Item #: SCP-xxxx
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx-A must be kept sealed in a reinforced concrete chamber, 10m x 5m x 7m in size, located in mineshaft 2-A 2-B beneath Site-87. Ceramic plates, able to withstand extreme heat, must cover the entire chamber. One out of three five closed circuit ventilation and cooling systems must be operating at all times (the others used for backup purposes) maintaining a chamber temperature between 100-200 degrees celsius. Additionally 5 tanks containing a total 250 cubic meters of liquid nitrogen must be connected to the chamber and surrounding ventilation systems in case of rapid heating.
Inspection of SCP-xxxx-A and the chamber is to be done on a daily basis by the means of a remote controlled robot fitted with the necessary equipment to measure temperature, radiation levels, and structural integrity. Any changes in SCP-xxxx-A passing the predetermined limits must be reported immediately to lead scientist Dr.Steinburg for assessment.
Any personnel attempting to enter the containment chamber housing SCP-xxxx-A without written permission from Dr.Steinburg will be removed from the site and detained pending investigation. Only D-class personnel wearing explosive collars and heat resistant suits, working behind the cover of mobile radiation shields, are to be used if entry in to chamber is required. Any personnel inside the chamber must be remotely monitored via camera at all time. Explosive collar must be activated immediately if an attempt to open SCP-xxxx-A is made.
SCP-xxxx-A shall not, under any circumstance, ever be opened.
SCP-xxxx-B is unretrievable and therefore cannot be contained.
Description: SCP-xxxx is the result of a physics experiment conducted in 1983 involving SCP-███. It consists of 2 identical parts; SCP-xxxx-A and SCP-xxxx-B. They are a pair of heavy duty bulkhead doors and door frames similar in appearance to those found in older US-submarines. Supports are welded on to both door frames to keep them standing upright.
SCP-xxxx-A is connected to SCP-xxxx-B via a rift in spacetime only visible and accessible from the door sides of SCP-xxxx-A and B.
SCP-xxxx is nearly indestructible due to the distance between the two doors (see addendum xxxx-2). Inspection upon recovery after incident 24 shows that the door of SCP-xxxx-A has been warped slightly and is now bulging outwards by 3mm.
SCP-xxxx-A is continuously glowing white from heat due to SCP-xxxx-B's unfortunate location inside the core of our sun.
The surface of SCP-xxxx-A is however not showing the associated extreme temperatures, instead ranging between 1300-2500 degrees celsius.
Radiation levels being emitted from SCP-xxxx-A are lethal, though not as high as would be expected.
It has been suggested that the near indestructibility of SCP-xxxx-A's door is dispersing the vast majority of the heat, radiation and pressure leaking through SCP-xxxx-B.
SCP-xxxx-A has a history of incidents where the temperature has rapidly increased by several thousand degrees, on several occasions causing wide spread damage to both chamber and surrounding equipment. The cause of these bursts of super heating is unknown.
Addendum: xxxx-1 SCP-xxxx-B was displaced in 19██ during an attempt to create a second set of rift doors. This second experiment however resulted in a massive implosion and the loss of SCP-███. Astronomers later observing through the porthole of SCP-xxxx-A indicated that SCP-xxxx-B was drifting through space somewhere between Earth and Mars, heading towards the sun at speeds close to 10000 m/s.
It is unknown how the failed experiment caused SCP-xxxx-B to end up in space and why the door of SCP-xxxx-B was open at the time of the implosion.
Upon discovery of SCP-xxxx-B's location and heading at that time, several attempts were made to destroy SCP-xxxx-A. When all attempts failed, SCP-xxxx-A was encased in steel and handed over to the Foundation. The encasing steel has since then been removed in order to more easily monitor any changes in SCP-xxxx-A.
Addendum: xxxx-2 A year before the loss of SCP-xxxx-B, SCP-xxxx-A had been moved to a research facility in ███████████, USA, while SCP-xxxx-B was kept at its original location at █████████ ████████████ outside ███████, France. Research personnel frequently used SCP-xxxx to travel between the two facilities. Tests conducted during the move showed signs that SCP-xxxx, through unknown means, increased in solidity and resistance towards damage the further away its counterpart was.
[[collapsible show="+ Incident log SCP-xxxx-I24" hide="- Incident log SCP-xxxx-I24"]]
Incident log SCP-xxxx-I24:
Start 03:52 PM
Recordings taken from the main security room at ground level.
