Guide Hub

Welcome to the Guide Hub! If you're looking for answers or advice, you might can find either them below. If you have an idea for a Guide that you'd like to see added to this page, contact a member of Senior Staff and show them a draft.

Required Reading

The following guides are required reading for all site members:

  • Site Rules: The obligations and rights of users, Senior Staff, Moderators, and Admins, along with what you could get punished for.
  • Guide to Newbies: A guide that covers applications, general site behavior, tips for being a good member, tips on writing, and a list of senior staff.
  • How to Write an SCP: Exactly what it says on the tin. Covers thought development, containment, tone & censorship, humanoids, formatting , and templates.
  • Chat Guide: The guide to the Foundation's IRC chatrooms. Covers registering, connecting, bannable offenses, chat OPs, discussion suggestions, and secondary chatrooms.
  • Deletions Guide: An explanation of policy that covers everything you need to know about how, when, and the processes by which pages are deleted from the site.
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions.

Useful Guides

The following guides are not mandatory, but come highly recommended by the staff and users. You must submit a guide for approval to have it added to this list.

  • Technical Writing: Writing about technical matters for the non-technical. Most of us are authors, not scientists. This might be useful if you're wanting to get that technical twist in your writing that you're having problems with.
  • Technical Words: Various science-y and engineering-y words and what they mean. Useful for making your writing sound more scientific and professional.
  • Expert Witnesses: Which users to go to for certain information, and what their credentials are.
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