Item #: SCP-1436
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1436 is to be restricted to an apartment-like isolation unit. SCP-1436’s field of effect extends at least 20 meters from her body. As a result, her isolation unit will be located in the center of a vacant warehouse providing at least 40 meters of open space on each side of the isolation unit. The unit will be locked from the outside and a guard will be placed at the only exit to the warehouse, at least 40 meters from the isolation unit. The floor of the warehouse will be painted with a numbered and lettered grid pattern, to monitor and map occurrences of SCP-1436-A.
Video monitors will be placed both inside and outside of the isolation unit for 24 hour monitoring. SCP-1436 will be provided with basic supplies as needed/requested. Additional materials may be provided upon request and depending upon approval of supervising officer. She will be allowed to do nonessential secretarial/clerical-type work, in an effort to dispel the depression she has been experiencing.
The exterior of the isolation unit housing SCP-1436 will be surrounded by individual study/observation rooms, windows facing outward into the warehouse. Each will be provided with a table, chair and approved recording equipment. This will provide isolated areas for D-class individuals who will observe and report occurrences of SCP-1436 A.
Description SCP-1436 is a 42 year old Caucasian female named Susan ██████. She came to the attention of the Foundation in March, ████, when she was seeking employment at one of the Foundation’s front companies. SCP-1436 appears to attract a phenomenon she refers to as “shadow animals” (collectively referred to as SCP-1436-A). Anyone who has SCP-1436 in direct line of sight will tend to notice at least one SCP-1436-A per minute, each incident lasting only a few seconds, or until the observer attempts to look directly at it. In addition, anyone who is within 20 meters of her will notice SCP-1436-A, even if SCP-1436 is not visible. Anyone who comes within the field of influence for an extended period of time will notice a steadily increasing number of SCP-1436-A invading the periphery of their vision. They will increase in number and duration as time goes on. After approximately 5 hours of exposure to SCP-1436, the viewer will be subjected to nearly constant intrusions of SCP-1436-A into their peripheral vision, with multiple "individuals" flitting in and out of view.
After several hours of exposure to SCP-1436, some subjects will enter a new stage where the perceptions become more pernicious. After approximately 6 hours, about 25% of viewers exposed to SCP-1436 (designated Group-A Susceptible Individuals) will report that they now feel fleeting touches against their extremities, "almost like a cat is rubbing against them", as reported by one individual. As this begins, the viewer will experience a slight feeling of paranoia. Over time both the physical sensation and the paranoid feelings steadily increase. Given enough time (generally about 12 hours from initial exposure) the affected subjects will attempt to escape the presence of SCP-1436, and will become agitated and possibly violent if prevented from leaving. This effect is non-cumulative. Anyone who leaves the area of effect of SCP-1436 for a full 24 hours will clear their exposure. However, subsequent exposure to SCP-1436 will bring about a more rapid progression of symptoms. Subjects who do not enter this second stage will generally experience feelings of distraction and annoyance from the near-constant peripheral sightings of SCP-1436-A.
SCP-1436-A are generally seen as vague, shadowy figures in the periphery of the observer’s vision. They are usually perceived to be about the size of a standard housecat, but can be as small as an insect or as large as a human. They appear only at the edges of vision or in the indistinct distance. Any attempt to observe them directly fails as the phenomenon vanishes when the observer attempts to focus on them. They usually give the impression of being some sort of quadruped mammal, but rarely is any further detail noticed.
Despite the fact that they are primarily a visual manifestations (They do not, however, appear on any form of electronic monitoring), the existence of SCP-1436-A has been firmly established to be more than simple hallucinations. Controlled studies in which multiple concurrent observers who do not interact with one another consistently demonstrate sightings of SCP-1436-A at the same times and locations on the grid outside of SCP-1436's isolation chamber. These observations are ongoing, and SCP-1436 and her environs are observed in a controlled manner for at least one hour per day.
A minimum of once per month a team of three D-class individuals will be placed outside the isolation unit in individual study units and instructed to make observations for an extended period of time. These individuals will remain in place and report until such time as they panic or become distracted to the point they are no longer able to adequately function.
