Item #: SCP-2510
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2510 is to be kept in Low Security Storage in Sector-28. Any staff member is permitted to check out SCP-2510 for off-base study provided: their CSHC is up to date and they are willing to Experiment Log 2510 with any notable experiences. Personnel taking dopamine-boosters are forbidden from interacting with SCP-2510.
Class D Personnel may interact with SCP-2510 under semi-supervised conditions within Sector 28. A screamer-tag will activate if SCP-2510 is removed from the facility, or brought below Sub-Level 8.
If adverse or otherwise worrying events occur, discontinue interaction and notify Dr. ███ immediately.
Description: SCP-2510 is a paperback novel Unblinking Dawnlight by Martin Smith, © 1982, containing one page that is impossible to read without being interrupted, requiring you to start over.
SCP-2510 displays none of the quasi-animate properties frequently associated with other biblio-cryptoartifecta. It is simply apparent that a person will inevitably be interrupted every time they attempt to read page 251, making it impossible to progress to the next page. The nature and insistence of these interruptions increases in proportion to attempts to shut them out. e.g. In a noisy office, a cell phone might go off as you read page 251, causing you to lose your place. A more concerted effort involving locked doors and noise-muffling earphones has [DATA EXPUNGED].
The "synchronistic interruption" effect is limited to SCP-2510 only. No other copies of Unblinking Dawnlight displays these properties and mimeographs of page 251 can be read without complication. Personnel are encouraged to read SCP-2510 in a medium-stimulation environment where interruptions associated with the book can remain small-scale. Personnel should refrain from 'tempting fate' by interacting with SCP-2510 in high-risk environments such as in-flight airplanes, Nuclear Power Plants, or large storms. where the range of possible 'interruptions' tends towards the catastrophic.
SCP-2510 was discovered at a Maine Bed & Breakfast by Mr. ████████ Japahge, DMD where after several days of failed attempts to read past page 251 Japahge [DATA EXPUNGED] minor facial lacerations. The duck was unharmed.
Publisher's Info:
Maybe women are like bridges, the only way forward is to cross them.
Forensic Pathologist Max Jones return to his small-town roots for his ex-wife's funeral and begins a torrid love affair with her cousin Lucy, while beginning to suspect her drowning death was not the accident everyone claims.
NOTES 2 SELF: This is far too long. Whittle it down to maybe 1/3 of this.
#Keep - Dr. Lee (compress it down)
#Lose - Experiment Log
#Lose - Some of the specific security arrangements ()
#Lose - Some of the unnecessary detail around T. Japahge
#Needs - A terrible early-1980's book cover
#Keep - The quote. (Possible change to back-of-book synopsis instead of summary?)
#Clarify - Needs to just come right out and say what it is in a single sentence. The current draft meanders into obfuscating specifics before it establishes clear basics.
SCP-2510 - (Perfectly Ordinary Book With One page That You Can Never Fucking Finish)
Item #: SCP-2510
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2510 is to be kept in Safe Deposit Box #227 on Sub-Level 4 of Sector-28. (Low Security Storage.) Any staff member is permitted to check out SCP-2510 for off-base study provided: 1) Their Common Sense Handling certification is up to date. 2) SCP-2510 is not previously spoken for during the checkout period. 3) Personnel agree to update Experiment Log 2510 with any notable experiences.
Class D Personnel wishing to interact with SCP-2510 may do so under semi-supervised conditions provided the artifact does not leave Sector 28. (See Special Restrictions.)
If adverse or otherwise suspicious event occurs, discontinue interaction with SCP-2510 and notify Dr. ███ immediately.
Personnel are forbidden from interacting with SCP-2510 while using dopamine-boosters for their own safety.
Description: SCP-2510 is a paperback novel titled "Unblinking Dawnlight" by Martin Smith, copyrighted 1982 (first printing.) The cover is in excellent condition and the pages are yellowed around the edges. A small square (1cm) has been removed from the bottom corner of the rearmost (blank) page, with a smaller (5mm) circular "cigarette-burn" hole located in the center of the same sheet. (See findings: No special Resistance to destructibility.)
It is impossible to finish reading p251 of the text without interruption. Specifically, an interruption will occur no later than the 2nd sentence of the last paragraph on p251 (SCP-2510-1,) though it may occur as early as the 2nd paragraph on the page. Interruptions may be mundane (alarm going off,) cognitive (sudden distracting thought,) or catastrophic (see Experiment Log) the later having occurred only under controlled conditions.
