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SCP-911: Adult, Dangerous Male.

Item #: SCP-911

Classification: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-911 is to be kept in a terrarium measuring 2x4 meters. The terrarium should be maintained by a Researcher specializing in Lepidoptera and an Agent with a background in handling high explosives.

The bushes within SCP-911’s terrarium are to be watered weekly and regularly checked for signs of scorching, as the caterpillars are still being examined for volatile properties. Additionally, any cracks should be reported and repaired immediately.

After the pupal stage has been entered, SCP-911 must be closely examined and all male members categorized. Those cataloged as normal members may be returned to the primary terrarium, while those recognized as potential threats are to be stored in a cooling unit until authorized testing is approved. Once approved, these members should be moved to a separate testing unit.

Pupa Stage of the Explosive Males, Nicknamed "The Grenade" Phase.

Description: SCP-911 is a group of caterpillars, pupae, and moths of the Saturniidae family. SCP-911 bears a striking resemblance to the Hyalophora cecropia, or simply the Cecropia moth, and is believed to be closely related. The entire female population exhibits all the normal characteristics observed in similar species. However, around 50% of the male population is explosive.

When male members of SCP-911 strike an object hard enough, the collision causes a reaction in various impact-sensitive compounds mixed with the scales of their wings, causing the detonation. The current explosive yield of a member of SCP-911 is roughly equivalent to that of a hand grenade. This was not the case at original discovery, when witnesses reported the largest explosion as "roughly the strength of an M-90 firework." It is believed that the regular nourishment and stable environment provided since their capture has led to this progression, not a genetic mutation or progression in SCP-911 itself. Nevertheless, regular testing of explosive force must be maintained each generation to verify this theory.

Currently, SCP-911’s explosive qualities are believed to be a natural defense mechanism developed in response to predators, much like the poisonous qualities of Monarch butterflies. Other theories are also currently being investigated.

SCP-911 was first detected in ██████, Alabama in 19██. A series of destroyed street lamps, broken porch lights, and dead birds, as well as reports of fireworks, caused local authorities to investigate. During a stake-out of local neighborhoods, two police officers witnessed what looked like lamps spontaneously exploding. Driving closer to obtain a better look, their police car struck a swarm of SCP-911, leading to both men [DATA REDACTED]. The coroner’s report led to Foundation agent involvement, leading to SCP-911’s subsequent discovery.

Addendum: ██/█/2███
Recent reports have led Foundation officials to conclude that SCP-911 is still active in the wild. Reports from as far north as ███████, Tennessee and ███████, Missouri match the patterns SCP-911 has been recorded exhibiting. This has led Dr. ██████████, current head of research on SCP-911, to begin developing a pesticide specifically tailored to SCP-911, with the intention of releasing it during over ███████ as a field test.

While testing has been successful, the pesticide has been shown to cause [DATA REDACTED] in infants and children, as well as the elimination of seventeen other, harmless species of moth and butterfly. The field test remains on schedule.

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