the next time the box is opened. Sets of SCP-<>-2 and SCP-<>-3 that are not returned to SCP-<>-1 maintain their unusual properties until destroyed.

Both SCP-<>-2 and SCP-<>-3 also have the ability to significantly alter the probability of a winning outcome when used in games of chance. This property modifies the likelyhood of success for a player by an amount proportional to the quantity they bet. The relationship is subtle, and is relative to the other players using the SCP. As the amount bet increases, the higher the probability that a particular winning combination will arise. This is true for all currency used, from money, to pistachios to poker chips. How the value of a particular bet is determined is unknown, but most observers have agreed that it is generally accurate. The relationship, as determined experimentally, appears to be roughly exponential. The exception to this is when bets are made using extremely valuable commoditites, for example, those related to abstract concepts, such as life and emotions. In these cases, the opposite effect has been observed. The chance of user success decrease, below what would be considered normal. It is unclear how precisely the value of these are quantified against other bets.

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