Work In Progress SCPs
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SCP-1323 when first discovered by the foundation |
Item #: SCP-1323
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1323 is kept in a locked safe in a storage cupboard on the 2nd floor of Site ██. The storage cupboard has been fitted with a surveillance camera so the item can be observed safely during tests, since its effects activate only when observed with the naked eye. SCP-1323 is to be accessed for testing purposes only. The item must remain out of direct sight of anyone other than test subjects, although photographs may be viewed safely. When not in use, it is to be completely covered with a large veil to obscure its effects.
Description: SCP-1323 is an artist’s easel fitted with a large hemp canvas. Any attempts to detach the canvas from the easel have proven unsuccessful. The frame which holds the canvas and the easel itself are both made of red oak.
When a human looks directly at SCP-1323 with the naked eye, even if only for a brief moment, oil paint strokes will begin to appear on the canvas in random places. This process will begin anywhere between three (3) and seven (7) seconds after the subject first looked at SCP-1323. These random strokes will slowly begin to form a painting, often depicting the person who looked at it.
In 80% of all tests, the picture has involved the subject’s greatest fantasy or greatest fear, depending on the known mental stability of the subject. These depictions have included the subject in their dream house, the subject skydiving, the subject being pursued by a giant spider, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Some of these tests have known to result in lasting psychological changes in the subject. Some cases of this have proven to be more extreme than others, resulting in the apparent manifestation of fears or obsessive behaviour. It has not yet been determined how this happens. See the notes from significant tests below for some examples of this.
In 5% of all tests, the picture has been an abstract painting with no particular meaning. They often do not depict the subject; however, when questioned about the painting, the subjects always comment on how great it is, how no artist living or dead could ever recreate it, and how they would like to have it on display in their quarters.
However, 15% of all tests resulted in the painting depicting a future event involving the subject. It has been hard to distinguish these from the 80% of seemingly meaningless pictures, leading some researchers to believe many of them may actually be depicting the future. It is as of yet unknown whether the events unfold as an effect of SCP-1323, or whether it simply predicts events which are going to happen.
These predictions can either be detrimental or advantageous to the subject, sometimes involving a large lottery win while other times predicting loss of limbs, broken bones, etc. Due to the nature of some of these predictions, object class has recently been raised from “Safe” to “Euclid”.
Notes From Significant Tests:
Test 1323-12:
Subject: D-1323-12
Painting: Caricature of subject holding on to a teetering steel ladder 20 stories high. Subject has an expression of fear.
Results: Subject gained an active fear of ladders, even if they were simply mentioned in conversation to him, despite his previous profession being a builder specialising in roofing. It is unknown whether the painting re-surfaced a repressed fear or was the main cause of it, as the subject never admitted to it directly.
Test 1323-20:
Subject: Dr █████
Painting: Subject sitting on a black upholstered leather chair within her own house.
Results: Subject became obsessed with finding a chair like that depicted in the painting, claiming it was "exactly the chair [she] always imagined would fit the décor". This obsession distracted her from her work, causing a lapse in concentration which resulted in SCP-████ nearly breaching containment. Dr █████ was suspended from duty and demoted to clearance level 1 rank indefinitely.
Note: No personnel other than D-Class are to interact directly with SCP-1323 after this event, effective immediately.
Test 1323-57:
Subject: D-1323-57
Painting: A dark room with the silhouette of what appeared to be SCP-███ facing the viewer.
Results: Subject was later involved in a containment breach by SCP-███. He later described being in close proximity with SCP-███ but managed to escape. He claims his escape was successful owing to him remembering the scene in the painting and having expected this event to occur since he was reassigned.
//Note: This is the first instance in which SCP-1323 depicted the future. Object Class reclassification to “Euclid” approved by O5-6. //
Test 1323-84:
Subject: D-1323
Painting: Abstract painting depicting interlinking circles, squares and equilateral triangles of varying sizes and colours.
Results: Subject became fixated by the painting, and requested if he could keep it in his cell. The request was refused. Interestingly, the subject acted as if he was simply refused ownership of SCP-1323 itself, and claimed “no other version would be good enough”. Attempts to convince him that the refusal was general and that he could not have any pictures in his cell were fruitless, resulting in him becoming more erratic, claiming “a masterpiece such as this could never be recreated by anyone else” and repeating the claim that no other version would suffice. Subject was detained in his cell and placed under observation.
Test 1323-138:
Subject: D-1323-138
Results: Subject became increasingly erratic. Attempts to restrain him led to aggressive behaviour from the subject, followed by a successful escape attempt. Guards were powerless to impede his assault.
Note: Whether or not [DATA EXPUNGED] was linked to this in any way is currently under investigation. Needless to say, termination of D-1323-138 is perhaps not necessary, however his retrieval by the foundation is of utmost importance.
