
Maddy: 3-4 runs planed can happen anywhere.

Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept in a Class M (small manifestation, low risk) Secure Storage Locker at Site 66. Any personnel transporting SCP-XXX must undergo full health screenings before being cleared for assignment. Any personnel handling SCP-XXX directly are to be fitted with pacemakers, and at least two emergency medical personnel are to be present. Any material that allows for SCP-XXX to become ambulatory is to be incinerated to neutralize the entity.

Description: SCP-XXX is a length of high-strength stainless steel chain measuring approximately 3.4 metres in length, weighing approximately 24 kilograms. The metal itself displays no anomalous properties beyond an above-average tensile strength and resistance to heat.

If SCP-XXX is brought near an inanimate humanoid-shaped object which can support its weight, it will become ambulatory and wrap itself tightly around the torso of the object. Over the course of five to ten seconds, the object will animate and SCP-XXX will become active. SCP-xxx in its active state will cause the humanoid portion to animate, as well as display the capability to speak and obvious sapience. In approximately 70% of cases, a crude face consisting of two eyes and a mouth will erupt from the humanoid portion’s head.

In its active state, SCP-XXX appears to feel no pain from conventional arms, nor is it impeded when limbs are removed. So far, the only thing that acts as a deterrence is exposed flame; when ignited, SCP-XXX will express severe pain and attempt to flee. This has proven the easiest method to deactivate SCP-XXX. In the event that SCP-XXX breaches containment, personnel are to focus attention on removal of limbs first and foremost to hinder the entity's movement before unacceptable levels of casualties are accrued.

The active state of SCP-XXX is highly hostile, showing proficiency in close-quarters combat and a basic knowledge of human anatomy. While capable of cognition on a level approaching that of a human being, it shows little to no understanding of any sort of weaponry; when presented with several different CQC weapons, it dispatched the target using its hands. Interrogations of SCP-XXX reveal no indications of a motive or signs that it feeds on the deaths in any fashion.

Circumstances of Capture: SCP-XXX was apprehended in early April ████ after a rash of bloody murders in [REDACTED], England. Several civilians had reported an animate scarecrow to police and local news outlets, with approximately 2 minutes of video recorded by a film student. All evidence was expunged by Foundation personnel and the entity was captured during a controlled burn of an abandoned farm. Present Agents bound it with cables and zip-ties during transport.

En-route to the nearest Foundation outpost, the scarecrow SCP-XXX




Virus Pokemon


Form Change: Once every other Action, Deoxys may shift from one Forme to another by expending a Charge Point.


Razor Sharp, Brittle as Glass: Attack Deoxys is offensively powerful, but physically frail.
Hard as a Rock, Slow as Molasses: Defense Deoxys is extremely tough, but not particularly good at attacking.
Runs Like the Wind, Light as a Feather Speed Forme Deoxys is fast as fuck but not a great fighter.

  • Body: 6 (Fantastic)
  • Mind: 6 (Fantastic)
  • Fate/Charge Points: 10
  • Load Limit: 2 / 10 / 2
rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-1000

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1000 is to be kept in Special Containment Cell 009 within Area-77 Area-77-B Area-77-C.

Revised Cells are to be constructed of .6 meter thick plate steel with a heavy-duty double-locked door. Subject is to be kept in specialized shock restraints which fit its unique morphology, which shall be set to deliver a 1500 volt electrical discharge during the event of an escape by SCP-1000. Restraints are to be checked daily by no fewer than two (2) D-Class presided over by at least one Level 2. All guards are to be equipped with stun batons.

Area-77-C is disguised as a classified military installation on the island of ██████. A 6 kilometre perimeter around the island is to be maintained and kept free of civilians at all times. A minimum of three (3) C-RAM installations are to be kept readied at all times in the event of an escape of SCP-1000. FIM-92 Stinger SAM systems are to be kept available for personnel tasked with the recovery of SCP-1000 in the event of a breach.

While SCP-1000 is affected by concussive forces and electrical current, metallic weaponry such as bullets and knives do not have any effect. High-heat weaponry will stun SCP-1000 for an extended period of time.

Facilities containing SCP-1000 are not to house personnel or materials not required for containment.

Site-77-D has been established ██ kilometres to the east of Site-77-C. Subject is to be recovered and transported here in the event of a breach.

It was originally thought that subject required nourishment; After extended lockdown due to security breach by SCP-███ at Sector-19, it has been discovered that this is not the case. Due to nature of subject, as of ██/██/ 19██ feeding schedule suspended indefinitely.

In the time that the subject has been contained by the Foundation, anomalous kinetic phenomena have occurred in various areas in Area-77-C. This has been deemed normal. Feelings of paranoia on-site are normal.

Description: SCP-1000 is an apparently corporeal entity captured in 1986 in █████████, Ukraine. Current level of public knowledge is satisfactory; entity currently recognized as a collection of urban legends. Amnesiacs deemed impractical by O5-█ and O5 █ through O5-██.

