SCP-518 Before accident |
Item #: SCP-518
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-518 Is to be kept in a padded secure box with SCP-518-1 and SCP-518-2.
As of ██/██/████ SCP-518-2 will be stored in an airtight container to avoid exposure, personnel handling SCP-518-2 should be wearing gas masks and glasses to avoid contamination after incident 518-D
SCP-518's current storage locker is located at Sector-25, room ███. Personnel with at least Security Level 1 clearance are permitted to handle SCP-518, though it is strongly suggested that at least two Level 2 personnel are on hand for oversight as well as theft and/or damage prevention.
Description: SCP-518 is a slate sculpture of a stylized human hand, approximately 0.5 meters tall. It´s Baby finger designated SCP-518-1 and a large part of its base designated SCP-518-2 have been accidentally separated (see experiment log). when complete it appeared to be "reaching" towards the sky, its index finger being the only one completely outstretched, it is painted in shades of blue and parts of the paint seem sanded off, it is not known if that was the original design or if being left in the wilderness caused the paint to fall off, total mass is approximately 50 kg.
SCP-518 quality is the high resistance of torque applied to rotate it in any direction. Though it appears to be easily transported through any means from one point to another on earth, all attempts to turn the hand away from its up-down or its north-south orientation (“thumb” pointing north, “pinky” pointing south) were met with failure, after the events described in the experiment log, it is forbidden to attempt to rotate it in any way to avoid further degradation of SCP-518. SCP-518-1 remains in the same position it would be if still attached to SCP-518.
Experiments with SCP-518 have suggested that it may be a compass of some sort, as it retains alignment with the magnetic poles of Earth regardless of planetary position. It has been confirmed trough several measuring tools that SCP-518's forefinger is positioned parallel to the geographic center of Earth.
SCP-518 was discovered during an investigation of the online sale on ████ █, ████, of a “Hand of the Orient." The owner of the “Hand” reported that he had found it when hiking in ████ █████████ Park, and transported it back to his home. The damage of SCP-518-2 apparently happened at this point, as the owner reported that it had “spun by itself” when he turned his vehicle, and caused minor damage to his truck. After acquisition, the owner was administered a class amnesiac, and the park’s facilitators were contacted. The park's administration has reportedly never dealt with such an object.
Experiment 518-B.
SCP-518 was secured on a pair of vises, each on either side of the base and opposite to one another. The vises were then activated, in an attempt to force SCP-518 to change its orientation. After 1000 N of force was applied, translational forces caused its base (SCP-518-2) to break off of SCP-518. Experimentation was immediately discontinued.
Abstract of experiment 518-E.
SCP-518-2 was transported to Site-██ to determine results of its transportation through SCP-249. When part of the SCP passed through the door, it immediately tore itself into a gaseous cloud that settled on the floor outside the door. Analysis of SCP-518-2's remains revealed that they still retained the original SCP-518's unique characteristics.
Incident 518-D:when retrieving the remains of SCP-518-2, Junior researcher ██████ sneezed sending several particles of SCP-249-2 into Dr. ██████ face, who was yawning at the time and got a face full of the particles, after reprimanding sternly Junior researcher ██████ for not covering his mouth, he turned to leave and clasped his throat in pain, got to his knees and proceeded to cough up blood and pieces of [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. ██████ expired from apparent asphyxiation, an autopsy later revealed that particles of SCP-518-2 were lodged in his larynx and several others went all the way into his lungs causing [DATA EXPUNGED]
Note: Further investigation into weaponization of SCP-518 pending review of O5-█