SCP-XXX, folded for storage |
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept folded in a locked box measuring 70 cm by 20 cm by 15 cm and stored in a secure locker at Site-██ when not being used for experimentation. Due to cleanup costs of previous experiments, all further experimentation proposals must be approved by at least one personnel with clearance of level 3 or higher.
Description: SCP-XXX appears to be an ordinary Razor brand scooter, slightly worn from use. Wheels and handlebar grips are a standard green color. Its anomalous properties are not apparent unless the level of the handlebars is adjusted with at least one (1) foot on the deck of the scooter. Adjusting the level without feet placed on the scooter will trigger no effect. When the level is adjusted, subject's appearance will change, while also gaining or losing height. This process takes approximately two (2) minutes from handlebar adjustment to completion of transformation. See Experiment log XXX for more detailed observations.
The handlebar tube is inscribed with nine (9) grooves, and when in use, the adjusting mechanism will always slide to the nearest groove before locking. When not in use, the handlebar position will not lock unless placed at center height. SCP-XXX can be damaged, but seems to be immune to any damage caused by its own effects.
Object recovered from the city of █████████████, ██ after a string of petty thefts involving a person on a scooter seemingly vanishing after escape with a different person appearing on the scooter when discovered. Object found in an alley at █th Street at its lowest height adjustment by a Foundation agent in the area investigating a supposed sighting of SCP-███. The rider was seemingly [DATA EXPUNGED] with minor damage to buildings on either side. No coverup was needed, as there were no witnesses aside from Foundation personnel. Repairs were done to the buildings.
Experiment log XXX:
Test 1 A/B
Subjects: D-1234, D-4321
Purpose: Determine methods of function
Result A: Subject D-1234 ordered to hold the handlebars of SCP-XXX with one hand with neither foot on the deck of the object and adjust the level upwards by one click, no effect recorded. Subject ordered to place one foot on the deck of the object and adjust the level upwards by one click. Subject's appearance begins to change, gains approximately 5 cm in height. Subject describes very uncomfortable stretching pain during this growth and "disturbing" crawling sensation in skin. Subject's mass was noted to remain constant.
Result B: Experiment was repeated with Subject D-4321, with one foot on the deck and adjusting the level one click downward. Result similar to Test 1A, however subject lost approximately 5 cm in height and described a crushing pain. No change in mass recorded.
Test 2 A/B
Subjects: D-1234, D-4321
Purpose: Testing reversal of transformation.
Results: Subjects ordered to place one foot on deck of SCP-XXX after Test 1 and readjust position of handlebars back to center position. In both tests, appearances of subjects returned to normal. Pain equivalent to adjusting the handlebar the other direction was felt by each subject as appearances returned to normal.
Test 3 A/B
Subjects: D-5732, D-6609
Purpose: Testing prolonged effects of transformation when not in contact with SCP-XXX.
Result A: Subject D-5732 ordered to adjust level of handlebars by one click, after transformation was removed from SCP-XXX and placed in isolation chamber for observation. No immediate effects noted. After approximately 12 hours, subject began to complain about feeling "wrongness". After approximately 24 hours, subject began to scream about his body attacking him from the inside out. After 36 hours, subject expired, cause of death determined to be from complications resulting from subject's immune system rejecting major organs.
Result B: Same test repeated with Subject D-6609, except after 12 hours, subject brought back to SCP-XXX, ordered to adjust it back to regular level. Subject began reverse transformation. Process described as more painful than initial transformation, scarring consistent with subjects in the sixth test.
Test 4
Subject: D-7865
Purpose: Testing for differences in effect if two feet are placed on scooter instead of one foot.
Note: Due to balance issues of having two feet on a scooter and none on the ground, SCP-XXX was secured in an upright position for the duration of this experiment.
Result: Subject D-7865 ordered to place both feet on deck of SCP-XXX and adjust the handlebars by one click. Transformation was noted to be significantly faster and more painful than before, taking approximately one minute fifteen seconds instead of two minutes. No other effects were observed.
I don't know why Dr. ███ kept saying this would result in a gender swap. It didn't. - Dr. ████
Test 5 A/B
Subjects: D-1234, D-4321
Purpose: Determine results of repeated transformation and reversal cycles on subjects.