SCP-1000 stands 2.1 metres tall at the shoulder, with a noticeable haunch, two stocky legs and two wings. The wings possess a unique cartilaginous structure, span 5.5 metres and are feathered. Torso is covered with fine grey scales, with a slight bulge in the upper center of chest that serves as an analogue to its head. Two glowing red eyes and a wide mouth are located here. SCP-XXX has an internal temperature of 46o centigrade.

SCP-1000 has displayed feats of considerable strength and aerial agility. Subject possesses the ability to travel at speeds in excess of 200 kilometres an hour, as well as the ability to take off from a standing position vertically. Video and audio feeds are consistently disrupted in the vicinity of SCP-1000, although no anomalous signals have been measured.

A considerably high statistical increase in accidents appears to be linked to SCP-1000’s presence. The magnitude of these accidents will exponentially increase in relation to the time that SCP-1000 remains in one area. Before a markedly large-scale event, SCP-1000 has been seen or sensed by personnel (and on several occasions, civilians) several times outside of its containment cell. SCP-1000 may appear up to twenty (20) kilometres away from its holding area during these appearances. There has been no evidence of SCP-1000 actually escaping its cell; the current theory is that it is capable of displaying bi-location. This has not been confirmed.

Addendum-a-11: After the catastrophic losses at Site-77 and Site-77-B, SCP-1000 is to be removed from its current location and moved to standby containment Area-77-D if encountered outside its cell. Personnel are to evacuate the area and all related operations are to be moved to Area-77-D until an event comes to pass. Further orders will be issued as events unfold.

Addendum-b-13: SCP-1000 is not to be housed within 150 kilometres of civilians after the loss of Area-77-B in August 1999.


Heart of Darkness




Hellfire: For a Fate point, may do a 2d6 power Thrown attack, automatically placing the “ON FIRE” Aspect on the target if double numbers are rolled.

“ON FIRE” may be tagged for an extra melee attack, Power 4, once.


Subtle as Hell: You might miss it if you’re blind and deaf.
Deathmachine: It just kills. That’s all there is to it.
Abomination: Doesn’t die.


Body: 10 Ludicrous
Mind: 7 Legendary
PDef: 5 Superb
MDef: 5 Superb

Melee: 7 Legendary

Athletics: 6 Fantastic
Perception: 1 Average
Sneak: Nope.
Rambling: 8 legendary



** Concept**



Mark of Cain: All assault and damage rolls towards Cain are negated and returned to the assailant before rolls are done.

In addition, all plant-based entities must take a 6d2 Defence check upon any contact with Cain. If this check is failed, one Body damage is dealt, no reroll or Powers permitted.


Willing to Assist: Helpful to those who ask.
Nonviolence: Will never raise a hand against another person.
Perfect Recall: Posesses a photographic memory.


Body: N/A
Mind: N/A
PDef: N/A
MDef: N/A

Athletics: 1 Average
Perception: 3 Good
All Scholarship: 6 Fantastic
Lore: 6 Fantastic






Stats used during close combat are always 4df+n, where n is the opposing roll +1.


A Challenger Appears: He will fight any warrior-looking person.
Only a Flesh Wound: Able is ludicrously tough.
Mark Of Cain: Mention or visual contact with SCP-073 will cause him to go into a rage.


Body: 10 Ludicrous
Mind: 5 Superb
PDef: 5 Superb
MDef: 4 Great

Athletics: 6 Fantastic
Scholarship : Animal Husbandry: 6 Fantastic




The Eyepods, Yellow and Orangey




Twins: There’s two of them; they do two Athletics, Perception, and Sneak rolls, and must be individually targeted. They each have 1 in each HP and Defence score.


Watchers: They will just stare at something, until they feel like going somewhere else.
Simple-Bodied: Don’t need to eat, sleep, or void.
VROOM!: Can climb sheer surfaces, somehow.


Athletics (Movement Only): 4 Great
Perception: 6 Fantastic
Sneak: 4 Great
Survival: 3 Good


The Original




Blink and You’re Dead: Every enemy gets one Perception check after The Original enters play, DC 2. If any checks succeed, The Original cannot attack until it passes a Sneak roll against all enemies’ Perception again.


Faster Than You Could Believe
Skin of Stone Armoured.


Body: 4 Good
Mind: -
PDef: 4 Good
MDef: -

Melee: 3d3

Athletics: 8 Epic
Sneak: 4 Great


Not Centipedes




It Waits To Feed: If Not Centipedes attack an enemy while tagging the Aspect “Sneak Attack”, they may get +3 to Melee instead of +2.


Grow-in-the-Dark: Stronger and more deadly in the dark.
Kill it with Fire!: Weak to high-energy, high-heat weaponry.
Terrifying: Every reason one needs to be afraid of the dark is rolled into one thing.


Body: 9 Amazing
Mind: 2 Fair
PDef: 4 Great
MDef: 3 Good

Melee: 6 Fantastic

Athletics: 4 Great
Perception: 4 Great
Sneak: 5 Superb
Survival: 5 Superb
Hatred: 8 Legendary


Everything evil.


