Murder Bath
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SCP-1299 prior to containment.

Item #: SCP-1299

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1299 is to be contained in a 8mx10mx4m concrete cell. SCP-1299 is to be kept disconnected from all sources of water, regardless of its current state. The door to its containment chamber is to remain locked at all times unless procedure F-30 is being enacted. Keys to SCP-1299's room are to be carried by all level 2 and above staff members on site. Prior to scheduled monthly termination,1 surviving D-class is to be assigned to the enacting of procedure F-30. In case of a containment breach, essential personnel are advised to move as far away from the containment area, and any available D-class are to be escorted towards the breached section by security.

Description: SCP-1299 is a common white bathtub, confirmed to be manufactured by ████ . SCP-1299 was discovered when a specific house in █████, Ohio experienced an unusually high number of apparent suicides and murders via drowning. The quickly changing surviving owners were never convicted due to lack of evidence. A news story on the anomaly brought the house to the Foundation's attention. The Foundation quickly suppressed all information regarding the crime and moved in, securing the house in question. No anomalies were observed until one agent turned on the handle to SCP-1299. The home's water supply had been disconnected, but SCP-1299 activated, resulting in the death of the agent. The Foundation quickly secured the bathtub and moved it to its current containment.

When a human touches one of the two handles on the bathtub, the bathtub will begin filling with water. An invisible force, designated SCP-1299-1, will draw the subject into the bathtub, and then proceed to force the subject under the water. During this, an imprint of a pair of hands will appear around the subject's neck while they attempt to escape. Barring outside intervention, the subject will invariably drown at which point the water will begin to drain via unknown means until the containment chamber is completely dry. SCP-1299-1 will then dissapear and the corpse may be retrieved safely. If after 30 days no living body has touched the handles or is in the room, SCP-1299-1 will appear marked by wet footprints on the floor. It will then actively seek out the nearest living human body to drag into the room and begin the drowning sequence. Testing has shown that if the process is interrupted and the subject pulled away from SCP-1299-1, they will began to behave as if a female drowning victim, specifically one killed by their significant other. SCP-1299-1 has so far proven immune to most types of damage, primarily due to its intangible nature. Additionally, it does not appear on thermal imaging or X-ray scanning. Tests are currently ongoing to determine a way to damage or slow SCP-1299-1 while hunting. For additional information see Testing Log 1299-A.

Testing Log 1299-A:

Subject: One (1) D-class personnel (D-1051)
Conditions: D-1051 instructed to stand in the room on Day 30 of SCP-1299's cycle, and not move.
Result: SCP-1299-1 appeared next to bathtub and quickly grabbed subject, dragging him to the tub and producing normal effect.

Subject: One (1) D-class personnel (D-985) with background in plumbing.
Conditions: D-985 instructed to attach bathtub to newly constructed water pipe.
Result: SCP-1299 began filling autonomously, and SCP-1299-1 immediately appeared, dragging D-985 into the bath to drown him. Immediately after life signs for D-985 were observed to have stopped, SCP-1299-1 walked through the locked door to his containment chamber, grabbing one of the two guards stationed outside, the guard moving back through the door along with SCP-1299-1, who pulled him into the now overflowing bath. Site personnel alerted of a containment breach, and SCP-1299-1's behavior continued until the water pipe was disconnected, at which time ██ personnel had been killed.

Note: Testing of SCP-1299 to be halted until further notice. Procedure F-30 to be continued as scheduled. -Dr T██

Addendum: On ██/██/2008 Dr. ████, the researcher who was at the time overseeing SCP-1299 attempted to alter the conditions of procedure F-30 without proper authorization. D-1130 was introduced to the testing environment and instructed to enter the bathtub per regulation, but when SCP-1299-1 appeared, Dr. ████ breached containment and attempted to pull the subject out of the tub. After approximately 1 minute of struggle, subject was pulled out, and the instance of SCP-1299-1 dissapeared. D-1130 seemed extremely distresssed, asking where he was an insisting that he had just been in his house. Upon further examination and interview, D-1130 referred to himself as ██████, a female who had been killed by drowning ██ years ago, when her boyfriend was convicted of murdering her in ██████, New York. After gathering all available information, subject was terminated. One day later, a second D-class was used in F-30 to prevent a containment breach. Experiments are currently ongoing to determine the cause and uncertain results from this secondary effect.

Testing Log 1299-B:

Subject: One (1) D-class personnel (D-506)
Conditions: D-985 instructed to touch handle and then lie in water. After SCP-1299-1 appeared, two guards pulled subject from the bathtub.
Result: Subject claimed to be ███, another female who had died in a similar circumstance, though in █████, Nevada. Subject subsequently eliminated, and another D-class sent to complete F-30.

Subject: Two (2) D-class personnel (D-701 and 803)
Conditions: D-701 instructed to touch handle, then 803 and 701 were both instructed to lie in the bath. After 30 seconds SCP-1299-1 appeared, both subjects apparently affected. Three guards pulled the subjects from the water.
Result: Both subjects claimed to be ████, a 25-year old female whose husband killed her by drowning her in the bathtub. Subjects expressed extreme distress at the other's assertions, while both subjects were able to perfectly recount ████'s life up until her death. Subject 803 eliminated, and 701 sent in to complete F-30.

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