Mrs. Bakers wrapped up her lesson, reminding the students that there was to be a Spelling Bee next Monday and to not forget what homework was due tomorrow. Schoolchildren shuffled on their backpacks, excited for the end of school. A few boys ran out first, wanting to get dibs on the best handball courts. Mrs. Bakers waved the rest off before going about cleaning up. Two girls stayed after class to help her. The first was Patricia, the class president. The second was a shy girl named Gertrud, who appeared to follow Patricia around like a lost puppy half the time and the other half cowering from the other students. Mrs. Bakers suspected bullying, but had yet to catch someone in the act and so did nothing about it. The two schoolgirls each got a lollipop for their helpfulness, taking their favorite flavors and running off. Mrs. Bakers, however, noticed something strange on Gertrud's face and called her back. She swept away the girl's brown hair to examine it further. It was a large bruise on her left eye, purple and angry with a blue ring.
"Gertrud, what's this?" Concern laid in her voice. "How'd you get this bruise?"
Gertrud shifted her school uniform nervously, having hoped that the teacher wouldn't notice for the past few days. She had even purposefully sat with her face in her book and her long bangs covering the injury most of the day in order to avoid anyone seeing. "I-It's nothing. I slipped on some rocks." She was no liar but pulled herself away before Mrs. Bakers could question further. Grabbing her backpack, she ran out the door before she had the second sling on. She pretended not to hear the concerned yelling of Mrs. Bakers. How'd she talk her way out of this now? She sighed at the thought, meeting Patricia just outside.
"What took you so long?" Patricia was admonishing, tying and re-tying her long dark hair into their characteristic pigtail shape. "I heard yelling. Did you get in trouble?" Her voice was always rather nasally, a quality that irked Gertrud sometimes but she put up with it. Patricia was one of her only friends. It was because of her only friend that Gertrud was able to meet that Wish Granter and become a Puella Magi. In simpler terms, a magical girl. However, the title made them sound more official and sounded more, well, magical, so Gertrud liked to use it over the simpler term. Gertrud shook her head at her friend, their brisk walk developing into a run. There needed nothing else to be said.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be an adult male humanoid, approximately 43kg in weight and 1.78m in height. Subject appears to be missing at least half of his body mass, with the only organs and limbs entirely intact being the left arm, heart, and brain. Approximately 23% of SCP-XXXX's available skin appears to made up of wings from multiple species in the Papilionidae (Swallowtail Butterfly) and Libellulidae (Skimmer/Percher Dragonfly) families. These wings are capable of moving in an apparently random fluttering motion; SCP-XXXX doesn't appear to have any control over these movements.
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]
[2012-07-04 00:46:26] <Soulless> Roget: I'm thinking something to do with children and childhoods.
[2012-07-04 00:46:28] <Faminepulse> total mustache control
[2012-07-04 00:46:30] <Faminepulse> gogo
[2012-07-04 00:46:40] <Soulless> Roget: Possibly a complete removal of everything nostalgic and childish
[2012-07-04 00:46:42] <Jekeled> Faminepulse: I'll add it to my list
[2012-07-04 00:46:45] —>| feathers (||noremac) has joined #site19
[2012-07-04 00:46:46] =-= DexaLOL is now known as Dexanote
[2012-07-04 00:46:48] <Roget> Soulless oh god
[2012-07-04 00:46:58] <Roget> That sounds horrifying
[2012-07-04 00:47:00] <Soulless> And all that remains are bad memories
[2012-07-04 00:47:01] <feathers> Dexadood
[2012-07-04 00:47:06] <Jekeled> D:
[2012-07-04 00:47:07] <Jekeled> Oh god
[2012-07-04 00:47:09] <Soulless> like when mommy threw a jug of milk at daddy fter a big fight
[2012-07-04 00:47:13] <feathers> Souless :>
[2012-07-04 00:47:16] <Jekeled> Soulless: That's actually horrifying
[2012-07-04 00:47:26] <Soulless> Jekeled: great, let me write that
[2012-07-04 00:47:44] <VWRH> Soulless: You speak of that which was nevr meant to happen.