Involved personnel:
Security cheif J. Andersson
Security guard Y. Kwan
Security guard D. James
Lead scientist Dr.B. Steinburg
SC Andersson: Can you feel that?
SG Kwan: What?
SC Andersson: The whole room is vibrating.
SG Kwan: That's wierd…
[Beeping alarm sound is heard]
SG Kwan: I'm getting abnormal readings in SCP-xxxx's chamber.
SC Andersson: Is that what's shaking? Start the other two cooling systems and show me the camera feeds.
SG Kwan: One second.
[Short silence]
SG Kwan: Cooling systems running, but the cameras are dead.
SC Andersson: Temperature in the chamber?
SG Kwan: 4200 degrees and rising rapidly.
[Increasing vibrations can now be heard as a rumbling in the background]
SC Andersson: Oh, this can't be good. Sound the alarm and start evacuating people from the sub levels. I'm calling Steinburg.
[Alarms are heard in the background]
SG Kwan: [Speaking through the emergency broadcast system] Attention all personnel, evacuate all sub levels immediately, this is not a drill. I repeat, evacuate all sub levels immediately, this is not a drill.
Dr.Steinburg: [Through speaker phone] Yes? What's happening?
SC Andersson: Hey doc, uh, SCP-xxxx is heating up real fast. Cameras are offline.
Dr.Steinburg: What's the temperature in the chamber?
SG Kwan: Um, the temperature is 8147 degrees celsius and rising rapidly.
Dr.Steinburg: 8000 degrees?! Have you started the other two cooling systems?
SG Kwan: Yes, should I start venting the liquid nitrogen?
Dr.Steinburg: God, yes! Full flow!
[Short silence]
SG Kwan: Nitrogen is venting. Temperature is 10000 degrees and rising
[Rumbling is continuously increasing in volume]
SG Kwan: 11000 degrees and still rising.
SC Andersson: Doc, the nitrogen isn't working.
[Short silence]
SG Kwan: Uh, cooling system 1 is offline, the others are reporting critical failures. Temperature is 12000 degrees and still rising.
SC Andersson: Are you still there, doc?
Dr.Steinburg: Yes, yes… this is nothing like previous incidents.
[Fire alarm is heard]
SC Andersson: We have a fire in, let's see, the elevator shaft?
SG Kwan: Doctor, all cooling systems are fried. Temperature is stuck at 13580 degrees and the equipment is no longer responding!
SC Andersson: Yen, check the temperature outside the chamber.
SG Kwan: Seems to be stuck at nearly 8000 degrees outside.
SC Andersson: Holy sh… We have a breach, doc!
SG James: [Through the radio] Security room, this is Dave, what the hell is going on?! We have several personnel with severe burns coming up from the sub level stairs, five confirmed casualties. The friggin' elevator doors to the sub levels are glowing hot and fires are starting everywhere! Over!
SC Andersson: Doc, are you hearing this? What the hell is happening?
Dr.Steinburg: It is beyond our control now, evacuate the rest of the site! I will notify O5. [Dr.Steinburg hangs up the phone]
SC Andersson: [Talking to the radio] Dave, get those people out of there, we are evacuating. We have a breach. SCP-xxxx has gone bonkers. Me and Yen are heading over to assist you. Over.
SG Kwan: [Speaking through the emergency broadcast system] Attention all personnel, evacuate the site immediately! I repeat, evacuate the site immediately! We have a uncontrollable containment breach! Secure all priority SCP's and get out!
SG James: What?! Uh, okay, I'll start sendning out injured through the main entrance. Bring all your first aid gear, I'll meet you in the parking lot! Over.
SC Andersson: Come on Yen, we need to go help Dave. Grab the defib, I'll get the rest.
[Sound of office chairs rolling and feet shuffling]
SG Kwan: Seriously, a fucking door leading straight into the fucking sun… fucking unbelievable. They should shoot that thing into space!
SC Andersson: Shut up and lock the door behind you.
[Rumbling sound continues for 12 minutes before slowly dying out]
End of audio log 04:16 PM
The event lasted for 24 minutes based on seismic readings and the audio recording.
Sub levels could not be entered during the following two months due to residual heat.
