SCP-1730 pictured during transport to Sector-19.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently contained in a 20m x 20m reinforced concrete cell located at Sector-19. The only entrances to this cell are a negative-pressure airlock located on the northern wall and a similarly designed hatch on the ceiling of the cell. 6 closed-circuit security cameras housed in 3cm thick polycarbonate boxes are to be observing the subject at all times. Once every 24 hours, 250 kg of food product is to be introduced into the cell via the ceiling hatch, and water is to be provided through troughs located along the east and west walls. The cell is to be cleaned once weekly by site personnel. Personnel entering the cell for any reason are to wear cut-resistant positive pressure environment suits. After exiting the cell, the airlock will be flooded with the non-persistent nerve agent cyclosarin.
SCP-XXXX is to be considered hostile at all times. Any changes in behavior noticed in the subject are to be documented and reported to site command. Appearances of docile and/or cooperative behavior are to be considered a luring tactic and treated as such. Should any members of SCP-XXXX be sighted outside the containment cell, a full lock down will be enacted, with the all-clear given only after they are terminated or captured. Any members of species Rattus norvegicus sighted within 10km of Sector-19 are to be considered members of SCP-XXXX and dealt with accordingly. Any containment breach involving a large portion of SCP-XXXX escaping containment is to be dealt with by using one or more class-D personnel to lure them back into the cell. If this method fails, personnel on site are to coerce the subject using incendiary devices, poison gasses, or any other method capable of killing or injuring its members in large numbers.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a large colony (currently ~5000 individuals) of species Rattus norvegicus currently residing in a containment cell in Sector-19. Specimens of SCP-XXXX have an average length of 50cm from snout to tail, and an average mass of 0.5kg. Fur is typically coarse and ranges in color from brown to dark grey. SCP-XXXX possesses a collective intelligence, acting as a single entity at all times. The mechanism behind this phenomenon is unknown. While it is theorized that the intelligence of this collective mind is proportional to the number of individuals, there is no definitive proof at this time.
SCP-XXXX displays a high degree of coordination and problem solving ability, and has been observed attacking potential prey items in large numbers, incapacitating them before delivering lethal wounds. Members of SCP-XXXX do not appear to react to pain, and will continue attacking until death or any injury that would render movement mechanically impossible, at which point other members will cannibalize them. The only actions that appear to deter it are those that would threaten the colony as a whole. Subject shows a notable preference for humans as a source of food, to the point of focusing its efforts on any potential human prey regardless of the risk involved or the availability of other food sources. SCP-XXXX will typically subdue human prey by first biting through the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon, then lacerating major blood vessels, usually in the wrists and neck. When the victim dies from blood loss, members of SCP-XXXX will gather around the body, allowing the young and those of breeding age to feed before any other members.
SCP-XXXX appears to have a limited understanding of human technology. It will attempt to disable electronic devices by chewing through wires and mechanical devices by jamming moving parts with their bodies. All attempts at communication with SCP-XXXX have been unsuccessful. It is unknown at this time whether it is incapable of understanding these attempts or simply unwilling to respond.
Incident XXXX-1: During the weekly cleaning of SCP-XXXX's containment cell on 5/██/20██, a power failure caused a design oversight in the airlock to open both doors, allowing SCP-XXXX to escape. As per containment procedures, subject D-████ was restrained and introduced to the cell via manually opening the ceiling hatch. This was sufficient to lure the entirety of SCP-XXXX into its cell. The cause of the power failure was determined to be a member of SCP-XXXX chewing through the containment cell's main power cable. Review of the security footage revealed that no member of SCP-XXXX had escaped prior to this incident. The current theory behind this is that other members of species Rattus norvegicus coming within a certain area of effect of SCP-XXXX will become part of its collective intelligence. Also of note is that SCP-XXXX took much longer to kill and consume D-████ than it normally would have, appearing to draw out the subject's death for several hours. The reason for this behavior is unknown.
