Pencil Golems
SCP-XXX-1236 | |
SCP-XXX-2095 |
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Each contained instance of SCP-XXX is to be stored in a separate cell. Instances of SCP-XXX are not allowed to access writing implements, any other SCP object which pertains to writing in any way or instruments otherwise related to writing at any time. Wooden objects, bar instances of SCP-XXX, are strictly forbidden in any cell containing an instance of SCP-XXX. No more than 3 ordinary instances of SCP-XXX are to be contained, and any further instances are to be incinerated.
Description: Each instance of SCP-XXX is an animate sculpture usually made entirely of apparently normal pencils. The constitution of SCP-XXX has been proven by examination of the remains of an instance of SCP-XXX. Instances of SCP-XXX have shown no need to undergo normal bodily function. This is likely related to their unusual structure, but this has not yet been proven.
Instances of SCP-XXX have the ability to make new instances of SCP-XXX by assembling writing implements. When any form of writing implement other than pencils is used, however, the instances of SCP-XXX created in this way have been shown to have extra abilities related to the items used. See Test Log XXX-1526 for further details.
Test Log XXX-1526:
Date: ██/██/20██
Writing Implement Used and number: Standard Foundation ballpoint pen (30)
Description: SCP-XXX-1426 was observed to have a different form to most instances of SCP-XXX. It had large "spines" on its back, formed of the ballpoint pens supplied for this test. When SCP-XXX-1462 was aggravated, it was observed to spray a high-pressure jet of what was assumed to be ink from one of its spines at the aggravating personnel. However, the fluid was observed to dry and harden so that the affected body part (the hand) could not be moved. This state persisted even after washing, suggesting that the "ink" may have had a neurotoxic effect as well. SCP-XXX-1462 destroyed.
Date: ██/██/20██
Writing Implement Used and number: Faint- and margin-ruled sheet of A4 paper (10)
Description: SCP-XXX-2102 had sheets of paper incorporated into its bodily structure and around the outside. When tested, this paper was shown to be able to withstand high temperature and cutting implements much better than paper of the brand used should. SCP-XXX-2012 held separate from other instances of SCP-XXX for further testing.
Cellar Fungus
Object Number: SCP-████
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A sporous sample of SCP-████ is to be kept in an otherwise sterile, empty petri dish in a Class II Biohazard containment safe in Site ██. In the event of an on-site containment breach, all internal areas of Site ██ bar those requiring a non-sterile environment are to be fumigated and sterilised and all affected surfaces are to be replaced.
In the event of uncontained samples of SCP-████ coming to light, the contaminated area is to be locked down and any affected buildings are to be demolished and the rubble sterilised. If this contamination has been in place for longer than 3 weeks, Mobile Task Force Phi-Twelve "Yuggoth Walkers" are to be stationed in the vicinity and able to react with deadly force to any hostiles reported within 5 minutes.
Description: SCP-████ is a gray-green mould with space-warping effects upon internal areas it grows within. More specifically, it causes a set of downward stairs to become apparent within a single room of any building it infests, regardless of whether there is space for these steps to occupy. These steps lead to a "basement" area, which universally appears to be underground1, irrespective of which floor the originating steps occur upon. It is currently unknown when this effect occurs, although it has never been observed in any infestation of less than 5 m2 in size.
If an infestation is left undisturbed for more than approximately 3 weeks, any humans entering the room the steps are occuring in become uncomfortable, citing a feeling that there is some form of being in the cellar. This appears to have some basis in fact, as dead bodies, with an apparent cause of death being mauling, have frequently been found in affected buildings, although never in the affected room or the emergant cellar area. As such, MTF-Φ12 has been formed and equipped with Class 2 Biohazard suits and flamethrowers.
"Sitting at the kitchen table one day, eating a meal, a thought occured: he should go on a road trip. After all, he had a car, he had the half-chicken sitting in the fridge - what could go wrong?
- A Few Weeks Later -
He should never have brought the half-chicken with him. It had lead to everything: the stench, the green fuzz growing over the seats, the flies, the steps, the cellar… the thing."