Administrator’s note:
When initially interviewed, SCP-1436 was aware of the shadow animal phenomenon, but unaware of her significance. She had never discussed her situation with anyone, and assumed that “Everybody sees them all the time. Aren’t they just everywhere?” She seems unaffected by the phenomenon, other than sighting SCP-1436-A often. Research continues in hopes of gleaning insight into what these phenomena may represent. The Foundation has investigated her every day she's been here for the past decade and is still no closer to understanding this phenomenon.
Addendum 1436-01:
Observation summary 1436- 0523 Three D-class individuals were given observation instructions and placed into study cubicles outside SCP-1436’s isolation unit. All three were selected from a pool of D-class individuals who were classified as Group A Susceptible. After six hours of observation, all three D-class individuals were demonstrating extreme paranoid behavior. At this time, the researcher unlocked the study cubicles and asked all three D-class individuals to meet with him on the study floor. He explained that one of the D-class individuals would be escorted out immediately, but the other two were to remain for an additional four hours of observation. He also explained that the D-class individuals were to work out among themselves who would get to leave early and which two would remain behind.
The subsequent fight resulted in all three D-class individuals being too badly injured to continue. Further experimentation of this kind has been suspended by Dr. ████████████, pending a resource justification report from the team. Dr. ████████████ noted that the results of this experiment did show that the paranoia was "as extreme as I have ever seen induced by any SCP. SCP-1436 is clearly dangerous. The question is, is whatever is causing the paranoid feelings coming from SCP-1436 or the shadow animals? And is she creating these shadow creatures, or are the simply drawn to her from elsewhere?"
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a Secured Individual Storage Warehouse in Site 19. This storage room will be locked at all times, except when testing is underway. When SCP-XXXX is being tested, at least 2 armed guards will be posted inside the room, along with a monitoring researcher of O-3 level. The operation of the device will be done by a minimum of two D-class individuals. Testing of the device will only take place on the orders of level O-4 or higher and no more than two tests per day may be run.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a standard Intermodal Cargo Container, measuring 2.44 m wide, 2.44 m high and 17.07 m long (8 ft X 8 ft X 56 ft), It is heavily weathered, but was originally painted white, with the name and logo of the [REDACTED] shipping line painted on the side. This object came to the attention of the Foundation in ████, when the container appeared in a shipment of many containers delivered to the ██████████ chemical corporation. Shortly after the arrival of the container at the company, the Foundation’s routine monitoring of secret corporate communication revealed discussion of the object. A team was sent to recover the container the next day.
Unusual for an Intermodal, SCP-XXXX has access doors on both ends. One set is labeled with a large number “1”, the set at the other end labeled with a large number “2”. Inside the doors are walls, set 2 meters behind the doors. These walls seal off the central section of the container. Scans of the container have been inconclusive. No scanning technology has successfully penetrated the sealed central section, although a low-level ionizing radiation can be detected coming from this area. For the time being, only non-destructive scans have been permitted, and as such, cutting or drilling into this section is prohibited.
The anomalous nature of this object becomes clear when an object is placed in the section labeled “1” and the doors on both ends are closed. Mechanical sounds will come from the sealed container for a brief period of time. If the doors labeled “1” are opened, the object will be found to be missing. Behind the doors labeled “2” will be a series of containers holding pure elements. The containers will be of the type generally used to hold such items (Solids in boxes, barrels or plastic bags, liquids in bottles or carboys, gases in pressurized cylinders, etc.. There is no indication of where these containers come from, but each element is presented in a container that is appropriate for that material.) Testing indicates that the item that is placed in section 1 is either disassembled into its component atoms, or is replaced by an equal mass of elemental material, in equal proportions to the object’s original make up. Whether or not the atoms are the same ones in the object or not is unclear, but the result is the same; anything that is placed in section 1 disappears and is replaced by its exact component atoms, sorted by element into separate containers.
Recent experiments have shown that the device will sort any sample provided into its component elements, however the device will not sort isotopes. See selected test log for further details.
Selected Test Log Entries
Test 12:
Input: 100kg lignite coal placed in bay 1, doors closed at 12:02:43. Sounds came from the central section 5 seconds later. The sounds of operations lasted for 7 minutes, 20 seconds. Team waited 1 minute after sounds ended, then opened bay 2. Contents of bay 2 removed and analyzed.