Addendum 1730-1: The Foundation has received several reports of unusual behavior and migration patterns of Rattus norvegicus in the area of [REDACTED]. Because this area was along the route used to transport SCP-XXXX to Sector-19, it seems likely that these specimens have fallen victim to the same conversion effect noted in Incident XXXX-1. Sector-19 command has declared a state of heightened alert in light of these events. At this time, it is estimated that no less than ████ specimens could be affected. Formation of a mobile task force to handle this issue is pending, as is a change in object class for SCP-XXXX.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A population of no greater than 500 and no less than 100 instances of SCP-XXXX Strain Alpha is to be maintained in a 5x5x2m aquarium at Biological Containment Site-66. The climate of this aquarium is to be maintained at [INSERT IDEAL FRESHWATER FISH ENVIRONMENT], and is to be cleaned and checked for eggs and instances of SCP-XXXX that deviate significantly from strain alpha weekly. All biological materials recovered during cleaning are to be incinerated as per Class 4 bio-hazard disposal procedures. Freshwater seaweed based food product is to be introduced into the aquarium daily at a rate of 3 grams per instance of SCP-XXXX.
All experiments involving SCP-XXXX are to be pre-approved by the current head of research for SCP-XXXX, and are to be performed in temporary observation tanks. All products of such experiments are to be disposed of as mentioned above if no longer needed.
Elimination of SCP-XXXX in the wild is currently being handled by MTF Eta-4 ("Darwin Awards") as per operation Neptune (see document whatever).
Description: SCP-XXXX refers to a species of class Osteichthyes discovered in the █████████ ████ lake system. Instances of SCP-XXXX vary greatly in appearance and internal anatomy, however, all instances are hermaphroditic and reproduce through parthenogenesis. Upon reaching reproductive maturity, all instances are capable of producing a clutch of eggs, and will typically do so as the instances either reached the end of their life cycle or encounter any life threatening conditions such as toxicity, food scarcity, or predators. Offspring produced in this fashion will develop adaptations that allow them to better survive the conditions that triggered reproduction in their parent. The anatomical modifications produced in this manner are non-anomalous and often require evolutionary trade-offs, although they may differ greatly from traits typical of class Osteichthyes or kingdom Animalia in general. As a result, SCP-XXXX is capable of quickly filling a wide variety of ecological niches in a relatively short period of time, often out-competing native fauna for resources. This presents a significant threat of ecological displacement to any environment they are introduced into. Predatory instances of SCP-XXXX have been observed preying on other instances of SCP-XXXX, as such, SCP-XXXX is typically able to reestablish equilibrium in any such environment.
SCP-XXXX Strain Alpha refers to members of SCP-XXXX which have had their features and behavior modified by Foundation researchers for the purpose of maintaining a docile and easily maintained population for research purposes. These instances are an average of 10cm in length, silver-grey in color and appear similar to members of the Cyprinidae family. Members of SCP-XXXX Strain Alpha are omnivorous and display social behaviors similar to schooling fish. When reproduction is induced in members of SCP-XXXX Strain alpha, they produce clutches of 20-30 eggs which are opaque and dull red in color. SCP-XXXX Strain Alpha is considered a baseline for experimental purposes.
The primary goal of Project Neptune is the extinction of SCP-XXXX in the wild. Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, the methods employed to accomplish this will need to be varied. Environmental collateral damage is not a concern, as the potential impact SCP-XXXX is far greater. Additionally, the reproductive properties of SCP-XXXX will mean that any surviving instances capable of reproduction could have the potential to cause a resurgence of SCP-XXXX's population. As such, any actions undertaken must have the goal of
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a modified humanoid containment cell at Site-06-3. The walls of this cell are to be padded, and all furniture is to be attached to the room in some way. As SCP-XXXX is currently unable to perform self care due to its cognitive impairment, Foundation staff trained in the care and rehabilitation of the cognitively impaired are to attend to it's needs. All personnel entering SCP-XXXX's containment cell must wear impact absorbing protective suits rated to forces of no less than 3200N with whiplash reducing pneumatic systems. In the event SCP-XXXX becomes hostile or needs to be transported, the subject is to be sedated and blindfolded. The method for this currently considered safest is for 1 staff member to distract the subject while no less than 2 other personnel approach SCP-XXXX from different angles outside of its field of view.
Attempts to rehabilitate SCP-XXXX using physical and cognitive therapy have been approved, however, as the subject has little control over its anomalous properties in its current state, all such attempts must be accompanied by security personnel trained to sedate the subject in the event that it anomalous abilities cause damage to personnel or the site.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a 31 year old Caucasian male, formerly identified as ██████ ████████, resident of Jackson, FL. Due to a bullet wound sustained to its head prior to containment, SCP-XXXX displays a severe cognitive impairment affecting its executive functioning and language processing skills. Subject is currently unable to care for itself or understand any language beyond a few basic commands.
