SCP-XXXX, before its acquisition by the Order of Belphegor |
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX must be kept in an airtight box made from either titanium or surgical-grade steel, fitted with a numeric keypad lock. Under no circumstances is SCP-XXXX to be contained in anything made using iron. Transport and analysis of SCP-XXXX must be supervised by at least one (1) staff member with Level 3 clearance.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a circlet-style crown with inlayed images of thorny vines and the face of an as-yet unknown entity engraved on the front. The object is constructed of a metal that, upon first glance, appears to be either silver or pewter; chemical tests and analysis have shown that the object is comprised of a hybrid of the two metals, along witn an as-yet unknown third metal.
When worn on the head of a figure of authority – either local/federal/national or self-proclaimed — SCP-XXXX causes all within audio/visual range of the wearer to develop an almost fanatical state of worship towards the wearer and/or any “higher power” the wearer proclaims belief in. Those under the influence of SCP-XXXX will refer to themselves as “brethren”, “chosen”, or “the children of” their chosen authority figure/deity, and will go out of their way to accomplish any goals set before them, regardless of any potentially harmful or lethal consequences on their own behalf. The wearer of the object will then be able to control any and all individuals who consider themselves “brethren”, until a point in time where the wearer reveals that everything they have been told is a lie; this revelation will cause the “brethren “ to become confused until the wearer’s true intentions are revealed. At this time, it is unknown if affected persons are also considered susceptible to any orders, requests and/or commands of those considered allies of SCP-XXXX's wearer.
SCP-XXXX also has the ability to make anyone under the influence of its wearer believe anything they are told, even if the statement is a complete impossibility. Such instances include females believing that they are actually males, single men being told that they have a wife and children, and mathematical paradoxes (2 + 2 = 5) sounding completely plausible. Unless the wearer of SCP-XXXX admits that the "fact" is, in fact, a lie, those under the influence of SCP-XXXX will continue to believe it as truth. Furthermore, lies that involve impossible/improbable events (i.e., Elvis Presley performing a concert), will result in the affected individuals experiencing vivid audiovisual phenomena similar to hallucinations, with the addition of tactile sensation and tasting/smelling things that aren't really there.
If SCP-XXXX is removed from the head of its usual wearer and placed upon the head of anyone who professes faith in a particular religion (especially if the individual is carrying a religious icon, in particular one made using iron), the object will begin to inflict significant burn damage to the individual’s heart, brain and other vital organs unless they are willing to denounce their prior faith. Those who refuse the offer will often die due to critical organ failure. Attempting to contain SCP-XXXX within a box or other container made of iron will result in a violent (possibly chemical) reaction that will cause the container to explode, leaving SCP-XXXX intact.
SCP-XXXX was recovered from an abandoned warehouse in the city of ███ ██████, formerly used by a group known as the Order of Belphegor. Recovered documents and footage indicate that the wearer of the object was the “High Prophet of Belphegor”, the central authority figure of the group. The footage, recovered from CCTV cameras installed in the building at the recommendation of Agent Publius Enigma a month prior to the Order’s occupation of the building, depict the High Prophet using the object to torture members of the “congregation” who refused to denounce their faith. Evidence also suggests that the object was used by the High Prophet as a means to control the “Chosen” during their gatherings, as evidenced by their voluntary donations of money, potential SCPs and even family members and friends.