Result A: Subject D-1234 ordered to remain with one foot on the deck of SCP-XXX while adjusting the height of the handlebars every ten minutes. After two complete transform and reverse cycles, subject's skin began to scar and subject expressed that the pain was getting too great. Subject ordered to continue. After five cycles, subject stopped, and was ordered by Dr. ███ to continue. Subject refused and attempted to charge Dr. ███ using SCP-XXX as a weapon. Subject D-1234 was quickly terminated by security personnel.
Note: After the results of Test 5 A, SCP-XXX was secured to the testing floor for each subsequent test.
Result B: Subject D-4321 was given the same orders as Subject D-1234, except adjusting the handlebars every twenty minutes. Only after seven cycles did subject begin to scar and express extreme pain. Subject continued until after twenty cycles, when subject collapsed from the pain. Scar tissue was noted to be highly dense.
Test 6
Subject: D-0218
Purpose: Adjusting two clicks at once
Result: Subject D-0218 ordered to place one foot on the deck of SCP-XXX and adjust the handlebars by two clicks at once. Subject immediately began screaming about the pain as subject's body extended by approximately 15 cm. Flesh tore open, revealing the muscle below, which was quickly covered by hard scar tissue. Transformation noted to take approximately three minutes.
Test 7
Subject: D-1914
Purpose: Adjusting three clicks at once
Result: Subject D-1914 ordered to place one foot on the deck of SCP-XXX and adjust the handlebars by two clicks at once. Subject was seemingly ripped apart from the rapid transformation, while screaming in pain. Chunks of flesh and muscle were propelled around the testing area from the force of the transformation. Subject still alive after transformation, but lapsed into unconsciousness and expired within an hour.
Could we not do that again? Took the cleanup crews hours to get the gunk out of our equipment. - Dr. ███
Test 8
Subject: D-7779
Purpose: Adjusting four clicks at once
Result: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Dr. ███ and one security personnel killed, Dr. ████ severely wounded, damage to testing area determined to be not cost effective to repair, testing area abandoned.
That was… different than Experiment seven, I cannot even describe what happened. Recommending SCP-XXX be upgraded to Euclid. Dr. ████
- Upgrade to Euclid denied. Containment procedures revised. O5-█
SCP-1234, folded for storage |
Item #: SCP-1234
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1234 is to be kept folded in a locked box measuring 70 cm by 20 cm by 15 cm and stored in a secure locker at Site-██ when not being used for experimentation. Due to possible security threats from previous experiments, all further experimentation proposals must be approved by at least one personnel with clearance of level 3 or higher.
Description: SCP-1234 appears to be an ordinary Razor brand scooter, slightly worn from use. Wheels and handlebar grips are a standard green color. Its anomalous properties are not apparent unless the level of the handlebars is adjusted with at least one foot on the deck of the scooter. Adjusting the level without feet placed on the scooter will trigger no effect. When the level is adjusted, subject's physical appearance will change, while also gaining or losing height. This process takes approximately two (2) minutes from handlebar adjustment to completion of transformation. The results of the transformation often bear no resemblance to subject's original appearance, aside from gender remaining unchanged. However, as discovered during testing, subject transforms into a replica of a person who recently died in the general area, including clothes and identification that were worn in the period before death.
See Experiment log 1234 for more detailed observations.
The handlebar tube has nine grooves, with the center groove deeper than the others. When in use, the adjusting mechanism will always slide to the nearest groove before locking. When not in use, the handlebar position will not lock unless placed at center height. SCP-1234 can be damaged, but seems to be immune to any damage caused by its own effects. Due to the largely negative effects of adjusting the handlebars more than two grooves at a time, it is recommended that handlebars only be adjusted up or down one groove.
Object recovered from the city of █████████████, ██ after a string of petty thefts involving a person on a scooter seemingly vanishing after escape with a different person appearing on the scooter when discovered. Object found in an alley at █th Street at its lowest height adjustment by a Foundation agent in the area investigating a supposed sighting of SCP-███. The rider was seemingly [DATA EXPUNGED]. Minor damage to the area was reported. No coverup was needed, as there were no witnesses aside from Foundation personnel. Repairs were done to the buildings.
Experiment log 1234:
Test 1 A/B
Subjects: D-3892, D-2234
Purpose: Determine methods of function
Result A: Subject D-3892 ordered to hold the handlebars of SCP-1234 with one hand with neither foot on the deck of the object and adjust the level upwards by one click, no effect recorded. Subject ordered to place one foot on the deck of the object and adjust the level upwards by one click. Subject's appearance begins to change, gains approximately 5 cm in height. Subject describes very uncomfortable stretching pain during this growth and "disturbing" crawling sensation in skin. Subject's mass was noted to remain constant despite the apparent extra weight.