1. Blue Polyethylene barrel containing 75kg of black, powdery material and clear crystals. Analysis revealed this to be a mixture of carbon particles, Buckminsterfullerenes, Carbon nanotubes, Graphite and Diamond (now referred to as "Random Carbon Blend").
2. PVC bottle containing 1.75kg of a yellow, powdery substance. Analysis revealed this to be sulfur.
3. A compressed gas cylinder containing 16kg oxygen gas
4. A compressed gas cylinder containing 2kg hydrogen gas
5. 42 vials containing assorted pure elements ranging from a few grams (iron) to less than 1 mg (gold)
Test 27:
Input: 100 kg uranium (assay reveals approximate proportions of isotopes in this sample as U-238 - 99.250%, U-235 - 0.745% and U-234 - 0.005%) in 1 kg slugs, each stored in a box consisting of 5 kg lead (Pb)
20 lead boxes, each weighing 20kg, each containing a 5kg cube of uranium, with isotope proportions matching those of the original sample.
500kg of lead in 50kg slabs
22 bottles containing various trace elements in varying small amounts.
Test 194:
Input: 200kg raw beef, bone-in (extracted from a single example of a Black Angus steer, from the herd raised on the farm which is the cover for site [REDACTED])
5 gas cylinders, each containing 26kg oxygen
1 gas cylinder, containing 30 kg hydrogen
1 gas cylinder, containing 6kg nitrogen
1 blue polyethylene barrel containing 39kg random carbon blend
1 small cardboard box containing a 3 kg chunk of calcium metal
54 vials containing assorted pure elements in small amounts (less than 1 kg each)
1 vial containing 7.6 g (estimated) of [REDACTED]. This element did not begin to decay until SCP-XXXX was opened, at which time the relatively large concentration of atoms began to decay. Due to the extraordinarily short half-life of the element and its decay products, the test area was flooded with substantial amounts of hard radiation. This was confirmed by recordings made by the instrument package retrieved from the body of D-XXXX-047 and confirmed by readings made by the O-3 investigator. Supervisor [REDACTED].
Test 247:
Input: One living human body (D-XXXX-XXX), 120kg, including standard D-class uniform, handcuffs and shackles.
Output: D-XXXX-XXX was placed into section 1 of SCP-XXXX. After the doors were closed, the standard operation sounds were produced from the central section of the object. After a few minutes, the sounds ceased. When the doors to Section 2 were opened, all that was found were many small containers, holding Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, other trace elements, as well as a small ingot of iron and a wire of Chromium. Shortly after Section 2 was opened, a pounding sound was heard from Section 1. When the doors were opened, D-XXXX-XXX emerged. He was naked and unbound. His hair and the outer layer of his epidermis were gone.
It appears, from this and earlier experiments, that SCP-XXXX will not work on living tissue. Further experimentation is required to determine the extent to which this is true. Will inanimate material covered by living tissue be left alone by the object? Perhaps we should have a D-class swallow some non-living material (marbles or something) and see if it works on them.
Foundation Tales
Anomaly report supplementary narrative for September ███████
D-Class control officer Wilkins (DCO-III-19-12A)
Incident ███-0217 Code name “Davidson”
He’s back. Fourth time this year. Just showed up on the bus. He’s not on the log sheet, not on the manifest, nobody remembers seeing him get on, but there he is. The bus holds 55, it was fully loaded at the prison, and when we take the inmates off, we count 56. We’ve started calling him “The Davidson”. This time he claims the name “Efren Thomas Joseph Davidson”. The prison has no record of a prisoner by that name. No prison in this country has a record of a prisoner by that name. This time he’s a Caucasian male, Prisoner number 101343, just like the first time. The prison reports that number belongs to a prisoner who is currently in solitary confinement, and they confirm he is in his cell. Not only does he claim that’s his number, but all of his prison wear has that number printed on it.
I’m getting used to seeing him by now. His first appearance was five years ago. He called himself Edward Thomas Joseph Davidson then. He averages 7 appearances per year. We’ve got this down now. The first time, however, was a problem. He showed up, no record. The prison’s records didn’t show him. We had no information on him in the transfer manifests. He was an extra body on the bus that should not have been. When interviewed, he had a complete backstory. The only problem was, not one single fact he told us could be corroborated with any records anywhere.