SCP-XXXX possesses the ability to alter the inertia of objects over a distance. While it is theorized that these abilities have an upper limit in terms of the change in velocity SCP-XXXX can apply as well as the maximum mass it is able to affect, this cannot be confirmed experimentally as SCP-XXXX is unable to cooperate in any such experiments. It is known that SCP-XXXX can only apply these affects to objects it can visually perceive, both through extended observation of the subject and documents recovered from it's former residence. It is currently unknown how SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties originated.
Recovery: SCP-XXXX was recovered from ███████ Hospital in ███████████, Florida, where it was kept following its attempted murder. According to documents recovered from SCP-XXXX's former residence as well as eyewitness reports, SCP-XXXX attempted to engage in vigilante activities following the manifestation of its anomalous abilities. The subject was injured while attempting to confront several individuals believed to be involved in organized crime, presumably as it lacked the necessary reaction time necessary to stop a bullet in flight using these abilities.
Documents recovered from the former residence of ██████ ████████
Note: No entries were found dated.
Some crazy shits happening right now, and I feel like I gotta write it down. I tripped over a root mowing the lawn yesterday, and I just floated. I hit the ground as soon as I started thinking too hard about it. I just shrugged it off then, thinking I imagined the whole thing. I dropped my beer that night, same thing happened, it just floated, drops of beer that came out and all. I focused on it that time, and it stayed there. I kept trying on other shit and found out I can move stuff too. I threw a tennis ball around the shed until I didn't need to use my hands anymore.
Then I got to thinking, I can't be the only one like this, the CIA or FBI or whoever must be keeping this all quiet. I'm keeping this notebook under the floorboards. If I disappeared and you're reading this, now you know why.
I stopped Barry's car from moving this morning, just to see if I could. He just sat there and spun his wheels. It's not like in the movies or anything where I gotta wave my arms around. I just sat on my porch, looked at the car, and nobody suspected a thing. He thinks his breaks are fucked up and he dropped a hundred getting them looked at! That's the least I could do. After what he did to his wife, he's lucky I didn't wrap him around a phone pole.
I've been doing some research, seeing if anyone else got powers and got taken by the feds. I used to laugh at these conspiracy nuts, now I don't know what to believe. I read about some MK Ultra government mind control scheme, but they used orphans and prisoners for that, and I know I ain't either, unless they mind controlled me to think that.
Damn, this just got confusing. Most of what I read is still bullshit, though. Half the shit I found was typical conspiracy nut rants about the Illuminati or the masons or the Foundation or whatever. The other half was hippie crap about chakras and pineal glands. I still can't help but get paranoid every time I see people in suits or black vans.
I found my calling. There was something on the news today about a little boy that got caught in the crossfire of a gang fight a few miles from here, and the fuckers that did it got away. Those assholes think they can just walk all over everyone, but there's a reason I got these powers. I'll find the fuckers and throw them to goddamn space.
I've cased the area out and those gangbangers aren't even subtle. Saw a polished turd of a car full of guys wearing crip colors blasting their stereos. I don't know if they're the ones who did it, but the world would be better off without them either way. Just bought a Captain America mask from the Halloween store. I don't know if I should bother with a full costume, so for now I need to make sure nobody sees my face.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Schools in North America are to be monitored for any mentions of "Barkley the Safety Dog's Safety Extravaganza" events or correspondence with any organizations by the name of Worthington's Scholastic Performance Troupe. Any such events are to be responded to by MTF Omicron-13 ("Out For Summer"), who will attempt to ensure the school is unoccupied on the scheduled day of the event. To better facilitate monitoring for SCP-XXXX, the Foundation has encouraged the adoption of online calendars among schools.
Personnel are to attempt to evacuate the site of the performance before the conclusion of the school's hours of operation. No weapons are to be carried by any personnel entering a school affected by SCP-XXXX. In the event that any foundation personnel remain in the affected site during this time, they are to observe the following precautions to minimize the risk of being targeted by SCP-XXXX-1 through -6:
- Remain in groups of at least 2 individuals.
- Dispose of any items that pose a fire hazard, use potentially dangerous amounts of electricity, or could be toxic if ingested.
- Avoid proximity of any exposed electrical work or gas lines, as well as any areas with poor lighting conditions or unstable footing.