Result B: Experiment was repeated with Subject D-2234, with one foot on the deck and adjusting the level one click downward. Result similar to Test 1A, however subject lost approximately 5 cm in height and described a crushing pain. No change in mass recorded despite apparent loss in weight.
Test 2 A/B
Subjects: D-3892, D-2234
Purpose: Testing reversal of transformation.
Results: Subjects ordered to place one foot on deck of SCP-1234 after Test 1 and readjust position of handlebars back to center position. In both tests, appearances of subjects returned to normal. Subjects stated that the levels of pain felt were equivalent to the levels when adjusting the handlebar the other direction.
Test 3 A/B
Subjects: D-5732, D-6609
Purpose: Testing prolonged effects of transformation when not in contact with SCP-1234.
Result A: Subject D-5732 ordered to adjust level of handlebars by one click, after transformation was removed from SCP-1234 and placed in isolation chamber for observation. No immediate effects noted. After approximately 12 hours, subject began to complain about feeling "wrongness". Approximately 48 hours after isolation, subject began to scream about his body attacking him from the inside out. After 60 hours, subject expired, cause of death determined to be from complications resulting from subject's immune system rejecting major organs.
Result B: Same test repeated with Subject D-6609, except after 12 hours, subject brought back to SCP-1234, ordered to adjust it back to regular level. Subject began reverse transformation. Process described as more painful than initial transformation, scarring consistent with subjects in the sixth test.
Test 4
Subject: D-7865
Purpose: Testing for differences in effect if two feet are placed on scooter instead of one foot.
Note: Due to balance issues of having two feet on a scooter and none on the ground, SCP-1234 was secured in an upright position for the duration of this experiment.
Result: Subject D-7865 ordered to place both feet on deck of SCP-1234 and adjust the handlebars by one click. Transformation was noted to be significantly faster and more painful than before, taking approximately one minute fifteen seconds instead of two minutes. No other effects were observed.
Strange. The transformed D-7865 looked exactly like D-5732. This requires further experimentation. - Dr. ███
Test 5
Subject: D-0218
Purpose: Testing DNA of transformations.
Result: Subject D-0218 ordered to place one foot on deck of SCP-1234 and adjust the handlebars upwards by one click. DNA sample taken from transformed subject. DNA results sent for processing while further experimentation is continued.
Test 6 A/B
Subjects: D-3892, D-2234
Purpose: Determine results of repeated transformation and reversal cycles on subjects.
Result A: Subject D-3892 ordered to remain with one foot on the deck of SCP-1234 while adjusting the height of the handlebars every ten minutes. After two complete transform and reverse cycles, subject's skin began to scar and subject expressed displeasure due to increasing pain. Subject ordered to continue. After five cycles, subject stopped, and was again ordered by Dr. ███ to continue. Subject refused and attempted to charge Dr. ███ using SCP-1234 as a weapon. Subject D-3892 was quickly terminated by security personnel.
Note: After the results of Test 6 A, SCP-1234 was secured to the testing floor for each subsequent test.
Result B: Subject D-2234 was given the same orders as Subject D-3892, except adjusting the handlebars every twenty minutes. Only after seven cycles did subject begin to scar and express extreme pain. Subject continued until after twenty cycles, when subject collapsed. Scar tissue was noted to be highly dense.
Test 7
Subject: D-0218
Purpose: Adjusting two clicks at once
Result: Subject D-0218 ordered to place one foot on the deck of SCP-1234 and adjust the handlebars by two clicks at once. Subject immediately began screaming about the pain as subject's body extended by approximately 15 cm. Flesh tore open, exposing the muscle below, which was quickly covered by hard scar tissue. Transformation noted to take approximately three minutes.
Test 8
Subject: D-1914
Purpose: Adjusting three clicks at once
Result: Subject D-1914 ordered to place one foot on the deck of SCP-1234 and adjust the handlebars by three clicks at once. Subject screamed as torso was ripped apart from the force involved in the transformation, propelling flesh and muscle around the testing area. Subject still alive after transformation, but lapsed into unconsciousness and expired within an hour.
After this test, it is probably best that we not attempt four clicks at once. Due to unusual results just uncovered from Test 5, DNA-related testing shall be the focus of further experiments. - Dr. ███
Test 9
Subject: D-3219
Purpose: Determining DNA…
Note: Results of DNA test for transformed subject in Test 5 returned a positive match for Researcher ██████, who was killed during an escape of SCP-███ on 02/13/20██, three days before the test took place.
