Dick Sheldon

Dick SheldonDick Sheldon
'cause The Wanderers' Library  doesn't have a sandbox.

What is the meaning of oh boy?

It is an exclamation that can be used both negatively and positively.
Only negatively and positively, that is a small spectrum.

This might not work…

Shush. Depending on tone it means one or the other… here let me- well, I guess I can’t really say anything without it being translated.

Oh, boy. What tone was that?

That was kind of a neutral tone, neutral tone generally means negative, higher and faster means positive, lower and drawn out means negative. Neutral, like I said, also means negative… More often it’s said in apprehension of something negative.

Oh, boy. Was that positive?

I, uh, there was no difference. It was still neutral.

Oh, boy. Was that positive

Still no change.

Oh, boy. We raised our pitch significantly.

Not really much of a difference.

It isn’t working.

Shut up. Try raising it one hundred times higher.

Oh, boy.


Oh, boy.

One thousand times.

Oh boy.

Okay good, there was a difference there, a little. Just keep going, I’ll tell you when you have it.

Oh boy. Was that positive?

No need to ask, go until I say good.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.

Excellent, there you go.

Oh boy.

Oh boy.


Was that positive?

Yeah, the last couple ones were. Keep it within that range for variety, our, uh, kind like variety. Only our machines are that precise.

We may be machines.

Oh, really. Well, that’s cool.

What color are your machines? Are they blue?

Well th

                It started three months ago; I had spent nearly all day working in my backyard and near the end I made the mistake of leaving my large sliding backdoor open. As I filled a glass of water I looked out the window and saw something strange drift across, above the freshly cut grass. I hid, and heard nothing, but I could feel it. I sat in the cramped little space for nearly thirty minutes before the light began to fade and it slowly left. I quietly closed and locked the backdoor, checked every other door, and went on with life.

                I sketched and drew pictures of it, but I never shared these with anybody. Surprisingly I actually used the backdoor more regularly after that almost as if to prove I could close it like I was supposed to.

                One night, while watching a movie I realized that somehow it had gotten in again, it was down the hall to my side, hovering over the dining room table. It was probably looking at me, I could feel it’s emotions, I couldn’t tell what they were, but they were strong. I could see it in my peripheral vision, flat grey, slowly rotating. I sat there till it left. This happens often.

                I feel a kind of childlike fear of it, like if I don’t look at it can’t interact with me. I have a gun, but I don’t want to hurt it in case I regret it. It hasn’t hurt me.

                On Thursday while cleaning out the attic I looked down out of the hatch and saw it there beneath me. It didn’t look scary, it never does. Both It’s arms and legs were stretched out towards me as it’s blank head aimed right at mine. It’s featureless torso stayed perpendicular to the ground, floating somewhere between the floor and the ceiling. The slightly wrinkly skin that covered it did not reflect light very well making it appear somewhat darker than the rest of the room, and maybe a little out of focus. We stared at each other for a while before it left, and I thought about the feel it gave off…

I think it is a she, and I think she loves me. Not a creepy obsessive stalker love like it appears, she doesn’t know anything about manners or language, and not a passionate dangerous love, I don’t believe myself to be in any danger. I think she feels a love that is deeper and stronger than anything I can really understand. Just by looking at me she is able to fulfill that love because she doesn’t comprehend that there are any other options. I am terrified that if I talk to her, or even touch her the innocence will be ruined and she will no longer be satisfied with what she has.

I’m also terrified -and slightly embarrassed to say it- to touch her because her skin looks gross.

Description of a new speicies of FOEDUS ore
An experiment in the exploitation of base fears.

Neat pictures

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