Digital Image of SCP-XXXX |
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Immediately after removal, all brain tissues containing SCP-XXXX are to be fresh tissue freezed, placed in a watertight container, labeled, and placed in a freezer for future research. The remaining subject is to be immediately disposed of, and the surrounding area cleaned. SCP-XXXX is currently under research at Sector-07.
Access to the laboratory containing SCP-XXXX is restricted to all personnel, except trained, level 3 staff. Personnel working with prion-risk materials must complete Biosafety Principles for Animal Users through the ORCBS, as well as complete on-site training relative to the nature of the prion in use, routes of transmission, and specific hazards of the tissue handling process. Written procedures and training records should be kept as outlined in the BMBL. All Personnel directly working with SCP-XXXX must wear protective clothing, and double glove to prevent accidents. Personnel must remove all protective clothing before leaving the lab.
The Laboratory which SCP-XXXX is contained in, must have self closing doors and have locks in accordance with Sector-07 policies. Access to the laboratory is restricted to entry by a series of two self-closing doors, with a dressing room between them. The laboratory must have a sink which is handsfree, automatically operated, and near to the door. The laboratory must be easily cleaned, and its furniture must be able to support and withstand different uses. The windows must be sealed, and it must have a ducted air ventilation system. Finally, it must have a method for decontamination in the case of SCP-XXXX escaping from its sealed container.
Description: SCP-XXXX is mutated strand of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), otherwise known as Prion Diseases. SCP-XXXX originally came from the prion, feline spongiform
encephalopathy (FSE). The prion disease FSE, normally affects cats, but SCP-XXXX has jumped species and affects the brains of the species ichthyoid. It is not known how SCP-XXXX made the jump in species, but it is theorized that infected cats somehow infected the fish when hunting. SCP-XXXX is an inherited disease among the fish, and shows up 100% of the time in the offspring of these fish. If left unattended, a whole population of fish in an area could become infected, and endanger surrounding cities and towns.
If a human consumes a host containing SCP-XXXX, the human will be infected. Subjects usually will not report any symptomsfor around a week, before the common symptoms of SCP-XXXX occur. There are four stages of SCP-XXXX. The first stage is a fever. Subjects usually report to be sick with the common flu, and attempt to work through it. Since most subjects tend to not rest, they will usually overwork themselves, and will progress to the second stage. Subjects will begin to hallucinate, and have short term memory loss. The subject them seems to back track, and seem to recover. When it seems like the subject has fully recovered, the subject enters stage three. Stage three causes the brain to have long term memory loss. The final stage, is the paralysis of the full body. Victims of SCP-XXXX do not die if they receive proper treatment. If no treatment is provided for the victim, then they will eventually die of hunger and dehydration.
SCP-XXXX was first discovered, on █/██/2████, When reports of whole village being paralyzed came to the notice of the foundation. The small fishing village is out-side of ████████████. After █ weeks of searching, the source of the disease was found, and was transferred to Sector-07 where it is still under research. All victims of SCP-XXXX were transferred to [REDACTED], and the area around the village has effectively been closed off to all visitors.
Addendum: There is no effective cure for SCP-XXXX.