- Do not engage in verbal communication with SCP-XXXX-6
In the event of an uncontrolled performance of SCP-XXXX, Foundation personnel are to debrief and amnestitize all witnesses and deploy a cover story plausible for the damages and casualties caused.
Description: SCP-XXXX refers to events surrounding the performance of a musical stage play called "Barkley the Safety Dog's Safety Extravaganza" at North American schools. These performances will appear in the affected schools' calendars and other notifications several weeks prior to the event. Documents including contracts, invoices, and background checks of performers from an organization known as Worthington's Scholastic Performance Troupe will spontaneously appear in school records, and members of faculty that would normally be in charge of arranging and/or approving any such events will manufacture false memories of these correspondences.
On the day of the performance, of which attendance by faculty and students will be mandatory, a set will appear in an auditorium, gymnasium, or other location where large gatherings are typically held, along with 6 entities designated SCP-XXXX-1 through -6. Once all attendees have gathered, they will commence a musical performance about topics relating to safety. This performance is consistent and thematically seems to be aimed at young children, although manifestations often occur in schools for older students such as High Schools. Attendance of this event does not seem to be a compulsion, as numerous individuals have been noted to successfully avoid attending the event.
SCP-XXXX-1 through -6 appear to be humanoids in a variety of costumes who play as characters during the performance. While their behavior is consistent between manifestations, other factors such as the height and voices may change. Their descriptions are as follows:
Designation |
Identity Given in Performance |
Description |
Barkley the Saftey Dog |
Appears to be a humanoid wearing a brown felt dog costume with a large head presumably made of foam. Takes a "leader" role during the performance, accompanying the other characters in their musical numbers. |
Bernie the Firefly |
Appears to be a humanoid wearing a red and yellow insect costume with LED lights in its tail. Its role in the performance is a story arc involving being caught by SCP-XXXX-1 playing with matches, leading to a song about fire safety. |
Ellie the Electric Eel |
Appears to be a humaoid wearing a blue-green felt eel costume. Its role in the play is a story arc about being caught by SCP-XXXX-1 attempting to remove toast stuck in a toaster with a butter knife, leading to a song about electricity safety. |
Marty the Mouse |
Appears to be a humaoid wearing a brown felt mongoose costume. Its role in the play is a story arc about being caught by SCP-XXXX-1 mistaking medicine for candy and cleaning products for flavored beverages, leading to a song about poison safety. |
Buddy the Bear |
Appears to be a humanoid in a dark brown felt bear costume. It's role in the performance is being found alone in a forest by both SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-5, leading to a musical number about stranger danger and safety in numbers. |
Stan the Stranger |
Appears to be a humanoid in a black body glove with a pair of red "angry eyes" on its face, as well as a fedora and trench coat. Its role in the performance is finding SCP-XXXX-4 alone in the forest and attempting to entice him to follow him to his car by claiming to be searching for a lost pet and offering candy. Exits the stage as the other characters confront him. |
Following the the conclusion of the school day after the performance, SCP-XXXX-1 through -6 will remain on the affected school's property, displaying violent behavior to any remaining individuals. This behavior is specific to their role in the performance, and is often explained to their victims as a demonstration of the consequences of behavior they deem "unsafe". Although anyone present may be targeted, this behavior applies especially to individuals who were not present at the performance, were disruptive during the performance, or not considered members of the school's faculty or student body. The latter will cause SCP-XXXX-1 through -5 to converge on their location, repeating the phrase "Stranger Danger" while attempting to kill this individual unless they vacate school property. SCP-XXXX-1 through -6 do not appear to react to injuries outside of those that would make movement mechanically impossible, and demonstrate a high degree of strength and endurance, especially given the cumbersome appearance of their costumes. As such, they are able to subdue the majority of individuals they come into contact with.
