Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Keter Safe Keter Safe LOCKED PENDING O5 REVIEW
"Please. This is a hoax of some sort. Nobody would be foolish enough to trust something like this." - Dr. ████████
"Isn't this worth being safe on? Have you even read the file? It could take out our entire ████ing site!" - Agent ████
Special Containment Procedures: All files at Site-██ are to be labeled by high-ranking officers’ signatures, a bar-code, and a unique watermark. All file-cabinets, drawers, and other storage areas are to be locked, and have their content closely monitored and regulated. All new files made electronically are to be added to the list of "Safe" computer files. Should SCP-XXX manifest itself, it should be turned in to high-ranking management. All workers at Site-██ are to be instructed on the nature of SCP-XXX and be promised a reward for turning it in.
"If new recruits just minded their own business and used their heads, they would be fine. The current procedures are a waste of resources." - Dr. ████████
Should SCP-XXX be turned in, it is to be scanned, burned, and a replacement printed and put in a thermite-lined file-cabinet, set to detonate should forced entry occur. All copies of SCP-XXX are to be saved, regardless of content.
"Why would they keep them if they were so dangerous? This is going to go wrong." - Agent ████
Any and all who have read SCP-XXX, or are thought to have read SCP-XXX are to be psychologically screened for rebellion, and, if necessary, terminated.
Description: SCP-XXX takes many forms, but primarily is a manila envelope, with "PROJECT 14" typed in red ink somewhere on it. It appears randomly in Site-██, though investigation is being put forth to see if it can be transferred to other locations. The form it takes varies wildly, but tends to be the one that would be the most innocuous for the given area. Forms taken by SCP-XXX so far include:
A standard paper file,
a folder for a system unique to one wing of Site-██,
a post-it note,
a computer file,
a message written on a napkin,
and, in one instance, [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is currently unknown how it generated organic tissue.
"You would call this safe? What's wrong with you?" - Agent ████
The information contained in SCP-XXX varies as well, but follows a basic structure. SCP-XXX contains a conspiracy theory that would cause paranoia and psychological trauma to the viewer. Some examples are:
A plan by which an underdeveloped government could use precision explosives and political rallies to more easily implement a police state,
a transcript of a Foundation prisoner starving to death in one of the Site-██ storage closets,
a plan for taking a large office building hostage with only a team of three people,
techniques for information gathering via torture,
a device which could be used to forcefully [REDACTED] a random person,
and, most disturbingly, a plan for the SCP Foundation to use various SCP's to [DATA EXPUNGED].
"These could have all been avoided with common sense. The Foundation wouldn't lie to us." - Dr. ████████
"Let me guess. You heard that from the Foundation?" - Agent ████
SCP-XXX seems to display a preference for the person who finds it. An organized and rational person is less likely to come across SCP-XXX than someone who is reckless and impulsive. Whether this is caused, merely coincidence, or simply a case of the rational person disregarding the file is being studied. In 9█% of cases, after finding and reading the document, the viewer, hereafter referred to as SCP-XXX-1, begins to display symptoms of paranoia and distrust for authority. This can be found and cured in only 1█% of cases. SCP-XXX-1’s mental condition rapidly deteriorates, refusing to accept orders, believe official files, and not adhering to restricted/open access areas. After approximately two weeks, SCP-XXX-1 begins to incite rebellion in all around them. Within days, mass riots and chaos consume the area of SCP-XXX. If the original governing system wins out, then SCP-XXX retreats and resurfaces in a matter of months. Should the rioters and SCP-XXX-1 take over, SCP-XXX-1 takes position as a leader and rapidly establishes new rules. Attacks on other administrations are often launched. Invariably, within weeks, one of their followers stages a coup and violently [DATA EXPUNGED] to ensure that they are seen as the new leader. This can continue indefinitely without intervention.
"Sounds kind of like you, ████. Maybe a visit to the psychologist is in order." - Dr. ████████
█/██/██ - Agent ████ was sent to the on-site psychologist on the orders of Dr. ████████
█/██/██ - Agent ████ passes psychological screening test.
"See! I'm perfectly fine and I still see the problems with this! What are you trying to prove?" - Agent ████
"I'm trying to prove that SCP-XXX isn't that dangerous." - Dr. ████████
"That's a blatant lie! All of you superiors are like this! Cold and logical to the point of insanity! I have to stop this." - Agent ████
█/██/██ - Riots break out in Site ██. Agent ████ is believed to have connections to this.
██/██/██ - Riots suppressed. Warning signs of SCP-XXX were noted for future use.
"The main damage done by SCP-XXX is not physical, but psychological. The idea of SCP-XXX seems to do as much damage to an organization as SCP-XXX itself. We've got people refusing to open files for fear of being killed! We need to cover this up! We can deal with the damage as it comes along. It's far less than what it's currently causing.
What's worse, people are doubting the honesty of SCP-XXX. It…They think it isn't a report ON project 14, they think it IS project 14. We need to do something. Shut down Site-██…clean it out…can't let this get out of hand." - Dr. █████
Dr. █████ was terminated due to possible exposure to project 14.