Comment for review
I'm also left with a lot of questions about this thing that I think should really be answered. Like, how does it prepare for the next viewer? Does it erase itself, or does it shed the painting to reveal a fresh canvas underneath? Does this happen immediately upon completion of the painting, or after some period of time, either fixed or variable? Has there been noted any variation in effects when the painting is in progress as opposed to the completed painting, and maybe as opposed to when 1323 is ready for a new viewer? What happens when a subject views the canvas to start a painting, but never sees the result? What happens if the Foundation tries to influence the painting, such as giving the viewer something to be really, really afraid about (this might answer a later question I have, btw). While we can't remove the canvas, what happens if we try to directly manipulate it, like paint something on it ourselves, or try to mar the painting? Given its effects, one of the test subjects must have reacted exceptionally negatively to a painting in the past. A lot of questions.
Like it seems everyone else, I'm not very fond of a couple of the experiments, either. The most jarring one for me, though, is the one regarding SCP-XYZ. It seems highly uncharacteristic of the Foundation to reassign a D-Class personnel to an SCP that another SCP connected them to, and that's presuming you dismissed "d-class personnel are terminated at the end of the month," because if you didn't, it would actually strike me as gross negligence to so quickly reassign it to specifically that SCP. Also, the resolution makes no sense to me either. From the description of the painting, it doesn't sound like it gives any clues on how to survive such an encounter other than alerting you to the possibility of it happening. Given this is a D-Class personnel, they would have no knowledge of that SCP beforehand, and as D-Class, they would have no way to gather information on it to plan for the eventuality of meeting it. This can actually be handwaved away while answering one of my above questions (the results inducing a new, strong fear in the subject). Unless you take it out, though, you need to add more context so it makes sense.
The other entry I have a problem with is the last one. It's too heavy-handed with the "there are things we still don't understand here" and too light on the actual substance of what those things are. With the information we have now, it could literally be anything at all, and that's just too little imo to hint at darker doings behind the scenes and let us draw our own conclusions. Instead there's obviously something radically different about that last experiment, but we only know that because of you telling us that it's so.
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Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Site XXXX-A has been established around SCP-XXXX <in-progress>
Description: SCP-XXXX is a Catholic church located in [REDACTED] and believed to have been built during the 15th century. The exterior is in a minor state of disrepair; upon discovery one window had been broken from the inside, which has since been boarded up by the Foundation. The interior looks as if incomplete, with four rows of pews in place and a further three rows arranged haphazardly as if still in the process of furnishing before SCP-XXXX activated. There are six people (henceforth instances of SCP-XXXX-1) present inside SCP-XXXX-1; three are lying along the pews, one is kneeling and leaning on the altar and two are near the window found to have been broken, one lying down in a crawling motion and one sitting with its back against the wall beneath the window. All have expressions of distress, and attempting to remove them from within SCP-XXXX has proven impossible. On the far wall mounted behind the altar is a large stone tablet (henceforth SCP-XXXX-2) with a silver plaque underneath, inscribed with the words “Waiting for the end”.
If a living organism stays within SCP-XXXX for longer than one hour, their movement begins to become laboured. The longer they stay within SCP-XXXX, the more difficult it becomes for them to perform any cognitive function. Furthermore, as their movement becomes more difficult, it becomes increasingly difficult for an outside source to move them. By the rate at which this occurs, it has been theorized that a subject would become an instance of SCP-XXXX-1 and be irretrievable after an average of one hour and forty-five minutes of exposure; however, the effects have been observed to act faster or slower depending on the subject’s distance from SCP-XXXX-2.
Test XXXX-X: A dog was introduced to SCP-XXXX and allowed to freely roam until its effects were observed. After one hour of exposure, the dog displayed the usual symptoms and was retrieved after one hour and ten minutes of exposure. The same test was repeated with a cat, a parrot and a chimpanzee with consistent results.
Conclusion: SCP-XXXX’s effects seem to extend to all animals. Further tests to determine effects on plant-life are being planned.
Interview XXXX-X:
Interviewed: D-XXXX-54
Interviewer: Dr ████
Foreword: Interview took place following the events of Incident XXXX-X, where D-XXXX-54 almost completely succumbed to SCP-XXXX’s effects before being successfully retrieved. The following is an excerpt from between ██:██ and ██:██
<Begin Log>
Dr ████: How exactly did it feel?
D-XXXX-54: I don’t really know how to describe it… It’s almost like your whole body is slowly falling through custard. It just gets harder and harder to move your body, until it’s almost impossible. Even your eyes start to feel heavy, like moving them is a chore, same with blinking. Everything just becomes so… So heavy.
Dr ████: So you’re saying it affects every attempt to move the body, and not just the limbs?
D-XXXX-54: Yes. You wanna know what the worst part is, though? It even affects breathing. Breathing starts to feel impossible. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever felt. Damn, if you guys didn’t rescue me when you did, I would’ve stopped altogether.
