Cthulhu — reluctant deity —
Q: Isn't that what you want, more… errrm… followers?
' Hell no, I don't want more followers. That'll bring my
[indecipherable]*1* off the charts. Wait, what do you mean by 'my
kind', [indecipherable]? *2*
*1*At this moment in the recording, SCP-4999 simultaenously uses
several of its mouths to make sounds. Careful examination of the
audio recording reveal eighteen distinct overlapping voices, only two
of which are in languages recognized by Foundation analysts. One is
the Latin word "focus", and the other is a Farsi word spoken in a
heavy accent that roughly translates to "reach" or "extension".
*2*Again, SCP-4999 speaks several words at once. Researcher Q was
wearing a detector suite along with his postal service uniform, which
measured a burst of X-ray radiation at this moment. Dr. has
formed a hypothesis that SCP-4999's communication extends into the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Q: Errrr…
SCP-4999: Just [DATA EXPUNGED] with you, kid.