SCP- "Antiperceptual Patern"
Class Safe Euclid L5 (erases euclid) KeterL5
Containment: Only researchers already infected by SCP- may conduct inquiries into it. EXIGENCY. KILL PERCEPTION. D-Class personnel meating a minimum score of ███ on the ██████-████ General Intelligence Index shall be subjected to Procedure VEDA-9 to produce research teams. Following procedure VEDA-9, these personnel shall be exposed to an engineered containment breach of SCP- instigated by Dr. BLANKITYBLANK END EXIGENCY.
Description: SCP- is a piece of standard A4 xerox paper printed with a black-on-white pattern closely resembling the pattern of dried mud. Viewing SCP- induces a memetic effect that causes the perception of a similar pattern overlaid on the visual field, mapped into the existing image. Viewing SCP- induces a systematc change in the human nervous system, along with massive apoptosis of cells in the visual cortex, prefrontal cortex, and ████████████████████, and neurotrophy in the ████.
Following this change, the subject will percieve a pattern that is geometrically similar to SCP- . This pattern exhibits anomalous properties, and has been designated SCP- -1. SCP- -1 is a pattern mathematically similar to the pattern printed upon SCP-, with a slight change in magnitude.
Within a month, subjects affected by SCP- will invariably begin to attribute emotional states to the phenomena. Subjects do not agree about theses states L5 for the first year of infection. Afterward, over a period of 3~7 months, infectees will rapidly obtain consensus upon the emotional state of SCP- L5. Once this stage is reached, infected subjects require two doses of BLANK, and 3 BLANK daily. This cocktail suppresses ongoing neural changes resulting from contact with SCP- L5 as well as all other neuroplasticity. This cocktail is inevitably lethal within 3 months sufficient to prevent Unanimity Events L5.
As long as this course of medication is taken, no further changes due to SCP- exposure will occur L5, beacause the suject will will fal into an irreversible coma and die before such changes can become manifestL5. If this course of medication is not taken, symptoms closely resembling, but not identical to schizophrenia appear L5 followed by the slow loss of individuality in all subjects L5.
At this point, the effects of exposure to SCP- progress terminally. In 95% of known cases, subjects exposed to SCP- lose vocal skills, followed by motor control, ending in the slow loss of vital functions. Due to the tissue of the heart being unnaffected by SCP- , subjects placed on life support measures can persists indefinitely as their brain is subject to cascading disorganization. The longest lived of these subjects, D-2399 exhibited a neural structure exhibiting ideal entropy upon its vivisection. L5Another subject, D-3291, kept alive on the ordrs of Dr. BLANK, research overseer for SCP- , for a period of ██ years after exposure exhibited a neural network exhibiting increased signs of structure from the seventh year of infection onwards. Class D/Res- personnel have been implanted with an imperative that prevents live trials from proceeding for over five years, with drives to ensure most die in the third.L5
In 5% of cases, higher function remain intact, but L5 all traces of individual personality are lost, aong with all emotional, and informational memories. All L5 subjects in this group L5 begin to exhibit symptoms thatL5 appear delusional L5, but exhibit too many strong corellations between cases to be interpreted as such L5.
SCP-1337 "The Standard Candles"
Item #: SCP-
Object Class: Safe (unless otherwise specified), Euclid : SCP- -3
SCP- is to be stored at Reliquary Research and Containment Site-76 in a 4m x 4m containment cell when not being tested. Within this cell, SCP- -1 and SCP- -2 are to be stored in a secure containment locker adequate for any anomalous object classified as Safe. SCP- -3 shall be stored in a purpose-built tank filled with either Helium, or Argon depending on . This tank shall, at all times, be connected to a (quanitity) resevoir of purified liquid nitrogen which will be deployed in the case of spontaneous ignition events.
SCP- -4 is to be kept within this cell; given it's properties, no specific further containment procedures are warranted or necessary.
