Item #:SCP-TBD
Object class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-TBD in excess of 3 grams must be stored either directly attached to a strong permanent magnet, or in a box composed of ferromagnetic material, in order to prevent kaomagnetic behavior from occuring during accidental movement with respect to the Earth's or other external magnetic fields. This extends to handling during installation in test or utilization equipment. Samples must enter contact with one magnet before being removed from another. Samples in excess of 20 grams may not be used without permission from [DATA EXPUNGED], and must on all accounts be handled with extreme care. All instances of SCP-TBD must be labeled as such in a manner not easily misplaced; the means of labeling may include engraving or permanent marker.
SCP-TBD is only to be manufactured under the supervision of Drs. XXXXXX or XXXXXX, and only in room XXXX, which is shielded from external magnetic fields. Samples must be verified cool to the touch before removal from the room.
Description:SCP-TBD is a series of samples of iron which, except for anomalous magnetic behavior, are indistinguishable from normal iron. The total amount in the Foundation's possession is approximately 8 tonnes, most in permanent use by [DATA EXPUNGED], particularly power generation in the field. As of this writing, 7.8 kilograms are being used for research at Site XX. SCP-TBD exists in an alternate crystalline state which is fully stable below 500 Celsius, at which temperature it displays semimagnetic behavior in static magnetic fields. Even moderately pure iron cooled through this range in contact with a sample of SCP-TBD is transformed into SCP-TBD
All samples of SCP-TDB display two forms of anomalous magnetic behavior, semimagnetism and kaomagnetism.
Semimagnetism is the phenomenon in which samples of SCP-TBD are attracted to magnetic fields, but (once in a fully semimagnetic state) do not deflect the field lines or cause an opposing force on the source of the field. This causes interesting effects; for example, a semimagnet rigidly fixed to a magnet will cause a force on the entire system, in contradiction to conservation of momentum and energy, an effect exploited for example in [DATA EXPUNGED]. The semimagnetic state is due to large-scale ordering of anyons within the crystalline lattice, which requires [DATA EXPUNGED] milliseconds to propogate; in the meantime, the material behaves in a mixed semimagnetic and ferrimagnetic manner as long as the applied field does not greatly change.
Samples between 500 Celsius and the Curie temperate of 768, or cool samples rotating with respect to the applied magnetic field lines by more than one full rotation per XX ms, exhibit kaomagnetism (or, more accurately, mixed kaomagnetism, ferromagnetism and semimagnetism. The cause of kaomagnetism is believed to be shifting kaodomain boundaries producing direct anyon effects not fully explainable by current theory despite [DATA EXPUNGED], and further research into kaomagnetism is not allowed without [DATA EXPUNGED] approval. In kaomagnetism, so far as it can be explained nonmathematically, anyon effects cause magnetic field lines to be ejected from the material and knotted, resulting in rapidly shifting singularities and apparent monopoles as far as [DATA EXPUNGED] meters from the sample, including apparently unbounded local field gradients. These singularities inevitably damage electronics, and in the case of large samples and strong fields, can fatally shear materials. Level 03 and higher personnel see [DATA EXPUNGED].