Site-87 structures top side suffered minor damage from the rising heat and resulting fires. Mineshafts on level 1 and 2 had been subject to cave ins and molten equipment. Shaft 2-A had melted together completely.
SCP-xxxx-A was later found encased in resolidified rock 12m below its original placement in former shaft 2-A. There were no traces left of the original chamber.
Among the personnel there were 12 casualties and 25 hospitalized with third degree burns. Three personnel are still missing and are presumed dead.
SCP-███,███,███ and ████, were destroyed during the incident.
SCP-xxxx-A has been relocated to a new chamber in shaft 2-B equipped with better cooling capabilities.
Dr.Steinburg has been very vocal about the fact that the door was damaged during the incident, questioning how many incidents it would take before the door buckles completely.
A mass of SCP-xxxx instances. |
Item #: SCP-xxxx
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Three instances of SCP-xxxx must be kept locked in a 50 x 40 x 50cm safe box at Site-19. All handling of SCP-xxxx must be done using sterilized rubber gloves unless otherwise instructed. All excess instances of SCP-xxxx are to be destroyed by incineration. SCP-xxxx should not come in contact with living human skin if not for testing purposes.
Description: SCP-xxxx is a colored soft plastic ball with a diameter of 75 mm. In appearance SCP-xxxx is identical to the plastic balls usually found in childrens ball pits, with colors ranging between red, blue, green and yellow. It is mainly composed of low-density polyethylene (LDPE), commonly used in the fabrication of ball pit balls. The rest of its composition is a mix of human- and yet to be identified DNA.
SCP-xxxx only reacts when it comes in contact with living human skin. A few seconds following contact, SCP-xxxx spawns 3-10 new instances of itself (colors vary) in the closest open space, producing a 'popping' sound as they appear. SCP-xxxx subsequently enters an inactive state until it comes in contact with human skin again, where upon it repeats the spawning process. The new instances have proven to be identical in both behaviour and composition to the original instance.
Experiments have shown that upon visual contact, SCP-xxxx in large quantities has a mental effect on human subjects of all ages, making them want to move closer and eventually engage in playful behaviour within the mass of SCP-xxxx instances. Though this compulsive behaviour can be forced aside if the subject has more important tasks at hand. Test subjects removed (occasionally through force) from a mass of SCP-xxxx instances have not shown any side effects from the exposure other than being sad or upset to leave.
SCP-xxxx has proven capable of spawning new instances several meters from its parent instance and through atleast 50 cm of solid concrete, as site personnel discovered several instances of SCP-xxxx in the hall outside test chamber 3 during experiment E14 (see log below).
How an instance of SCP-xxxx spawns has yet to be discovered. High speed cameras have not been able to provide a single frame showing an instance in the process of forming.
Puncturing SCP-xxxx effectively renders it incapable of spawning new instances.
Test log SCP-xxxx-E14 - 2011/16/02
Lead tester: Dr.Reynolds
Subject: D-6514, a 34 year old male.
The objectives in this test is to determine how quickly SCP-xxxx can multiply in a less controlled enviroment and to see if it has any other anomalous properties appearing only in greater numbers. Also we want to observe how it reacts when there is no more space to spawn in. D-6514 in this test is only wearing shorts to maximize skin contact. I will be following the experiment via live camera feeds - Dr.Reynolds
Log start 01:01 PM
Dr.Reynolds: D-6514 please step in to the chamber and approach the table. Tell me what you see.
D-6514: I see a yellow ball.
Dr.Reynolds: How are you feeling at this moment?
D-6514: Not very happy. I don't like being a lab rat. Let's just get this over with.
Dr.Reynolds: Fair enough. Pick up SCP-xxxx, the ball on the table.
D-6514: Fine. I have the stupid ball, now what?
Dr.Reynolds: Keep holding it.
[Additional instances of SCP-xxxx spawn in the air around the original instance being held by D-6514. The new instances fall to the floor]
D-6514: What the hell? Where did those balls come from?
Dr.Reynolds: How many of them do you see?
D-6514: Uh, seven. Eight including the one I'm holding. Nine. Ten. Eleven. They keep popping up out of thin air! Thirteen…
Dr.Reynolds: Have any of the other balls come in contact with you?
D-6514: Some of them, yeah… Seventeen…
Dr.Reynolds: You can stop counting.