All instances of SCP- -5 are to be kept in one of several filing cabinets in the cell, which are to be indexed based on their unique properties. Once research using a given instance of SCP- -5 is concluded, that instance is to be destroyed using a mixture of 70% H20, 30% HF. Research is considered "concluded" when no holds are placed on a given instance of SCP- -5.
Non-disposable personnel exposed to any active instance of SCP- are to be prescribed a 37µg dose of Class-A amnestic RAMA-7, to be taken daily after reassignment for a period of not less than six months, and not exceeding five years. If SCP- -6 resurfaces after completion of this course of medication, it is to be repeated until SCP- -6 fails to resurface under duress. Personnel subjected to duress may at their discretion, undergo a course of Class B amnestict to remove any trauma, or may attend psychotherapy at the Foundations Expense, if Class 4 or above.
SCP- consists of a set of twenty one, formerly twenty two candles of unknown chemical composition, a single ornate candlestick made of what appears to be marble, and any materials.
SCP- was originally found in an abondoned 17th century house located in Lincolnshire, England. A search of historical records yields mention of no such figure. In addition to the anomalous items found at the site, SCP- was contained within a doctors bag of that era made of non-anomalous materials with no remarkable properties, and one handwritten philosophical treatise written in a unique cipher combining the principles of medieval polyalphabetic and cesarean ciphers. This text, decrypted by the use of foundation computational resources located at Site █, describes the original purpose of SCP- , though not the means of their construction. suspected to have been owned by a natural philosopher operating in the 16th century known as Erasmus.
SCP- an be broadly split into four groups based on function.
Groups SCP- -1 and SCP- -2 are considered safe; following Incident ES1-Paische, SCP- -3 is considered to be euclid.
SCP- -1 consists of fifteen, formerly sixteen candles and their associated holders, and these replicate the viewers idea of a given colour.
SCP- -2 consist of a set of five candles which present impossible colours.
SCP- -3 is a single candle which presents the exact colour of the idea that the inflammeur wishes to know.
SCP- -4 is candlestick with the main anomalous property of being indestructible. It interacts with SCP- -1 - -3 in poorly understood ways.
SCP- -5 is an anomalous ability that manifests in any sapient viewer of SCP- -6
SCP- -6 is an anomaly that presents itself when any instance of SCP- -1 to SCP- -3 is used in conjuntion with SCP- -4, or SCP- -5 is used.
Euclidean properties of SCP- manifest after a dubject has completed a viewing of another test subject's internal precept of colour, any of the impossible colours presented by SCP- -2, or view any anomalous burn of SCP- -3
Sketch: Set of candles in a victorian-style doctor's bag. Each burn in the conceptual idea of a given colour Sixteen do this with standard colours, are made of white wax and black thread. Five do this with Impossible Colours: Yellowblue, Greenred, Blackwhite, Nullity, Allcolor. These five are made with black wax and white string. Allcolor is sapient. There is one grey candle, with no string, though it can somehow still be lit. This candle takes ideas that exist outside of colour space, and burn in the colour of that idea as if thew were a colour.
In addition to these, there is a short treatise about qualia included.
Anyone who views an active instance of SCP- can accurately recreate the qualia they saw. However, ite the anomalous nature of this task, they are unable to explain this ability. This ability can propagate indefinitely, though it does degrade. The current cycle of testing has indicated the presence of SCP- -5 degrades to 50% of original strength after ~2300 generations. Class A amnestic compound RAMA-7 can surpress this effect until a subject is asked to list all known colours, subsequently, all non Disposable personnel assigned to SCP- have been given a prescription of this compound upon reassignment.