SCP-1173 outside of Site-419, powered down. LED-strips are not visible in pylons and door. |
Item #: SCP-1173
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Ignition key to SCP-1173 is to be kept separate in a locked strong box. Additionally, the wheels are to be immobilized by wheel clamps, and the buses to the computer in the back are to be kept disconnected. SCP-1173 is not to be fueled, except for testing purposes. At the end of any test run, remaining fuel is to be drained from the tank via a flexible probe.
SCP-1173's engine block is to be inspected bimonthly for signs of corrosion or damage. Additional inspection of the drive train, transmission, and steering is to be conducted prior to the commencement of any test run, as well as after the completion of any successful test. Should testing end in failure, temporary containment is to be enacted around the crash site. SCP-1173 should not be moved, in order to facilitate repairs.
Test runs are to be conducted from a remote location in order to avoid arousing suspicion. Destinations should be chosen carefully, in order to prevent courses from intersecting known population centers or major roadways. Recovery teams are to be stationed at regular intervals along the projected course, with aerial tracking of vehicle location if possible. All personnel to be used for testing must pass an offensive driving course (Batesman-Lightfield combat driving preferred). No other restrictions necessary.
Description: SCP-1173 is a modified Infiniti FX45-model SUV. The car has been subjected to numerous modifications by the previous owner, including the addition of a car computer1, modifications to the dash-mounted multifunctional display and ignition system, installation of a heads-up display under the windshield and several blue LED-strips in the A-pylons and front doors (cosmetic enhancements of unknown purpose), and performance tuning of the engine.
Interior of SCP-1173. Compartment to the right of gearshift contains USB-port and iPod dock, as well as 3.5 mm female jack. |
SCP-1173's car computer is directly wired into the ignition system, and prevents engine start unless two conditions are met upon turning the key:
- A destination has been entered into SCP-1173's dash-mounted display, which functions as a GPS screen at start. The software used is unknown, but appears to receive map updates wirelessly through the roof-mounted radio antenna. Coordinates can also be used to specify a destination, entered in a variety of formats.
- An audio file has been supplied to SCP-1173's sound system, through one of a variety of means (USB, iPod dock, compact disc, etc). The file must be longer than three (3) minutes in duration, and must contain audio data in the 20-20,000Hz range, suitable for human perception. Accepted file formats so far include MP3, WAV, FLAC, and PCM, although others may be accepted as well.
Once these conditions are met, the ignition key may be turned further to start the engine.
At this point, the multifunctional display may be used to its original application (displaying environmental data, engine statistics, route information, sound system settings, etc). The HUD is also activated, projecting speed, heading, fuel reserves, and the destination point and ETA on the windshield. The car may be driven normally at speeds below fifty (50) kilometers per hour.
SCP-1173's anomalous effect manifests when the driver accelerates the vehicle over fifty (50) km/h. When this speed limit is passed, the HUD displays a large countdown from five (5) seconds, while an unidentified female voice announces "Charging" through the vehicle sound system. Should the driver reduce speed below the limit before the countdown ends, normal operation resumes. If speed is maintained or increased further, the vehicle transitions into an alternate universe with all hands on board. A significant electromagnetic burst is emitted, along with several kinds of exotic particles and radiation, but the process is not well understood. Tracking devices lose signal at this point, but the vehicle's approximate position in our world can be estimated using the $v = \frac{s}{t}$ formula, in order to track the vehicle for recovery teams.
The alternate universe appears to be thematically linked to the audio file in question, suggesting advanced voice recognition capabilities. Here, the vehicle is confined to a pre-set track, determined by the pitch and volume changes of the audio file2, as well as an apparently random seed value, and is capable of speed and acceleration beyond its factory specifications (also beyond what observed tuning would suggest).
Upon entry, the vehicle will be assaulted by an unknown number of predatory organisms. Exact appearance varies according to the track being played, but always appear thematically linked to the track's contents, with adaptations for excessive land speed (well-developed leg musculature, possibly reversed knee joints, flexible spinal column, etc), and are most often quadrupedal. The organisms appear capable of significant bursts of speed, enough to catch up to the vehicle regardless of its current speed, and are capable of matching the vehicle's speed for extended periods. They appear to be highly territorial pack hunters (although no specific prey animal has ever been observed), who view the vehicle as an intruder, and attack accordingly, using claws and other attack mechanisms available. As the vehicle possesses no significant enhancements to its durability, these attacks will be highly damaging, causing failure in usually three to five (3-5) assaults. However, due to their optimization for speed, the organisms themselves lack significant durability, and can be disabled by ramming them sideways. Head-on ramming is not recommended due to quick reaction speeds and ability to evade the attack. Aggressive driving and full utilization of the vehicle's enhanced characteristics and mass is recommended for maximum chance of survival.