[2012-07-04 00:47:45] <Roget> Soulless please write that for the love of smooze
[2012-07-04 00:47:54] <VWRH> *nevef
[2012-07-04 00:48:02] <Soulless> Roget: I will write that
Soulless It's an scp that infects from person to person through a means that needs to be fleshed out more, causing them to be able to 'control' their blood, over a period of X time, the cells that they control also begin to lose their own automatic functions, causing the person to be having to control them for themselves
murphy_slaw mmkay
Algebraic fin?
murphy_slaw so the ultimate result is that you have to concentrate to make your blood circulate
murphy_slaw or you die
Soulless eventually what starts off as an awesome superpower becomes a crippling hell, in which the person is basically comatose trying to do billions of things at once, eventually the brain is just like 'fuck everything' and stops being able to keep up, resulting in a slow overwhelming death
Soulless like a high level tetris
Faminepulse Okay the picture isn't so much a picture as an idea about being born into a world without a sun, although this doesn't affect the environment in a way that it would affect ours, it simply doesn't exist. What we call a telephone is in their world, our main means of documentation for the object itself. Their "device" occasionally transmits physical feelings for every sound and smell that comes…
06:37 Faminepulse …through the receiver, although the reader does not know this much about their reality. The object itself is an entity existing in that world, and in their world it is an anomaly. It is a human of ambiguous gender that is desperately trying to find its way into a more suitable reality, and in its confusion breathes into the receiver desperately in the language of the things around it as a…
06:37 Faminepulse …sort of distress call.
06:40 Faminepulse Interview log from a microwave; Excerpts of "dialogue" from the paranatural entity: Feelings of hot mud on the skin, the words themselves are alien so they don't matter, but what it's trying to say is "GOD, IS THERE A GOD THERE, IF IT IS YOU THEN FUCKING HELP"
06:44 Faminepulse but if you do write it maybe lieik, put in article something to effect of The smell of cold mountain air after a rainfall in the summer, the meaning that the entity is trying to convey is that - "They're crowding around me, they're everywhere? What am I and what is this? I shouldn't be there and they are prodding with tones I can't describe, melting me into a concept in their respective…
06:44 Faminepulse …psyches. I just know this, it is bestowed upon me, and it is horrible. Help. Please help. Send a savior through the receiver."
06:44 Soulless yes
06:45 Faminepulse but that relly an allegory for dicks
06:45 Soulless I'll write appropriately
06:45 Faminepulse LOL
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Due the nature and the lack of information about SCP-XXXX instances, containment is limited to research and recording information in hopes to discover a reliable method of containing SCP-XXXX. Instances of SCP-XXXX are to be kept on record, including personnel who have reported interactions. New instances of SCP-XXXX must be confirmed through at least three (3) personnel of any rank or two (2) SCP items. Any potential instances reported by an SCP item and a personnel are to be given confirmation immediately. All personnel researching any instance of SCP-XXXX is to strictly adhere to a sleeping schedule outlined in document SCP-XXXX-SV1 to reduce possible chances of interaction with any instances of SCP-XXXX itself. Any interactions with SCP-XXXX-01 through 03 must be recorded in particular detail and any change in behavior patterns are to be reported immediately to O5 command. All potential information regarding SCP-XXXX should be reported to Research Team XXXX.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a general collective term for multiple entities that appear to only exist in dreams. A total of five (5) entities are recognized as SCP-XXXX at this time. These entities are categorized under two distinct classifications: Patterned and Unknown. Patterned-class entities appear in specific dreams and behave in a specific manner, although entities under this class have been known to still act unpredictably. Unknown-class entities are generally more unpredictable in both behavior and what dreams they can be found. As of current, it is unknown as to if SCP-XXXX instances are related other than appearing in a dream, why entities of SCP-XXXX may pattern or not, why they appear and how they are able to transverse from dream to dream. Information regarding as such should be reported to Research Team XXXX as soon as possible.
Patterned Entities:
Designation: SCP-XXX-01
Description: SCP-XXXX-01 appears as a blue diamond shape, supposedly out of wood. A string of a similar blue with orange tassels are attached to one end, used as locomotion as SCP-XXXX-01 'hops'. Near the opposite side are a pair of disproportionately large, yellow triangles. These bulge slightly from the surface and are considered 'eyes', although SCP-XXXX-01 does not blink. These eyes do not have any sign of pupils or irises. There are no other facial features other than the aforementioned 'eyes'.