Dr ████: Ok, thank you for your co-operation. *to Dictaphone* possible cause of death for SCP-XXXX-1, asphyxiation.
D-XXXX-54: They should be so lucky…
Dr ████: Excuse me?
D-XXXX-54: I didn’t really think about it until just now, but you get this strange sensation… You know when you hold your breath for so long, eventually you start to feely dizzy? You know, something to do with oxygen and the brain… Well you don’t get that feeling in there. It’s… It’s almost like you don’t need to breathe at all.
Dr ████: So you think they starved to death?
D-XXXX-54: Oh, no. Remember how I told you their bodies still felt a little warm? I don’t think they’re dead at all.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Requesting we run some tests on instances of SCP-XXXX-1 to verify D-XXXX-54’s theory. - Dr ████
Addendum XXXX-X: Tests performed on site have concluded that instances of SCP-XXXX-1 still have normally functioning brain and bodily functions, and appear to be kept alive without nutrition or the need to breathe. It is currently unknown how this is achieved.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The warehouse facility containing SCP-XXXX-A and the industrial estate it is located on have been seized by the Foundation, and have been designated Site-XXXX. All buildings on Site-XXXX excluding the warehouse containing SCP-XXXX-A (designated Site-XXXX-1) have been levelled, and the area is to be held under the pretence of a military training ground. Armed guards are to maintain a perimeter around the area to keep civilians away.
All possible entrances to Site-XXXX-1 are to remain locked at all times, with the exception of routine shift changes. When SCP-XXXX-A is active, A team of armed personnel (codename “Catchers”) are to be present within Site-XXXX-1 to engage any instance of SCP-XXXX-C which emerges from SCP-XXXX-A. An additional team of armed personnel (codename “Vanguard”) are to remain within SCP-XXXX-A to engage instances of SCP-XXXX-C which venture close to the SCP-XXXX-A anomaly, and to alert Catchers of any instance which successfully passes through.
Communication between Catchers and Vanguard can be maintained during an SCP-XXXX-A active phase via a pair of specially designed walkie-talkies tuned to a modem located within Site-XXXX-1. Each time SCP-XXXX-A becomes active, supplies consisting of rations and entertainment facilities are to be sent through to Vanguard.
Instances of SCP-XXXX-B are allowed to freely roam the area within Site-XXXX under constant surveillance. Deceased instances of SCP-XXXX-C are kept in a mortuary (designated Site-XXXX-2) which has been erected on-site.
Description: SCP-XXXX-A is a localised space-time anomaly present within a disused warehouse facility in [REDACTED]. When active, the anomaly is observed as a translucent sphere, roughly five meters in diameter and located at the approximate centre of the warehouse. The anomaly becomes active when the constellation of Taurus is located overhead, regardless of the relative position of the Earth to the Sun, and remains active for a period of █ hours.
The anomaly acts as a traversable wormhole between Earth and what is presumed to be an extra-terrestrial planet located somewhere in the Taurus constellation. The destination planet (designated SCP-XXXX-A1) appears to be largely similar to Earth with a slightly denser concentration of Oxygen in the atmosphere and a gravitational pull measured at 1.7G. The sun is almost completely blocked out by a thick blanket of clouds in the atmosphere, lending the impression of a permanent night-time. Because of this, most vegetation on the surface cannot survive, meaning the only vegetation on the planet are large root-like organisms which survive on the heat from the planets core and extend up to the surface.
SCP-XXXX-B is the designation given to the collective community of humanoid entities discovered at the same time as SCP-XXXX-A. They are an average height of approximately 1.2 meters and display strength considerably greater than that of average humans, but are otherwise identical with notably thicker body hair. They claim to be the dominant species of SCP-XXXX-A1, and display knowledge of technology consistent with England circa 1000 AD far in advance of our own. They have thus far proven co-operative with the Foundation, and have provided extensive information about SCP-XXXX-A1 when requested.
The language of SCP-XXXX-B is similar in syntax and construction to ancient Germanic languages, and has been successfully translated by Foundation linguists to a point where conversation is possible, although heavily broken. However, their written language is logographic, most consistent with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and currently remains largely unintelligible.
SCP-XXXX-C is the collective designation for any additional entity found on SCP-XXXX-A1. While some are typically docile, others are actively hostile and are to be engaged by personnel on sight. Any instances of SCP-XXXX-C killed by Vanguard are to be sent through SCP-XXXX-A during an active phase for documentation and study.
