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SCP-XXX standing in a corridor outside its room. Electromagnetic interference prevents clear photography of SCP-XXX.

Item #: SCP-DDD

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-DDD is to be contained by use of posted agents who are to reside no closer than 100 meters to the subject's home in XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX. These agents will serve the dual purpose of keeping SCP-DDD confined within a 40 mile radius surrounding its home and keeping others out of this radius except at those times during which the population of the area becomes less than 25 residents.

SCP-DDD typically makes no active attempts to leave its area of habitation until the start of spring, returning at the wane of the summer season. SCP-DDD's movements are impossible restrict and no current form of tracking or containment thus far have proven viable, however it has been found that should new 'Residents' be introduced into the habitation area as early as a month prior to the spring season, SCP-DDD's leaving of its containment area will reduce significantly or halt entirely. Any resident who strays outside of the habitation area should immediately be restrained and terminated using the protocols outlined in your field manual concerning hazardous flora and fauna.

In the event SCP-DDD should turn hostile a use of lethal force is authorized and encouraged. Destruction of SCP-DDD is temporary but does provide an opportunity to investigate the habitation area for census and cataloging purposes. It is recommended that a protected biohazard team enter the habitation area at the start of the winter season for these same reasons.

Description: SCP-DDD manifests as a woman described by most as waifish, being attractive in a way that corresponds with a woman of the 1500s style of dress and personal grooming styles. A visual judgement of SCP-DDD places the age between 25 to 30 years of age however on at least one occasion a SCP-DDD of an estimated age of 15 was recorded. This ananomaly was later attributed to [EXPUNGED] and tighter personnel assignment practices have been implemented since this incident. Interaction with SCP-DDD during these periods carries approximately an 85% chance of infection, reduced to .5% when proper protective gear and protocol is observed.

Immediately following the summer season's end SCP-DDD displays highly accelerated aging with the end result landing at a visual estimate of 70 to 85 years of age seemingly in corrollation with the number of new 'residents' added to the community.

Item #: SCP-CCC

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due largely to the expansion of SCP-CCC and the way in which it has spread throughout the building that houses it the containment procedures for this object require a team to remotely monitor SCP-CCC. Should the host building show signs of a possible spread of SCP-CCC material on the exterior of the building application of

Description: SCP-CCC is a stationary mass of currently unidentified material displaying organic properties and reflexive responses to outside stimuli. The building in which SCP-CCC resides appears to be the remains of a small police station in an abandoned township located in western XXXXX XXXXXXXX. The upper two floors of the station, including the ground level floor, show signs of water damage and general looting by the homeless and possible urban scavengers who have stumbled across the area. The section of the building which is believed to have once been evidence storage contains a large rod iron gate in the floor that has been destroyed with what is assumed to be standard TNT charges allowing free access.

In order to reach SCP-CCC a total of seven descending floors must be traversed before a working exit from the stairwell is reached. Those floors above SCP-CCC are sealed behind solid iron doors and as of current operating procedure are to remain sealed until SCP-CCC study is completed. A total of five floors have been verified beneath SCP-CCC’s floor with similarly sealed doors. The door to SCP-CCC’s location was destroyed via decomposition as noted by evidence of high levels of alcoholic fluid and acidic burns on the metal that remains.

Within the seventh floor where SCP-CCC resides exists the remains of what used to be a vast filing system of metal cabinets that have been corroded by SCP-CCC’s presence. The contents of many cabinets are ruined beyond recovery however certain cabinets remain in pristine condition approximately 15m out from SCP-CCC. The 15m mark seems to exist as a ‘safe zone’ where persons or objects may exist without being affected by SCP-CCC or its exuded materials. This safe zone is approximately 1m in diameter allowing for a limited but usable range of movement.

SCP-CCC itself is an object that appears to be a roughly eroded stone sphere of 5m in diameter comprised of plates each measuring approximately .5m each in width. A number of these stone plates are riddled with small 10mm holes although there seems to be no pattern to the placement of these particular plates. The stone comprising SCP-CCC appears to be granite upon visual inspection but as of current no sample has been obtained for analysis.

SCP-CCC is suspended approximately 10m off the ground and it is unknown if this was its original placement or if it moved to this position through other means. It remains suspended at such height via a web-work of unidentified material that seems to be transparent and hollow, containing what is assumed to be a liquid of varying colors. This liquid a resemblance to oil compounds in the way that light is broken down to component colors upon contact, while being in a state of constant flux, thus giving the impression of a ‘liquid rainbow’.

At intervals timed between 20 to 60 minutes in spacing, SCP-CCC’s plate structure will shift and expose ¼ of itself to the outside. During this time it is possible to observe that SCP-CCC is a largely hollow construct that is ‘inhabited’ by a pinkish grey material resembling the inside of a clam.

When SCP-CCC opens the first most direct and notable effect observed is an intense and intoxicating scent that is described as alcoholic. Persons who are present for this event describing a highly irritating burning in the nose and even irritation of the skin as the area is saturated in this odor. The effect is short lived, lasting between 2 and 10 seconds and causes no permanent damage to persons or objects in the room.

Within 15 to 20 seconds of SCP-CCC opening it will begin to project a series of randomly targeted extensions of itself that will adhere to its point of contact and expand slowly over time or shrivel and die depending on the composition of the contacted target. This material has also been observed flowing from over the edges of SCP-CCC to the ground below and is currently believed to either be a method of growth and expansion of territory. As of current SCP-CCC has not moved beyond the seventh floor in any capacity.

Based on observations of the material surrounding SCP-CCC it has been determined that stone or concrete has neither a negative or positive growth reaction with the same applying to most inert materials. Metal substances create a negative growth reaction but they themselves corrode during this process. Organic materials induce a positive growth reaction and are over time absorbed by the SCP-CCC material. The SCP-CCC material may be removed under application of intense heat or flames if dealt with within the first two weeks of contact, after this point becoming entangled with the target’s body and impossible to remove without serious injury or death.

Regardless of the current state of SCP-CCC its most noteworthy traits are two-fold. When a living organism moves within an undetermined range of SCP-CCC it may rapidly project one of its plates from its main mass. The projected plate is attached to the main mass via firmer and more durable versions of the projected masses that regularly are emitted from the core. The pressure of contact with its intended target will cause the plate to press firmly on the target and the extended mass to press up behind the plate to push through a series of hollow and sharpened tubes similar to teeth or claws into the target. This impact occurs with force similar to a round fired from a heavy caliber pistol however the impact force is counteracted by the insertion of what are termed ‘syringes’ into the target and a pulling forward toward the SCP-CCC mass.

Once contact via a plate has been made and the syringes inserted a two way transfer of fluids seems to occur with an unknown fluid forcing itself through the extended mass and into the living target simultaneously occurring with what is assumed to be a mixture of the target’s own naturally occurring blood and fluids being pulled back toward the main mass mixed with these new fluids.

Once internal fluids are siphoned out a new fluid is expelled into what is best described as the ‘flesh sack’ remains of the target. This new fluid has been seen to be a faint luminescent blue in color as observed from the seepage from contact wounds. The plate retracts to the main mass and SCP-CCC will become inert for up to an hour. In approximately 5 minutes the target’s remains break down into a substance that evaporates quickly, within ten minutes, and permeates the air with a highly pleasant odor

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