Discovered by Mr. ████████ Japahge, DMD at a Maine Bed & Breakfast in 2004, Mr. Japahge began to suspect SCP-2510's nature after a string of unexpected visitors, a kitchen fire low-flying aircraft repeatedly forced him to restart reading on page 250. He conducted field tests (attempting to read the page in question in an isolated field with no immediate distractions) where the unusual interruptions continued. ████████ Japahge, DMD desisted field tests after [DATA EXPUNGED] and required medical attention for minor facial lacerations. (Duck bite.)
When ████████ Japahge, DMD's vacation was over he transported the book to Site-19 (see: SCP-063) transported the book to Site-19 where he received permission for further study. SCP-2510 was subsequently relocated to Sector-28 and eventually reclassified as Safe.
5000 copies of "Unblinking Dawnlight" were produced in a single print run in 1982. No other copies found to day display SCP-2510's unique properties. ████████ Japahge, DMD speculates that SCP-2510's low shelf wear could indicate it had been in the author's personal possession before his death 18 months prior to SCP-2510's discovery. This cannot be proven, but seems reasonable.
Synopsis: "Unblinking Dawnlight" is a mystery-romance novel set in small town Maine. Forensic Pathologist Max Jones return to his small-town roots for his ex-wife's funeral and begins a torrid love affair with her cousin Lucy, while beginning to suspect her drowning death was not the accident everyone claims.
Literary analysis has identified several inconsistencies and narrative gaps indicating that the book was originally a more straightforward crime novel rewritten into a romance plot.
The uncompletable section of SCP-2510-1 falls 2/3 of the way through a 5-page sequence wherein the main character takes a walk and contemplates the metaphorical of these bridges for his own life. Apparently a "bridging" sequence intended to join the original and rewritten narrative together, its rambling pronoun-heavy style and vague philosophical pretensions make it an awkward (and arguably failed) transition.
Page 250 includes the (oft reread) phrase "Maybe women are like bridges, the only way forward is to cross them."
Special Restrictions: Due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-2510's interruptions, staff members are discouraged from reading it in 'volatile' environments. 3 documented attempts to read page 251 while in flight had wildly different results, including sudden non-catastrophic mechanical failure. It goes without saying that taking SCP-2501 to (for example) a Nuclear Power Station is simply tempting fate.
When checked out on-site, SCP-2510 will be screamer-tagged to prevent accidental removal from Sector-28, or being transported below Sub-level 8.
Addendum 2510-A: Notable outcomes with controlled testing with SCP-2510 at Site-19:
- First trial; ████████ Japahge, DMD attempts to read SCP-2510-1 in a closed monitored lab. His cell phone activates. (Wrong number.)
- Second trial; ████████ Japahge, DMD attempts to read SCP-2510-1 in a closed monitored lab. Electrical short causes the room's lighting to fail.
- Third trial; ████████ Japahge, DMD attempts to read a mimeograph of SCP-2510-1 in a closed monitored lab. He is successful, no unusual occurrences noted.
- Fourth trial; ████████ Japahge, DMD attempts to read SCP-2510-1 via a television monitor in a closed monitored lab. He suddenly remembers the name of a song which has haunted him for 20 years and stops to write it down.
- Fifth trial; ████████ Japahge, DMD attempts to read SCP-2510-1 in a closed monitored lab with a flashlight and noise-dampening headphones to reduce distractions. He suffers acute leg cramp and must be removed to a physician.
- Sixth thru Fifteenth trials; Various trials with Personnel D-335, Personnel D-1214, Personnel D-932A (WIA), and Personnel D-440 recapitulate the earlier results. Personnel D-932A hospitalized due to [DATA EXPUNGED], but made a full recovery. C02 detectors subsequently installed in lab.
- Sixteenth trial; Mr. ████████ Japahge, DMD and his cohort Dr. ███, reserved sensory-deprivation tank on Sub-Level 2 and Dr. ███ attempted to read SCP-2510-1 in total isolation. Attempt was discontinued by Japahge upon receiving word that Dr. ███'s wife and daughter had been in a car accident.
- Seventeenth trial; Previous attempt with sensiry-deprivation tank replicated; Personnel D-255 attempts attempts to read SCP-2510-1. A containment breach involving SCP-███ (then located at Site-19) places Sector-28 on temporary lockdown. Personnel D-255 requests cession of test, ████████ Japahge, DMD agrees.
Concluding notes: ████████ Japahge, DMD notes that attempts to isolate SCP-2510 from outside distractions only results in larger, more insistent interruptions when attempting to read SCP-2510-1. He recommends less rigorous anecdotal study be pursued in a more open environment. Dr. ███ agrees, and SCP-2510 is relocated to Site-28.
Dr. ███ recommended Personnel D-255 be reclassified as Level-0 for display of excellent good sense, [DATA WITHELD].