Both the behavior and anomalous properties of SCP-XXXX-6 differ from those of the other instances. SCP-XXXX-6 has demonstrated translocative abilities, being able to spontaneously appear anywhere not in view of an individual or automated recording system. SCP-XXXX-6 shows a notable preference for appearing in this manner near building entrances or exits, making evacuation of affected buildings more difficult. SCP-XXXX-6 will stand in the location it appears and only engage in hostile behavior against individuals who engage in verbal interaction with it. It will often encourage these interactions by offering items such as candy or narcotic substances, or claiming to know a parent or trusted authority figure of its target. SCP-XXXX-6 will then pursue this individual in attempt to grab them and drag them to an unobserved location before disappearing along with its victim. No individuals abducted in this manner or remains thereof have been recovered. The relationship between SCP-XXXX-6 and the other instances remains adversarial during their post-performance manifestations. Should it be spotted by any other member of SCP-XXXX, they will pursue SCP-XXXX-6 until it is able to disappear from view. It is unknown if SCP-XXXX-6 has ever been caught in this manner, though it has never been observed since containment procedures were initiated.
SCP-XXXX-1 through -6 will typically demanifest between 0000 and 0200 hours the day following the SCP-XXXX event, along with all materials originating from them. This has been observed to be instantaneous, with subjects disappearing between frames of recorded video. To date, several instances of SCP-XXXX-1 through -6 have been killed, though this does not appear to have any effect on subsequent manifestations. All attempts at removing their costumes have been met with failure seemingly due to happenstance, suggesting a probabilistic anomaly.
Addendum: Recorded Instances of SCP-XXXX manifestations:
Location: █████████ Elementary, ██████, ██, United States.
Date: 10/15/1985
Casualties: 3 dead, 2 missing. Significant fire damage to building.
Notes: First recorded manifestation of SCP-XXXX. The three deceased individuals have been identified as █████ ███████, ████████ ██████████, and ███████████ ███████, custodial staff of █████████ Elementary. All three were found restrained and badly burned, only able to be identified by their dental records. Investigation revealed that the fire originated in the room in which they were restrained. Medical records of these individuals revealed that they had a history of smoking, which likely provoked SCP-XXXX-2. ████ ████████ and ████████ ████, both employed as teachers by █████████ Elementary, were listed as missing, and were likely abducted by SCP-XXXX-6. This event was given a preliminary designation of Extranormal Event 9532 and monitored for re-occurrence.
Location: ██████ █████ Middle School, █████████, ██, United States.
Date: 4/19/1991
Casualties: 3 dead, 1 hospitalized with severe electrical burns.
Notes: Second recorded manifestation of SCP-XXXX. Security footage was recovered, but is incomplete due to a power outage caused by SCP-XXXX-3. 4 students had gained unauthorized access to the school's swimming pool, and were electrocuted after SCP-XXXX-3 cut a nearby power line. The school was closed pending an investigation from Foundation agents embedded in local law enforcement. The following is a transcript of recovered footage:
4 Individuals are seen playing in the swimming pool. One of them points upward towards an area off camera.
All others cease what they were doing and look in the direction he was pointing. One of them begins yelling in it's direction.
The 4 students attempt to leave the water in a panic as the video feed cuts out.
████ █████ survived with injuries and was debriefed before being administered class A amnestics, confirming that SCP-XXXX-3 cut the power line in such a way that the exposed ends landed in the pool. In addition, footage of SCP-XXXX-4 was recovered entering a janitorial storage room and exiting with a box of ███████ brand household pesticide. Analysis of food stored in the cafeteria refrigerator found trace amounts of ██████████████, an anticoagulant which is the active ingredient in ███████. A cover story of the power line being severed by a large falling branch was distributed to local media. The anomoly is given the designation SCP-XXXX following this incident, and containment procedures are put in place.
Location: ███ ████ ██ ████ Catholic School, ███████, ██, United States.
Date: 7/12/1993
Casualties: 1 Foundation agent killed.
Notes: This SCP-XXXX manifestation was discovered three weeks prior to its performance. After several unsuccessful attempts to get the School, district, and local government to cancel the event, a cover story of the school being closed the day of the performance due to lead paint removal. 3 Foundation agents were dispatched to gather information and, if possible, interview SCP-XXXX.
Location: ████████ ████ High School, █████, ██, United States.
Date: 1/26/2015
Casualties: 1 dead.
Notes: The victim of this event, identified as student ██ ████, was found dead from severe blunt force trauma by one of the staff the day following the incident. School records indicate that this student had permission to remain in the school to work on a video project for one of his classes. The attack had been partially captured on this student's phone.
Transcript Whatever: Video begins with ████ in the hall near the school's gym, lingering on a trophy case before moving on. SCP-XXXX-5 is seen walking around the corner.
