SCP-1XXX in containment. Picture authorized by O5 Staff. Images of SCP-1XXX are safe because direct light contact from SCP-1XXX is neccesary for anomalous activity to occur. |
Item #: SCP-1XXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1XXX is stored in the center of a spherical chamber to avoid the long-term buildup of SCP-1XXX-1. The inner surface of the chamber is coated with carbon nanotubes aligned perpendicular to the center of the sphere. The chamber is to be surrounded by eight layers of perpendicular visible-light polarizing filters. All observation of SCP-1XXX is to occur using radio waves or x-rays, if needed. When moved, SCP-1XXX must be covered with black dyed cloth to minimize the creation of SCP-1XXX-2 during transport.
As a general safety rule, SCP-1XXX is to be subjected to no more than 3000 lumens of light from room lighting, unless the experiment is authorized by Class 4 personnel.
In the case of containment breach, smoke grenades are to be used to aid in the termination of SCP-1XXX-2 and thermal goggles are to be worn at all times by involved personnel in order to avoid retinal buildup of SCP-1XXX-1.
Single instances of SCP-1XXX-2 may be studied in containment but must be terminated using smoke or diffraction gratings after 12 hours. Experimentation on multiple instances of SCP-1XXX-2 not isolated from each other is prohibited until SCP-1XXX-2's underlying biology is better understood.
Description: SCP-1XXX is an incandescent light bulb 10cm long with a diameter of 6cm. The bulb is made of 0.41mm thick quartz. SCP-1XXX constantly emits 802 lumens of visible light with a wavelength of 574 nanometers. SCP-1XXX does not draw any power and does not leech energy from its surroundings. Rather, it constantly emits 12.4 watts of energy from an unknown source, possibly having application as an infinitely renewable energy source. Curiously, SCP-1XXX's components reflect its own light but do not trigger its anomalous effects.
When direct light from SCP-1XXX comes into contact with any light source or specular reflection of a light source, a type of energy (designated as SCP-1XXX-1) begins to build up on the surface of the light source. This energy manifests itself as a potential difference in the "Tarnenkov Field" (Named after Doctor Tarnenkov, who first documented SCP-1XXX's effects), which causes an emission of 574nm light. The size of instances of SCP-1XXX-1 is variable. The total wattage of energy released by an instance of SCP-1XXX-1 is equal to the amount of energy absorbed by the light source, per second.
When the transfer of energy from SCP-1XXX to a light source is cut off (either by the light source being turned off or by the direct light from SCP-1XXX being blocked) an instance of SCP-1XXX-2 is manifested about two seconds afterward. SCP-1XXX-2 are sentient beings that consist of fluctuations in the Tarnenkov field. Ananlysis of SCP-1XXX-2 indicates that SCP-1XXX-2 have internal organs and a physiology similar to carbon-based life, which is currently under study. Information on appendages and organs found within SCP-1XXX-2 are to be stored in Document-1XXX-A.
SCP-1XXX-2 are hostile to attack Foundation Personnel and attack on sight. They cannot move through opaque materials (though they can diffract around weapnos if attacked) but can pass through anything that visible light with a wavelength of 574nm can, losing energy proportional to the the absorption of yellow light by the aforementioned object. SCP-1XXX-2 can travel at speeds ranging from 2 m/s to 190 m/s and can physically exert as many watts of energy as they emit constantly in the form of light. SCP-1XXX-2 adopt a flocking behavior in groups and have rarely been observed to merge to form larger instances.1
Instance of SCP-1XXX-2 during Incident-1XXX-A |
SCP-1XXX-2 "see" via visible light with wavelength 574nm. When an instance of SCP-1XXX-2 sees a moving physical object, it signals nearby SCP-1XXX-2 to converge on the target and attack it until it stops moving. When not in the presence of moving objects, instances of SCP-1XXX-2 will seek out light sources and hover near them.
SCP-1XXX was found on an open field in the Mojave Desert after a series of disappearances and reports of ghosts roaming through Death Valley.
Addendum: Instances of SCP-1XXX-2 have been observed to "grow" by absorbing visible light. Requesting O5 permission to keep an instance of SCP-1XXX-2 contained for long term study. -Dr. Tarnenkov
Request denied -O5-3