[Instances start spawning from those lying around D-6514's feet]
D-6514: Shit, this is freaky. Did you guys drug me or something?
Dr.Reynolds: I can assure you that there are no drugs involved in this experiment.
[D-6514 starts kicking instances away with his bare feet]
Dr.Reynolds: Good, keep kicking them.
[After 5 minutes of contact (01:07 PM) instances of SCP-xxxx cover the entire 5 x 5m (25m2) area of the floor in the test chamber. D-6514 occasionally kicks at them while walking around. At this point multiple instances constantly come in contact with D-6514, accelerating the rate at which they are spawned. Subject is at this moment smiling]
Dr.Reynolds: How are you feeling, D-6514?
D-6514: Stupid.
Dr.Reynolds: Stupid? How?
D-6514: [Snickers] Very.
Dr.Reynolds: Please be more specific.
D-6514: Dude, I'm locked in a room that is suddenly full of colorfull balls that keep coming out of nowhere. How would you feel?
Dr.Reynolds: My feelings are irrelevant. Please answer the question properly.
D-6514: Uhm, well I actaully feel less annoyed about being here and slightly amused I guess. In fact, I want more balls in here, however strange that may sound.
Dr.Reynolds: Noted. Can you see any change in the original one you are holding?
D-6514: No, but my hand is getting sweaty from holding it. And balls still keep appearing around it. Should I drop it?
Dr.Reynolds: No, hold on to it and keep moving around.
[After 10 minutes of contact (01:12 PM), the chamber is filled up to around 1 m with instances of SCP-xxxx. Subject D-6514 is starting to show a apparent change in behaviour]
Dr.Reynolds: How do you feel now, D-6514?
D-6514: [Laughing] Great!
Dr.Reynolds: Can you explain why are you laughing?
D-6514: I dunno, this is just frikkin' hilarious! Balls everywhere! Come in and join me why don't you?
Dr.Reynolds: [Chuckles] As much as I would like to, I can't.
[Note: Dr.Reynolds did not recall expressing these words when questioned after the experiment]
D-6514: Ow! Damn it! Owowowow…
[D-6514 disappears in the mass of SCP-xxxx]
Dr.Reynolds: What happened? D-6514?
D-6514: I forgot there was a fucking table bolted to the floor in here. Ow! [Laughter]
Dr.Reynolds: Can you continue with the test?
D-6514: Yes! Please don't stop the test!
[After 18 minutes of contact (01:20 PM) the entire chamber (3,5 m high) is filled with instances of SCP-xxxx. D-6514 is at this time unresponsive and can only be heard laughing and giggling to the point that he has problems catching his breath]
Dr.Reynolds: D-6514, please respond. What is happening?
D-6514: [Laughter]
Dr.Reynolds: D-6514?
[A muffled shout is heard followed by a cough]
Dr.Reynolds: D-6514?
Dr.Reynolds: D-6514, respond!
Dr.Reynolds: [Speaking to security via radio] We need a clean up crew and medics in hazmat suits at chamber 3, stat!
[Alarm is heard in the background]
PA announcement: Containment breach, test chamber 3. All personell stay clear of the hallways surrounding test chamber 3. Do not touch the colored plastic balls!
Dr.Reynolds: What? How the hell did that happen?
End log
Analysis: After successfully removing all instances of SCP-xxxx from the test chamber, D-6514 was found lifeless on the floor. Autopsy revealed that D-6514 had died from suffocation. Instances of SCP-xxxx were found lodged inside his mouth and windpipe, aswell as inside his stomach and bowels. Seeing as SCP-xxxx is to large to swallow, it can be assumed that they spawned inside of D-6514 when there was not enough sufficient open space in the near vincinity. This also proves that SCP-xxxx only spawns when in contact with living human skin, as no instances spawned during the autopsy.
The containment breach indicates that SCP-xxxx is capable of spawning some distance away from the origin, in this case even penetrating (without damaging) a 50 cm thick reinforced concrete wall.
During the 18 minutes D-6514 had physical contact, well over 200000 instances of SCP-xxxx spawned. An estimated amount of 300 instances per second spawned during the final minutes of the experiment when D-6514 was completely submerged.
All instances of SCP-xxxx from the test were collected and incinerated.
Additional testing has been requested to further examine the mental effects SCP-xxxx had on the subject.