To Write: One researcher, when used as a reference subject, produces no response at all. Later, s/he is used as a reciever. It doesn't go well. | Using cerebral imaging techniques, some diferences in neural firing are directly observed. Uses DARKLIGHT image and edits thereof. Oh hey. Mona lisa genome. |
Materials: SCP- -1-R, SCP- -4
Reference Subject: Dr. Kinross
Reciever Subject: Agent Prince
Description: After the building located at (gps coords) was secured, Dr. Kinross, a researcher specilizing in the establishment of initial containment procedure performed the usual battery of on-site tests to determine the properties of the object. It was found that the candles were not impervious to harm, but would regenerate over the course of 72 hours if and only if the "damage" came from burning them. Meanwhile the
Materials: One (1) ordinary candle made of rolled beeswax, SCP- -4
Reference Subject: D-3373
Reciever Subject: D-2322
Duration of Experiment: 4s
Description: When instructed by Dr. Kinross, D-3373 lit the candle using one (1) white phosphorus match as (something about the treatise being the source of this instrcution). Candle burned to base in an event the took approximatly 0.3 seconds. D-3373 experienced moderate first-degree burns.
Materials: One (1) ordinary candle purchased at ████████, SCP- -4
Reference Subject: D-3373
Reciever Subject: D-2322
Duration of Experiment: 22s
Description: When instructed by Dr. Kinross, D-3373 lit the candle using one (1) white phosphorus match as (something about the treatise being the source of this instrcution). Candle burned steadily, though from observation of D2322's lack of reaction, did not exhimibit anomalous properties. D-3373 ordered to focus on the colour red. No response. D-3373 ordered to speak the word red. D-3373 readily complies, and [DATA EXPUNGED], with an estimate force of appoximately 300 tons. D-3373 expired, D2322 suffered a sever concussion, but was otherwise unharmed. Due to likely unsuitablility for further experimentation with these objects, D2322 transferred to Dr. ████'s pool.
Materials: SCP- -1-I, One (1) (brand) microscope, One (1) 64tb Hard Drive, One (1) Rapid Prototyping device
Description: After submitting a formal request, items 2-4 were subjected to SCP-914 at Very Fine. This produced a "█████████ USB 47.0 Electroweak Microscope", a [Redacted] hard drive, and one "DIY Nanofabber".
Following, SCP- -1-I was scanned with the resultant microscope, and a particle dot model was, over the course of 3 years, uploaded to the resultant hard disk. The Hard disk was then sent to Site , where the supercomputing cluster furnished a Cascaded SHA512 checksum over the course of two days and a summary of bulk composition, which was uploaded to the drive which was then sent back to Site . Following this, Sufficient raw materials according to the ulk composition analysis were added to the feeder tanks of the resultant printer, which then produced a molecularly identical copy of SCP- -1-I tenatively named SCP- -1-I-2. The original particle cloud file was deleted from the Hard Disk, and SCP- -1-I-2 was scanned with the produced microscope. After the three-year uploading period, this copy was sent to Site to be subjected to the same procedure as previously described, howeve, the analysis tok significantly less time due to development in foundation computational assets. The Cascaded SHA51 checksums proved identical.
Materials: SCP- -1-I-2, SCP- -4
Reference Subject: D-3377
Reciever Subject: D-4358
Duration of Experiment: 32s
Description: Due to the previous noted violent interactions SCP- -4 has had with non SCP- candles, this experiment was performed out-of-doors. D-3377 was instructed to light SCP- -1-I-2. At this moment, D-4358 began to exhibit signs of considerable distress congruent with qualia transfer along an incompatible paradigm. Approvimately sixteen seconds later, an area of approximately 23m in diameter was reduced to a temperature near absolute zero, and SCP- -1-I-2 began to emit LF Radio waves. D-3377 and D-4358 instantly expired. SCP- -1-I-2's activation eventually terminated by thirteen precision shots executed by Agent Lavosier. Later, SCP- -1-I was found to have suffered damage identicle to the disruption suffered by it's counterpart.
I think that's about enough of this line of experimentation. There is obviously something to the structure of SCP- -1 - -3 that our current instrumentation is not sufficient to capture. Risking destruction of the object in an attempt to reproduce it is not acceptable. Proceed to another line of study. -O5-█
Materials: SCP- -3, SCP- -4
Reference Subject: N/A
Reciever Subject: Agent Prince
Purpose of Experiment: Determination of limits of SCP- -3's effect.
