
Item#: scp-xxx

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures

The room containing the object must be hardened against seismic activity, explosive damage and fire. Due to the way the object reacts to high temperatures it must not under any circumstances be stored on any site employing nuclear failsafes, exposure to such temperatures could lead to an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.

The object itself must be stored in a toughened glass containment vessel and immersed in Liquid Helium. A magnetic field must act constantly upon the object to ensure that it does not come into contact with the vessel at any time. Under no circumstances should the object or any solids in contact with it be allowed to touch the walls floor or ceiling of the containment area.

The containment vessel must be kept under constant surveillance and a three man response team of technicians must be on station 24 hours a day in a ready room adjoining the containment area. Should there be failure of power, the technical team on duty must immediately enter the containment area and maintain visual observation of the object until systems are restored.

All testing involving high temperatures upon scp-xxx is strictly forbidden


Object is an amorphous gel like substance, it has a dark brown colour due in part to the rotting plant and animal matter, that could not be removed during retrieval, and in part due to the iron filings that we introduced to the object to allow magnetic containment. The object possesses unmatched adhesive properties and will form an incredibly strong bond with any solid immediately upon contact.

The following property is what qualifies this object for euclid status, over time it passes its adhesive effect to other objects in contact with it, we are still unable to understand the method by which it does this but the rate at which it happens seems to be locally affected by temperature.

When an object is placed in contact with scp-xxx the adhesive effect will graduate through it from the point of contact until the entire solid exhibits the same adhesive effects, any objects in secondary contact will also become “infected” over time.

This is also what makes it so incredibly difficult to remove any bonded materials from scp-xxx, attempting to cut them free simply results in the cutting tools used adhering to the object they are trying to remove. Laser cutting or use of explosives, while possibly effective, increases the rate at which the effect spreads through the material and is therefore too hazardous a method to implement. The only efficacious way of removing any solids from scp-xxx found so far is the use of highly concentrated acid delivered at high pressure.

Although materials maintain their adhesive properties upon separation from the object, the effect itself does not continue to spread.

Addendum scp-xxx-1 operation log: Acquisition of scp-xxx

The Foundation receives reports, from our deep cover agent in the [redacted], of the disappearance of various persons in a remote area of [redacted]. A five man Mobile Task Force under the command of Captain Royce is dispatched, they take three D-class personnel.

Upon arival the team observes [] persons in various stages of decomposition. The team notes the strange poses of the victims, that several appear to have died standing up and the fact that none appear to have their eyes or mouths open. D-1879 is sent in to investigate one of the bodies more closely, he approaches to within approximately 1.5 metres and stops suddenly.

When ordered to continue D-1879 claims to be unable to move due to his feet being stuck to the ground. He is ordered to begin removing his boots while D-3267 and D-4792 are sent to retrieve him. D-1879 starts to carry out his orders and then with considerable distress states that [Data Expunged]

Compassionate termination administered at range to D-1789 and D-4792 by captain Royce, D-3267 killed while attempting escape. Attempted use of explosives results in severe localised expansion of affected area, compassionate termination administered to two members of the team by Captain Royce.

Dr McNairn is immediately dispatched by helicopter from our [ ] facility and is allowed all resources and personnel he deems necessary to achieve containment.

To determine the boundaries and spread of the affected area low friction fluorescent yellow powder is spread across the site the affected area is now marked out in fluorescent yellow.

Two cranes are flown in by chinook and assembled on site with their bases at maximum possible distance from the area of exposure, acid is applied at high pressure in a perimeter extending 1 metre from the epicentre. One of the cranes is used to lift this mass off the ground. When the adhesive effect spreads a certain distance up the cable, the cable from the second crane is introduced and the first cable cut. By this method the mass is secured in mid air while it is steadily reduced in size by application of acid. It is noted that the affected area ceases to increase in size when the epicentre is removed.

After 72 hours of work scp-xxx is successfully contained. A structure designated site 21 is erected to protect the public from exposure to the fallout site.

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