The vehicle will remain in this region for the duration of the track loaded (unless disabling damage is sustained), at which point it will transition back to our universe, accompanied by another radiation and electromagnetic burst, at the destination coordinates, moving at approximately double its entry velocity, in the same direction it was moving when it transitioned out (the navigation system appears to keep track of the vehicle's position and heading, and adjusts its heading accordingly, in order to avoid rematerializing inside solid matter, or in order to avoid a collision immediately after rematerializing).
Should enough damage be sustained from the attacking organisms, the vehicle will abruptly transition back into our universe, traveling at potentially extreme velocities (as dictated by the $v = \frac{s}{t}$ formula). However, the minimum return velocity in such cases has never been observed to be below 250 km/h, which results in massive damage to the vehicle body, usually instantly fatal to any occupants.
Following such a crash, the car computer is observed to reboot after approximately thirty-three (33) minutes, regardless of damage sustained, and begins what has tentatively been dubbed a "repair sequence", reassembling itself from the scattered pieces, sometimes cannibalizing local materials to aid in the repairs. How it is able to manipulate its surroundings is unknown, but strong electromagnetic fields have been observed around objects being manipulated, emanating from the headlights, the engine block, and the highlights. Whether or not this bears significance remains to be seen.
Recovery: Object was recovered after an emergency call was placed from section ██ of ████████████ motorway. The call requested assistance for a multiple vehicle accident, which was allegedly initiated when the object "just appeared out of thin air, barreled right into that truck, and knocked it over like nobody's business" (quoted verbatim from recorded call). Agents were dispatched to investigate, discovering the vehicle already repairing itself. Agents distributed amnesiacs followed by a cover story detailing the truck's driver falling asleep at the wheel. The driver's corpse was damaged beyond recognition by the impact, making identification impossible. Based on license plate lookup, the vehicle belonged to one ███████ █████████████ theoretical physicist, who remains at large (it is possible he was the original driver, but as identification of the corpse is not possible, that remains unverified).
[[collapsible show="+ Open test log" hide="- Close test log"]]
Audio file (Length): N/A
Effect: Ignition key cannot be turned past first position. Screen activates and displays destination input screen.
Notes: It seems like the car is limited to travel between distinct destinations. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): N/A
Effect: After entering a destination, screen changes to a file browser screen. Top of the screen displays "Select song".
Notes: It needs a song to start up? This is getting interesting… - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Empty MP3 (30s)
Effect: Screen displays "NO DATA" in block letters, ignition system not unlocked.
Notes: It really does need a song or something… - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Iron Maiden - Invaders (03:21)
Effect: Ignition system unlocked, car can be started and shut down as normal. Destination set as current position.
Notes: Agent Svenson had an iPod which Dr. Rhodes interfaced with the car via the docking unit. Driving test pending.
Audio file (Length): Iron Maiden - Invaders (03:21)
Effect: Agent Svenson instructed to drive from the test site to the gate of the Site 12, and back. Agent vanished after app. 38 seconds, accompanied by a high-energy EMP. Approximately 16 seconds later, the vehicle rematerialized at high speed, crashing to the ground. Agent Svenson was killed on impact. 33 minutes later, computer is observed to reboot, and begin repairing the vehicle.
Notes: Good thing most of the systems here are EMP-hardened. Otherwise that pulse might have caused some serious trouble. I don't think we need to worry about wrecking this car, but we might need remote driving. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Iron Maiden - From Here to Eternity (03:28)
Effect: Ignition system unlocked. Car fitted with ruggedized recording system, Agent Carlson instructed to drive to gate and back. Vehicle vanished after app. 26 seconds (on-site doppler radar indicates car has accelerated above 50 km/h for five seconds before vanishing), reappearing at starting position, with numerous scratches in the outer coating. Recorded footage shows Agent Carlson driving on a wide mountain road (location cannot be inferred, GPS signal not present), with what looks like Harley-Davidson brand motorcycles assaulting the vehicle. Agent Carlson has been trained in offensive driving, accelerating over 140 km/h, and repeatedly ramming the assaulting vehicles. After 03:28 seconds, scene abruptly changes back to Site 12 as the vehicle rematerializes.
