The Origami Hive


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in an 8x8x10 cell. The outside of the cell, as well as the entrance, is to be lined with hydrophobic material. Personnel are to ensure that their clothing is dry when experimenting with SCP-XXXX, and must wear hydrophobic gloves until the experiment ends. Water is only to be brought into SCP-XXXX's chamber for testing purposes. No Level 2 personnel or lower are permitted to bring water into SCP-XXXX's chamber. (See Incident Report XXXX-1)

Description: SCP-XXXX appears as a grey standard sized notebook of unknown brand. "Origami Class" is written on the front and back of the notebook in blue marker. When a page is removed from SCP-XXXX and comes into contact with liquid water that is exposed to air, the page will begin to fold itself into an origami animal. The animal will differ depending on how much water is applied, the temperature of it's environment while in an active state, and the time of day. Nocturnal animals such as owls are often folded when the object is activated at night, while diurnal animals will be folded if the object is activated at day. Animals created by SCP-XXXX are to be designated as an instance of SCP-XXXX-1. Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 will gain the proper color of the animal they are meant to resemble. It is worth noting that instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are not affected if they are written on.

Experiment Logs

Water: 6 ounces
Temperature: -4 Celsius
Time: 9:42 PM
Result: (1) One Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

Water: .7 of an ounce
Temperature: 73 Celsius
Time: 2:32 PM
Result: (1) One Golden Stag Beetle (Laprima Aurata)

Water: 4 litres
Temperature: 32 Celsius
Time:6:12 PM
Result: (1) One Cookiecutter Shark (Isistius brasiliensis)

Water: .004 of an ounce
Temperature: 64 Celsius
Time:6:37 PM
Result: (4) Four American House Dust Mites (Dermatophagoides farinae)
Note: All 4 instances had to be observed with a microscope to confirm what they were intended to resemble. It is unknown as to how the page formed complex enough shapes to resemble dust mites.



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