In addition to having a backstory that seemed entirely fictional, his fingerprints and DNA profile were equally “fictional”. This person simply did not exist. No records in any database, anywhere. One possibility was that we somehow had come across an individual who had never been entered into any government database. That would explain the lack of prints and DNA. But everybody gets at least a thumbprint when getting a driver’s license. And you would expect that anyone on Death Row would have records somewhere. This guy was clean. No records anywhere. On a whim, after checking everything else we could think of, we took footprints, as hospitals take footprints of newborns. No record there either. This person did not exist. But the backstory he provided was as complete as any we get on intake interview.
Birthplace, elementary school, middle school, high school, summer jobs, some college, more summer jobs, then a crime, prison, and death row. A truly heinous crime, with lots of vivid details. With this information we check his details. The hospital has no record of him. The county has no birth record by that name, and again, no matching prints. Same for the schools. They have no records of him. Except for the middle school. No middle school with that name exists in the town he claims to be from. When confronted with this information, Mr. Davidson seemed confused. He described in detail the location and layout of the school. We found that there was a middle school located right where he said, but it was named for another famous dead person. The legal history for the city, county and state recorded no arrest for a crime of the nature that Mr. Davidson claimed. It was such a gruesome crime that it surely would have made the papers, and yet a Lexis/Nexis search revealed no information.
With no idea who this person was, it was decided to place him in a cell and not use him for testing until such time as his identity was firmly established. He was interviewed daily for additional biographical details. Nothing he provided helped to verify his story or confirm his identity. As T-day approached we were no closer to determining who he was or where he came from. Finally, on the day before T-day, O-4 ██████ chose to have Mr. Davidson formally interviewed using protocol WB-13. When guards went to his cell to escort him to the interview, they found the cell locked, but empty.
Lockdown was called and the cell block was searched. No trace was found of Mr. Davidson. Video surveillance of the cellblock hall outside his cell showed no activity other than the normal meal deliveries. At no point was Mr. Davidson outside of his cell. He simply disappeared, leaving an empty cell. The resulting investigation yielded no significant findings and the case was left open, pending further data.
Six months later, a similar event occurred. A bus with 55 inmates arrived and discharged 56. This time, the extra inmate claimed to be Thomas Edward Joseph Davidson, and was of African descent. Apart from that, all other biographical details remained the same. The exact same story, the exact same crime. Just a different race and a slightly different name. Once again it was decided to keep him isolated, and this time, monitor him around the clock. The day before T-Day, the camera in Davidson’s cell failed. A team was dispatched to replace the camera and found the cell was empty. Again, lockdown was called and the cellblock searched. Once again, no sign of Davidson. The case file remained open, awaiting a possible recurrence of the event.
The next occurrence happened after a delay of only 2 months. Thomasina Josephine Davidson. Caucasian female. Same mysterious appearance on the bus, same backstory. The only difference was the reversal of all the genders in the story Ms. Davidson related about her crime from the last two appearances of the extra inmate. Once again, just before she disappeared there was a failure of the video monitoring system. The guards placed outside her cell reported hearing nothing at the time, and when ordered to enter her cell by the repair crew, found it empty.
The fourth time this event occurred, the story changed in one detail. Rather than being a college student, Mr. Davidson was a janitor employed at the college in question. Mr. Davidson was placed in a cell with a barred door, rather than the standard solid plate door. Guards were placed immediately outside the door, to augment the full-time video observations. It would be considered coincidental anywhere but at the Foundation, that the guards were exposed to some sort of respiratory and eye irritant at the same moment as the camera failed. By the time they had recovered from their coughing fits, the inmate was missing.
Every time one of the Davidsons shows up, we provide more and more elaborate means of observing, all of which fail at the precise moment the person vanishes, with one exception. Pressure sensors were placed under the floor. The inmate was lying in bed when the disappearance happened. The sensor simply went from 81 kilos to 0 kilos. Thirty-seven times a Davidson has shown up, and thirty-seven times he or she has disappeared one month later, on the day before T-day. We still don’t know where they come from, where they go, or what the hell’s going on.