Notes: We need real drivers for this thing, not D-classes. Except for driving slowly, of course. 50 km/h seems to be the trigger velocity. At least none of those things came back with Carlson, whatever they were… - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Pure 700Hz tone (03:00)
Effect: Car vanished as expected, reappearing at the destination 03:00 later. Recorded footage shows a randomly varied landscape with trees and damaged buildings distributed randomly. Vehicle was again assaulted upon entry, by caniform displaying red coloration (later determined to be 700 nm in wavelength). After driving for 03:00, the vehicle reappears at the destination.
Notes: Strange, a new scenery. Maybe we need to try different songs, and see what happens. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Sabaton - Ghost Division (03:51)
Effect: Vehicle behaves as expected, vanishing after 24 seconds, the reappearing at the destination 03:51 later, with numerous dents and heavy damage, but still mobile. Recorded footage shows a battlefield, with abnormally fast Panzer II and III assaulting the vehicle, occasionally using the main gun to fire at Agent Carlson.
Notes: I'm starting to see a system here, but we need more evidence. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Disturbed - Land of Confusion (04:49)
Effect: Vehicle behaves as expected, vanishing after 18 seconds, reappearing 03:29 later, crashing into the ground at high speed, killing Agent Carlson on impact. Recovered footage shows a city, with storefronts damaged. Burning cars and pavement damage indicative of civil riots. Rioters assault the car, wearing masks with painted-on grins. Attacks consist of punching and kicking the car with abnormal force. Agent Carlson overwhelmed when making a turn. Vehicle flipped, and scene changes mid-flip. On-site video surveillance shows velocity as over 300 km/h before impact (precise measurement unavailable due to limited recording speed, estimated over 10,000 km/h).
Notes: It's starting to make sense now. Even if we can't tame this thing, with a good enough driver, we could use this to our advantage. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Theme Song (2:10)
Effect: Vehicle accelerated to 50 km/h, and disappeared, to reappear mere 00:24 later. Recording showed several deformed equine organisms approaching, displaying various coloration. Agent Miles recorded as laughing, moments before contact. Equines attacked the car with forelimbs, overturning it almost immediately, at which point the vehicle re-transitioned into our universe, impacting the ground at high speed, killing Agent Miles.
Notes: The designated file for this test was a tone of 450Hz. It is unknown how the track in use was substituted, but whoever did it, remember that you killed a good agent. If I find you, you'll get your own personal track. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Alstroemeria Records - Dark Road (6:19)
Effect: After transitioning, scenery was observed to be a night forest. Notably, the road had a rough surface, presenting significant difficulties. Assaulting entities appear extremely varied, ranging from amorphous dark masses through enlarged Passer montanus specimens, to a single female humanoid, clothed in a red-black dress. The humanoid appeared to move via levitation, and was significantly slower than the other entities. Occasionally, trees were fallen on the path (the first instance of a dynamically obstructed course). The vehicle's headlights were observed to gradually lose luminance over the course of the track, forcing Agent ███████ to drive the last eight seconds blind, without incidents. Additionally, at several points, the headlights dimmed considerably, most notably at 00:53, 01:13 and 04:15. Agent ███████ survived, arriving at the destination site 06:19 later.
Notes: The object appears to possess information on context as well, given the choice of attacking entities in this test. Also, this was the first time it manipulated the car itself and the environment. - Dr. █████ Rhodes
Audio file (Length): Enya - One Toy Soldier (03:54)
Effect: Area appeared to be a winter landscape, with several cottages scattered. Each house appeared inhabited, as evidenced by lit windows and active chimneys. Assaulting entities not immediately visible, first contact at 00:13, gunshot from unknown location penetrated windshield on passenger side (high velocity 7.62mm round, unknown rifle), killing Researcher █████████. Gunshots intermittent during track. First visual contact at 00:22, entities observed to be emerging from the snow, as well as some of the houses. All of them soldiers from various eras in history, notably the Winter War (as evidenced by winter camouflage), attacking with close-quarters weapons, only using their firearms occasionally, at long ranges, the displaying abnormal speed and stamina to close remaining distance, and attack the vehicle. Agent ███████ struck by a round in the head at 02:17, resulting in instantaneous re-transition, and impact.
Notes:Dr. █████████ was a good friend of mine. I'll never listen to a Christmas song the same way… - Dr. █████ Rhodes