Currently documented instances of SCP-XXXX-C are as follows:
Designation | Description |
SCP-XXXX-C1 | Small quadrupeds which resemble Chameleons. The creatures’ backs and undersides are covered with chlorophyll. They also appear to have no mouth, meaning they survive solely off sunlight. They are notably few in number due to the lack of sunlight on the planet, and regularly approach Vanguard’s camp mistaking their light sources as sunlight. |
SCP-XXXX-C2 | Small herbivorous quadrupeds which feed primarily from the root-like organisms protruding through the surface of SCP-XXXX-A1. They have a hard shell to protect themselves from predators, and typically ignore Foundation personnel. |
SCP-XXXX-C3 | Carnivorous creatures which resemble members of the panthera genus, with the notable exception of possessing six legs allowing for very fast movement. They hunt in packs, exhibit territorial behaviour and are hostile towards Foundation personnel. |
SCP-XXXX-C4 | Large omnivores resembling sauropods. Observed to move in a single direction, trampling any obstacles in their path and appearing to consume them through their feet. Excreted gas resembles the large black clouds in SCP-XXXX-A1’s upper atmosphere, leading to the theory that SCP-XXXX-C4 are responsible for the mass extinction of most of the life on the planet. Due to their potentially destructive capabilities, they are to be engaged and killed on sight by Vanguard. |
SCP-XXXX-C5 | Large humanoid entities standing at approximately three meters in height, with arms disproportionate to the rest of the body at an estimated 2.6 meters each. Notably, the distance between the shoulders to the elbows, the elbows to the wrists and the wrists to the fingertips are equal, and their eyes emit a bright white light. Due to their rarity little is currently known about their hunting habits except that they have been known to kill and eat instances of SCP-XXXX-C4, and occasionally infiltrate Vanguard’s camp. They have proven to be difficult to kill, and prefer to attack targets by ensnaring them with their hands and crushing their ribs. Vanguard lookouts are instructed to actively search for them by looking for their eyes in the distance. |
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]
- Keter
- Group of 12 living specimens all found together, an additional 3 deceased (2 male and 1 female)
- Humanoid creatures, very tall, disproportionately small head, long neck(?), large claws
- Males are larger and savage, females are stealthy when attacking
- Strategic when attacking; Alpha male plus lesser male and female attack together, remaining 9 attempt to block victim's escape routes
- Alpha male can heal self and others; killing a lesser specimen will cause alpha male to attempt to revive it, assaulting alpha male draws instant and savage attention of lesser specimens (even females attack savagely to defend the alpha male)
- Alpha male will self-heal while under attack, making it very hard to neutralise
- Alpha male immortal(?)
- In the event of a containment breach, specimens will attempt to return to their natural habitat, and will kill anything trying to stop them - the only known distraction is to assault the alpha male
- Each specimen is unique; only two are identical, believed to be twins
- Autopsy of deceased specimens shows they are genetically identical to humans, awaiting expiration of alpha male to find out what causes its healing abilities
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: [cell fitted to resemble child’s bedroom, complete with bed, toys, games, etc.]
- Triplets
- SCP-XXXX-1 is mute. When isolated it is capable of minimal action and communication, but when in the presence of -2, it shows above average intellect for a child of its age. It is the mind of SCP-XXXX.
- SCP-XXXX-2 has no consciousness of its own, instead completing tasks and answering questions for -1. It will guide -1 and help it to manoeuvre. It is the body of SCP-XXXX.
- SCP-XXXX-3 acts like a guardian to -1, never involving itself in activities being undertaken by its siblings. It keeps a close proximity to -1 at all times, and if any harm befalls either of its siblings, it will move to assault the offender and protect them. Its speech is incoherent and apparently of a different, unknown language, and when angered has been known to emit an inhuman screech. It represents the patience of SCP-XXXX.
- When either -2 or -3 are isolated or removed from the presence of -1, they cease to respond to any outside stimuli, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. This suggests they are unable to function at all without -1.
- When -3 is removed, -1 and -2 will act as expected, but will not respond to any negative stimuli. If -1 is assaulted, -2 will come to its aid, then prior behaviour will continue. If -2 is assaulted, -1 will simply fix its gaze on -2 and make no attempt to help. They will appear to forget anything negative happened, suggesting without -3 they have endless patience. However, once -3 is reintroduced, it will immediately act aggressively towards any individual who brought harm to its siblings, suggesting a telepathic link between it and its siblings.
- When -2 is removed, -1 will act as if isolated. -3 will act as normal. This suggests -2 supplies only the cognitive functions of SCP-XXXX.
- When communication with -1 occurs in the presence of -2, -2 will respond in its stead, and will refer to itself in third person and to -1 in first person. This reinforces the idea that the three siblings are each a different segment of a whole person. This idea is further supported by the fact that -2 will perform tasks for -1 without any verbal or written communication between them. That combined with the established telepathic link with -3 suggests all three are telepathically linked.
- If any subject is rendered unconscious, the others will act as if it is isolated from them. Additionally, -3 appears to know of any attempts to harm its siblings during its state of unconsciousness.