Peripheral Jumper




Hiding in Plain Sight: The Peripheral Jumper’s Sneak is 4df+n, where N is 10 minus 2x the number of players.


flit flit flit: Constantly moving.
Almost Seen: Tends to hide right in front of people.
Kill the Witnesses: If forced into a position wherein it /cannot/ hide, it will lash out and flee.


Body: 4 Great
Mind: 2 Fair
PDef: 3 Good
MDef: 2 Fair

Melee: 3 Good

Athletics: 4 Great
Perception: 3 Good
Sneak: Special
Survival: 3 Good


Reluctant Dimension Hopper, this one’s named Charlie.




I’m Going Now.: Will only stay with the Convoy for a maximum of 14 days.


Oh Christ What Now: Expects horrible things to happen.
I Might Know You…?: Has been with several versions of the Foundation.
Just A Guy: Just an average dude, no special education, training or abilities. Well, other than the teleporting.


Body: 2 Fair
Mind: 3 Good
PDef: 2 Fair
MDef: 2 Fair

Melee: 2 Fair
Thrown: 2 Fair
Gunshoot: 2 Fair

Athletics: 2 Fair
Engineering: 1 Average
Perception: 2 Fair
Persuasion: 1 Average
Sneak: 2 Fair
Survival: 1 Average






Incasement: If Heads is assaulted or startled by a loud, sudden noise, it will perform a Thrown attack vs. the Target’s Physical Defence or Athletics. If it hits, the target is treated as Auto-Incapacitated. Engineering, Athletics and Melee must be used instead of Medical to treat them and restore Body points.

In addition, for every point of Body lost in this way, the victim receives +1 Physical Defence.


Art In Motion: Always spotless clean.
Just Kinda Float There: harmless unless startled.
Skin of Stone: Made of Marble.


Body: 1 Average
Mind: 1 Average
PDef: 5 Superb
MDef: 2 Fair

Thrown: 5 Superb






Old Master: May reroll any failed physical roll for a Fate point.


Yokai: A trickster/nature spirit by blood.

Finally Free: His time in the Foundation has left him less than fond of humans.

Bitter Old Man: Just wants to be left alone.


Body: 3 Good 4
Mind: 4 Great
PDef: 3 Good
MDef: 4 Great

Melee: 4 Great

Athletics: 1 Average 4
Perception: 4 Great
Persuasion: 3 Good
Sneak: 2 Fair
Survival: 6 Fantastic
Music: 5 Superb




Sleep Killers




Sleep Kill: By spending one Fate point, a Sleep Killer may perform a Mental Attack versus a target’s Defence or Mental Defence. If successful, the target may not fall asleep until healed by a Healing Magic roll, DC 5.


Basal: Not sapient.
Patient: Always tries to keep prey items within sight.
Brittle: Hollow bones allow for quicker, quieter movement, but are very easy to break.


Body: 3 Good
Mind: 2 Fair
PDef: 2 Fair
MDef: 3 Good

Melee: 3 Good
Slumberkill: 3 Good

Athletics: 5 Superb
Perception: 3 Good
Sneak: 4d2. If Thermal Imaging or similar is used, 3.
Survival: 5 Superb


Silver Dishes




Levitate: May use Athletics to escape combat and add +3 to both Defences while fleeing.


It’s a Bird!: Gentle, docile animals.
It’s a Plane!: They’re pretty damn big. Looks like a UFO too.
It’s FUZZY!: They’re fuzzy and might follow a person they like.


Body: 3 Good
Mind: 3 Good
PDef: 3 Good
MDef: 2 Fair

Athletics: 5 (Flight Only)
Perception: 5 Superb
Survival: 3 Good


garion1500 I know 682 has been done to the death, so I will keep it simple. It occurred to me that it's disgust of all life may stem from the fact that in its own reality, entropy does not exist. If it can literally see the entropic process occurring then it may see us as decaying corpses. It's regenerative abilities may be linked to that as well.


Say, a swarm of propless MQ-9's that appear to harvest all solar energy that all falls not only on them, but between them
20:42 Wilkes anyway, brain drifting, I should get my oar out of your ideas too
20:42 Dexa So they make the sky dark by stealing the sunlight?
20:42 Dexa I don't know if I can make that work…
20:46 Wilkes Well, not perfectly dark, not that much energy, maybe dim like a % of visible and slightly more of the non visible light
20:48 Dexa I'm sorry, I'm not feeling it. Thanks though… It just doesn't feel like something i want to make.
20:48 Wilkes But why are they interesting, or dangerous, and why haven't they been recalled (if controlled) or shot down (if a threat), what sort of threat response do they have, or are they still sending valuable information 'somewhere'
20:48 Dexa mmmm…

a hush fell over the chat
there were no curvivors
stealing your hope
all the stars in the night are eyes

Lawful Good Lawful Neutral Lawful Evil
Ana, Azi, Howl, Ori, Sadler Qeb, Meimei, Siblings Hammer
Neutral Good True Neutral Neutral Evil
Iriel Dusty, Todd, Isi
Chaotic Good Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Evil
Fritz, Finn Chainshank
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