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A recently-emerged instance of SCP-XXXX-1 prior to being contained
An instance of migrating, an inactive SCP-XXXX-1 is seen at the back.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained inside a 20m x 20m x 12m underground enclosure composed of thin (approximately 3-5 centimeters) steel plates inside Containment Area-50. The top and of the enclosure does not need to be closed off as the entity does not possess any ability to rise above ground level. SCP-XXXX-1 are to be closed with its original covers when not in use, and 5 kg of any any type of biological matter is to be put into SCP-XXXX-B every two weeks.

If the enclosure becomes damaged to the point that it obtains a gap bigger than 1 meter of any magnitude, it is to be sealed off by any solid metal until it can be properly replaced with steel. In the case of a containment breach, a separate holding area is to be built around SCP-XXXX using the same dimensions until further notice.

Accessing SCP-XXXX-2 is only allowed after receiving permission from a L4 staff personnel or higher and after putting on an airtight contamination suit.

Description: SCP-XXXX consists of approximately ██ manhole covers, designated SCP-XXXX-1, and a series of sewage pipes, grates and service ducts connecting them, designated SCP-XXXX-2. SCP-XXXX is capable of relocating itself via an unknown process. The farthest between each other currently recorded being 20 meters and the largest amount of them at a single time being at ██. It is currently located in the outskirts of ██████, █████████.

SCP-XXXX is able to migrate into new areas through a period of time between two (2) and nine (9) days for every 10 meters covered. As SCP-XXXX migrates, new SCP-XXXX-1 emerge from the ground, leaving its older, inactive manholes, pipelines and grates behind. Inactive SCP-XXXX-1 completely decay and rust in approximately █ days, which is ████% faster than what it would take for a typical manhole of its material to decay. It is unknown as to what causes the direction of the migration, as there have been instances when SCP-XXXX would start to migrate the opposite way. The inactive SCP-XXXX-1 that was collected showed signs of several fused chemicals which resembles that of SCP-███, not including the various metals that are usual for its make.

Inactive SCP-XXXX-1 leads 5 to 9 meters down, which comes upon a surface that matches the composition of the ground it is on. SCP-XXXX is able to move independently without leaving any change in ground geography. Later containment tests showed that the migratory trajectory can be delayed if solid matter is structured around SCP-XXXX, and any type of solid metal is able to stop the entity from migrating. A crack or gap between the material that is bigger than 1.6 meters of any magnitude is enough for SCP-XXXX to continue migrating.

The contents of SCP-XXXX-2 are mainly composed of [REDACTED] with the pH measuring at -█, which, upon contamination of biological matter, effectively turns the matter into a liquid state with the process ranging from 5 to 60 seconds, after which the liquids seem to disappear through the walls of SCP-XXXX-2. How is the process linked to the sustainability of the entity has not yet been researched, but considerable damage and poorer quality of newer manholes and grates have been noted when no new biological matter is administered within three weeks.

SCP-XXXX was first discovered after several construction workers have been reported missing in 03-12-████. The entity was originally discovered by a separate group of amateur paranormal researchers, Agent █████████ contacted the group to determine its location before administering class A amnesiacs and reporting the entity to Site ██. It originally attracted small rodents by releasing various scents and odors through SCP-XXXX-1, as the grates were of enough size to be able to fit the rodents through, and if the manhole covers were to be left open, the scent was also strong enough to able to attract humans, in a process linked to [REDACTED], among other fluids of SCP-XXXX-2.


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