Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe/Euclid/Keter (indicate which class)
Special Containment Procedures: [Paragraphs explaining the Procedures]
Description: [Paragraphs explaining the Description]
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be marked so as not to be confused with normal cleaning products and contained in a locked 2.5 mm thick metal box with the same warnings.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a "M██ █████ Antibacterial Spray" cleaning agent in a standard clear 650 mL bottle. All aspects of this SCP are visually and chemically identical to the original product, with the exception that the front label has the statement "Your clean everything solution" on it. The company that produces this spray; P██████ █ ██████ has stated that they have no knowledge of ever producing a product with this statement on it.
Although SCP-XXXX appears to be an ordinary cleaning product aside from the non-standard statement on the label, it came to the SCP Foundation's attention when an agent on vacation in [DATA EXPUNGED] noticed the town he was visiting was abnormally clean as well as being seemingly devoid of all life. Upon a search of the local businesses and houses, the remains of one (1) human body was found, that of a naked Caucasian female in her late thirties. The victim had died due to massive blood loss, caused by extensive abrasions across the entirety of her epidermis as well as hundreds of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Chemical burns were also present on all of the victims wounds, which appeared to have been caused by the nearby cleaning bottle, SCP-XXXX. It was later determined that these wounds were self inflicted through the use of an abrasive metal cleaning pad, and as had been previously suspected, SCP-XXXX. Both the cleaning spray and the abrasive pad were taken by SCP agents, though the pad was later found to be of a completely ordinary nature.
Through testing it has been determined that any human subject who uses SCP-XXXX immediately feels a strong compulsion to "clean the filth" off of the surfaces around them, which they will attempt to do regardless of constraints or other limiting factors. Once this desire has been achieved by the subject they will immediately move on to cleaning any other objects within their immediate vicinity, eventually leading up to organic material. This starts with simple plant material, but eventually moves up to complex life forms such as animals and humans, which was determined after [DATA EXPUNGED]. During this period of obsessive behavior, the subject will not respond to any outside stimuli unless the subjects ability to clean anything has been obstructed, in which case they will violently attack whatever has impeded their progress. After successfully cleaning all matter around them, they will proceed to strip off their clothing and [DATA EXPUNGED], eventually leading to the subjects death.
SCP-XXXX Test Logs:
Experiment XXXX-1: Subject D-XXXX-1 was provided with a standard yellow cleaning sponge and SCP-XXXX and placed in a locked room with multiple dirty surfaces. The Subject was then instructed to use SCP-XXXX-1 to clean the surfaces. Upon Subject D-XXXX-1's use of SCP-XXXX-1 subject began incessantly muttering "Everything is filthy. I have to clean the filth. Clean the filth, clean the filth, clean the filth….", this muttering continued for the duration of the test. After c leaning all of the provided surfaces Subject D-XXXX-1 removed his clothes and proceeded to scrub fiercely at his skin. This continued for ten minutes, at which point the subject [DATA EXPUNGED]. A cleaning crew was subsequently sent for.
Experiment XXXX-2: Subject D-XXXX-2 and D-XXXX-3 were placed in a locked room surrounded by multiple dirty surfaces. Subject D-XXXX-2 was instructed to use SCP-XXXX and a standard yellow sponge to clean the surfaces. Once Subject D-XXXX-2 was under the influence of SCP-XXXX Subject D-XXXX-3 was instructed to impeded Subject D-XXXX-2's ability to clean the surfaces. When subject D-XXXX-3 had attempted to do this, Subject D-XXXX-1 immediately attacked Subject D-XXXX-3 and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject D-XXXX-2 was shot with a tranquilizer dart, restrained and removed from the room. No cleaning staff was necessary. Subject D-XXXX-2 was later terminated when efforts to remove his trance like state failed.
Experiment XXXX-3: Subject D-XXXX-4 was placed in a thoroughly cleaned, empty room with SCP-XXXX, a standard yellow sponge and two guards. The subject was asked to spray the cleaning agent on the sponge, ad upon doing so began to scrub at his skin. Guards immediately shot the Subject with a tranquilizer dart and restrained him. Under observation subject failed to eat or drink, and was subsequently provided with an iv drip. After a week of no change in the subjects obsession to clean everything around him, subject was terminated.
Experiment XXXX-4: Subject D-XXXX-5 was placed in a thoroughly cleaned, empty room with SCP-XXXX and a standard yellow sponge. Subject was asked to spray cleaning agent on the sponge. Upon doing so, subject began to scrub violently at his skin, eventually [DATA EXPUNGED]. Cleanup crew was requested.