████: The hell? Your one of those animals from that stupid assembly. Look, I'm trying to finish something here and it's due tomorrow, can you just stay out of my way?
SCP-XXXX-5: You don't have a buddy!
████: Can we not do this right now, I don't even know why they made us sit through…
SCP-XXXX-5: (interrupting) If you don't have a buddy, something bad could happen to you!
SCP-XXXX-5 is seen taking a baseball bat from a stand next to the trophy case. ████ drops his phone and runs. The camera lands face down, only audio is recorded from this point on. SCP-XXXX-4 is heard chasing ████ for a short distance before screaming and impacts are heard.
SCP-XXXX-5: …and no-one would ever know.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Redundant copies of SCP-XXXX are to be stored in Foundation Datacenter 87. Testing of SCP-XXXX is only permitted with D-class personnel and must be overseen by at least 1 member of foundation staff with Level 2 clearance or higher.
Foundation webcrawlers are to monitor download sites for any instances of SCP-XXXX. To date there have not been any additional uploads detected since containment procedures were initiated.
As of [A DATE], the duration of testing is not allowed to exceed 2 hours without prior consent of site command.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a simple computer game in the platformer genre with the title "Loopy's looping adventure" discovered on several download sites. The game is very simplistic in terms of graphics and gameplay. The player character is a yellow ring with no animation, able to navigate a game environment consisting of green squares on the screen at varying heights using the arrow keys on a standard keyboard. There is only one level, which resets if the player falls off screen or reached the level's endpoint. No sound assets play during the game or can be found in the game's files.
SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties manifest upon a user ceasing to play the game, either by exiting the program, shutting down the computer, or physically leaving. The user will believe that they have been reliving the same day repeatedly. The number of times they claim to have repeated the same day varies, but is generally proportional to the length of time spent playing. Individuals experiencing this effect have been shown to be able to accurately predict the events of the day within a margin of error that can be explained by alterations to events made by their foreknowledge of them.
Experiment Log XXXX
Subject: D-6275
Duration of interaction: 1 repetition of level
Results: Subject displayed mild confusion after interaction with the game ceased, complaining of deja vu. When questioned, D-6275 claimed that she felt like the day's events had occurred yesterday, but dismissed this notion as a delusion due to the stress of her incarceration.
Subject: D-3654
Duration of interaction: 1 hour
Results: Subject was able to complete 34 repetitions of the level. Upon exiting the game, the subject became highly agitated and attempted to break the observation window by throwing a chair at it. Subject injured one of the security officer's legs as he was restrained. D-6275 was uncooperative during the interview, though he did pre-emptively answer all questions the researcher was planning on asking, revealing that he had been through several hundred repetitions. Security protocols for testing have been updated in light of these events.
Subject: D-1527
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Thaumiel Keter
Special Containment Procedures: (Revision 10/23/2013) Majority votes from both the Ethics Committee and the O5 council have determined that all projects involving the development of technologies using SCP-XXXX are to be discontinued, and manufacturing of equipment utilizing SCP-XXXX is permitted only until current reserves are depleted. All research involving SCP-XXXX is to focus on determining the source of manifestation events and, if possible, developing methods of preventing such events.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a silver-grey metallic substance of unknown composition and origin. SCP-XXXX does not seem to possess any consistent chemical properties that would reveal information such as valence levels or atomic mass. All methods of observing the nuclear structure of SCP-XXXX will cause it to break down into conventional elements, typically light elements such as hydrogen and helium, using an unknown process that does not release large amounts of energy that would be expected of nuclear fission or fusion. SCP-XXXX is found in veins that manifest spontaneously.
Experiment Log XXXX
Subject: D-6275
Duration of interaction: 1 repetition of level
Results: Subject displayed mild confusion after interaction with the game ceased, complaining of deja vu. When questioned, D-6275 claimed that she felt like the day's events had occurred yesterday, but dismissed this notion as a delusion due to the stress of her incarceration.
Subject: D-3654
Duration of interaction: 1 hour
Results: Subject was able to complete 34 repetitions of the level. Upon exiting the game, the subject became highly agitated and attempted to break the observation window by throwing a chair at it. Subject injured one of the security officer's legs as he was restrained. D-6275 was uncooperative during the interview, though he did pre-emptively answer all questions the researcher was planning on asking, revealing that he had been through several hundred repetitions. Security protocols for testing have been updated in light of these events.
Subject: D-1527