Roland Jones' Sandbox
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SCP-1792-4, one of the early videocassettes; 1792-18, a DVD copy; and 1792-37, an image produced by 1792-35. 37, as with all such instances of SCP-1792, is kept concealed at all times.

Item #: SCP-1792

Object Class: Safe Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1792 in physical media are to be kept in a locked room, away from human contact. Recordings of SCP-1792 are not to be played, and devices it has been played on are to remain unpowered and disconnected from display devices. Images produced by SCP-1792 are to be covered at all times; visual contact, direct or indirect, is prohibited. Personnel exposed to SCP-1792's imagery will be subject to the treatment .

Individuals suspected to have viewed SCP-1792 are to be contained, for their safety and the safety of others. They are not to be allowed any objects with which they may injure themselves or others, and may only communicate with Class D personnel verbally; visual and digital modes of communication are expressly forbidden. Those infected by SCP-1792 are also to be monitored closely at all times, and are to be stopped if they begin to inflict self-harm or other suspicious activity. Recording of the subjects is prohibited; cameras watching subjects must be monitored manually, with footage going to a computer disconnected from the rest of the facility's electronics.

Everything related to SCP-1792, living or not, is to be stored in facilities without any SCPs demonstrating telepathic abilities, to prevent possible contamination. Any facility containing an instance of SCP-1792 is considered unsafe for such specimens, and suspected instances of SCP-1792 are not to be brought to any facility containing these entities.

Description: SCP-1792 appears to be a fragment of video footage with mind-affecting properties; none who viewed it were able to coherently describe what they saw, and many began exhibiting strange behavior after exposure. Reactions to viewings of SCP-1792 have varied immensely. Strong emotional responses are not uncommon; many appear to be perturbed or distraught by what they saw, and fearfulness, frustration, contentment, hysteria, giddiness, and severe melancholia, among other reactions, have all been seen in those exposed to SCP-1792, with negative emotions generally being more common than positive.

Not all exposed to SCP-1792 exhibit intense reactions, though; many show little or no response to it, giving vague, noncommittal answers when asked what they saw and how they feel. More than one subject has viewed SCP-1792 and later expressed no recollection of it at all; polygraph tests confirmed their conviction in this statement. Researchers were able to confirm that these individuals did in fact view SCP-1792, however. No connection between the various responses has been discovered.

SCP-1792's other notable quality is its self-propagation. When a tape or disc containing SCP-1792 is inserted into a device to play the contents, it infects the device; all future media played on the device will have SCP-1792 recorded onto them, playing it back instead of their original contents. These copies also display the infectious behavior; testing so far has not discovered a limit to its self-propagation, with all generations producing media containing SCP-1792.

The exact extent to which this contagious behavior extends is unknown; display devices such as televisions used to play SCP-1792 have been confirmed to not carry the infection, but a device has SCP-1792 inserted then ejected without playing it will still be contaminated, implying immediate spread upon contact. Experiments with Class D personnel using camcorders and digital cameras to record still images and secondhand footage of SCP-1792 playing, then showing the resulting images to other Class D personnel yet to witness it, confirm that SCP-1792 can spread outside of its original medium; the number of vectors that SCP-1792 can be transmitted by is unknown.

There is no widespread consensus on SCP-1792's purpose at this time; one hypothesis is that SCP-1792 exists mainly to propagate itself, like a virus, with its effects on viewers an unintended side-effect. Others contest this, claiming that the universal inability to describe SCP-1792's content and that it affects so many viewers at all signify some reason for these effects; that a significantly greater portion of the reactions are negative leads many to believe that it is malevolent, or that its purpose is something humans cannot properly comprehend. What created SCP-1792 is likewise entirely unknown, with no clues as to its origin being discovered as of yet.

Attempting to fully understand SCP-1792 requires knowledge of its various instances and the events they have caused. The items listed below are the most significant of these; knowledge of them is mandatory for researchers and agents assigned to SCP-1792.

Addendum: From the notes of Dr. J████: "SCP-1792 is far more dangerous than previously believed. While it was originally classified as Safe despite not being fully contained, due to the believed ease of storing it without incident, as more was learned about the SCP researchers considered reclassifying it; the SCP-1792-34 incident cemented its status as Keter. With the number of potential carriers out there, as well as the quantity of possible vectors of transmission being far greater than previously believed, SCP-1792 presents a huge threat, and its containment is a top priority.

"My request that cross-experimentation with other SCPs be forbidden, without exception, has been approved. Contamination by SCP-1792, especially in an SCP capable of transmitting it remotely, represents a massive threat that cannot be risked.

"Even more importantly, SCP-1792 must be kept off of mediums such as the Internet; even before it was fully understood, it was apparent that many people would be hurt if it were to somehow get online. With what we know now, that would be among the least damage it could potentially do."

Tags: scp, keter, auditory, cognitohazard, compulsion, media, memetic, mind-affecting, recording, self-replicating, visual

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