Duration of Experiment: 5m14s
Description: In experiment, foundation personel already exposed to the effects of SCP- were used in the interest of brevity. Agent Prince lite SCP- -3 with one (1) white phosphorus match, while, per procedure, he focused on the idea of red. SCP- -3 produced a "completely alien sensation" that "did not map" to any sense. Per the information in the treatise included with SCP- , this is hypothesized to be a direct experience of the ideal wavelength of red light without interpretation as colour or even neural encoding. How this is possible is not known.
Materials: SCP- -N-C, SCP- -4
Reference Subject: Dr. Kinross
Reciever Subject: Agent Prince
Duration of Experiment:
Colour of the word Vegetable: Transparent with some anomalous properties
Colour of C-60 Buckyball: Black. "I don't know what I was expecting." -Dr. Janus
Colour of Night: A dark shade of grey that, when reproduced, reacted violently when presented with an image of itself created by a computer sheilded againts memetic effects. 2 D-Class Personnel lost.
Colour of Self-improvement: Invisible to human sight. Candle began to emit ionizing radiation, and burned in reverse. Subsequent to this experiment, SCP- -3 has been found to occaisionally spontaneously ignite. SCP- -3 updated to Euclid, containment procedures revised, Dr. Watanabe reprimanded.
Containment Breach
D-313373, who had been used in seven previous test cycles managed to intuit the purpose of SCP- -3, and thereafter managed to instil herself with telepathy. This, of course, led to D-313373 realizing the nature of her employment. Subsequently, She managed to use SCP- -3 to gain psychokinesis, and using that power, blew out the ceiling of the facility and escaped. D-313373 was eventual terminated over somewhere at the cost of [][] foundation personel.
Linked to experiment interview. 1 is an anartist with a penchant for seeming french, 2 is a L2 Doctor.
1: (Stares at SCP- -6 instance 1-Y-4 Altund)
1: …well, that's something that doesn't happen every day.
2: Please describe what you are seeing.
1: I'm not seeing anything, fondation homme. I'm experiencing your red. Where did you get this?
2: I'm sure I am not at liberty to say.
1: I'm sure you aren't. Very well, you have shown me something interesting. What did you hope to learn?
-paper presented, 1 draws-
1: Hey, I know!
2: Yes?
1: It's like the Mona Lisa.
2: How so?
1:Well, let's say you brought a book right?
2: Yes, and this book would
1: It would give you exact, perfect, perfect, perfect instructions on the exact order of brusthstrokes for painting it.
2: The Mona Lisa?
1: Just so. Say you follow those instructions, foundation man. Is what you have painted Leonardo the bastard's greatest work, an echo of it, or a debauchery?
2: I'd say the first.
1: Of course you would. You have nothing of the artist in you; you are a scientist, and you take pride in being able to dig to the bottom of a mystery and tear the flesh of it's heart into the eyes of rationality. Forty five of what your foundation calls SCPs brought into the light of reason by your hands! You view that accomplishment with pride, non?
2: Of course I do. A few will never be ready for public use, but…
1: But for you, joy is in seeing a process done a thousand times and understanding why it works just once.
2: …
1: But in this distinct case, I don't think science will ever yield any results (1 looks to the burning candle) Art isn't about a process. It's about intent. When the bastard painted his mysterious woman [translate:french] and her damn smile, he sought to capture that mystery in paint, and he succeeded. If you followed the instructions of this book? An abomination. Those without an eye might be unable to se the difference, but intent, scientist, matters.
2: Your point, 1. Get to it.
1: My point is that all of the… disposable personel that you've used to try to obtain gnosis on this subject, that you've killed? None of them were lying. When I mark a page with red ink, my intent for the moment, is to create red no white. Flesh on bone. Blood on tile. Guilt on innocence, yes. That is part of what red means to me. When I create your red, the only difference I noticed was that I was… tracing the outline, if you will, of what red means to you. (1 pauses) You're a hopeless romantic, you know that? She'll never return your affections.