Behavior: SCP-XXXX-01 is typically found in dreams associated with childhood or themes related to children, including dreams in which children are tortured, used as soldiers, or [REDACTED]. It will not move unless prompted to avoid danger or interactions. SCP-XXXX-01 cannot speak or does not speak and will avoid interaction with the dreamer by 'hopping', using the string to lift the 'head' and launch it forward with varying strength. When left alone, SCP-XXXX-01 will lay motionless with eyes facing the dreamer. Those who have seen SCP-XXXX-01 report a sense of being watched. It is important to note that there have been no reports of feelings of paranoia, fear or otherwise when a being becomes aware of SCP-XXXX-01's existence. Younger personnel may report a feeling of comfort or nostalgia instead. SCP-XXXX-01 has not been seen with any other entity and is believed to generally act in an unrelated manner to any other entity.
Additional Notes:
It has come to my attention personnel are thinking SCP-XXXX-01 is all nostalgia and happy childhoods. Let me clear this up. I'm pretty certain the thing isn't cuddly, it isn't nice, and it doesn't care about how you loved you were or were not. It just watches anything to do with children, even if its children getting [EXPLICATIVE REDACTED].
-Dr. P█████
Designation: SCP-XXXX-02
Description: SCP-XXXX-02 appears as a humanoid male in a white suit with appropriate pants and gloves. SCP-XXXX-02 has also been seen with a monocle, although the reason why it would wear one is unknown. The most notable appearance of SCP-XXXX-02 is its facial features. SCP-XXXX-02 lacks any facial features excepting a mouth and hair in a short buzz cut. The mouth is no different from that of any normal human's and is able to produce a number of emotions such as laughter, frowning, or yelling.
Behavior: SCP-XXXX-02 is typically found in any dream involving a city or a large amount of people regardless of any other themes only in dreams that do not involve mass-death or an XK-class scenario. SCP-XXXX-02 is usually found where it appears out of place, having a conversation with an unrelated dream entity that varies according to the dream. It is important to note that SCP-XXXX-02 appears incapable of any sound despite always being seen talking or verbally communicating in some form. The entity SCP-XXXX-02 talks to will only respond in a manner that does not provide any information on the context of the conversation. SCP-XXXX-02 will not usually 'speak' to the dreamer directly unless spoken to but has been known on occasion to point out the dreamer during its conversations and making a laughing motion. SCP-XXXX-02 will not treat the dreamer any differently when spoken to and will converse willingly with a body language described as 'cordial', despite the dreamer unable to understand its speech. When confronted with its appearance SCP-XXXX-02 will only exacerbate the situation by placing a finger in one of the areas its eyes should be and proceeding to sink its finger into its face. It is unknown as to why it reacts in this manner as all attempts to understand its words have proven futile.
Additional Notes:
██/██/██11: SCP-XXXX-02 came into conflict with SCP-XXXX-03 during a dream that crossed the themes of an XK-class scenario in a large city. SCP-XXXX-02 was attacked by SCP-XXXX-03 after a short conversation between the two, consisting of SCP-XXXX-02's silent speech and SCP-XXXX-03's staring with multiple eyes. SCP-XXXX-02 has not been seen since the initial conflict. SCP-XXXX-02 was seen again three months later on ██/██/██11, its behavior changed to avoid any crossing themes with SCP-XXXX-03 but otherwise appeared unharmed.
-Dr. L███
Designation: SCP-XXXX-03
Description:SCP-XXXX-03 is a large mass of black. SCP-XXXX-03 will change specifics of its appearance multiple times in whatever dream it appears in although never changing its color. Its appearance will typically involve multiple eyes and mouths with no particular head or symmetry. SCP-XXXX-03 appears able to change the shape and makeup of its body at will although is always limited to the fact it is completely black, with no shading or shadow.
Behavior: SCP-XXXX-03 appears exclusively in dreams involving XK-class scenarios and will wander from place to place within the dream. SCP-XXXX-03 will avoid the dreamer and ignore any attempts at interaction unless threatened or insulted. It will sprout multiple eyes to stare at the dreamer for an undetermined amount of time before laughing. It appears incapable of producing its own laugh, rather it will take any memory of laughter the dreamer has and replay it with each 'ha' from a different memory. The world around the dreamer will become warped and the dream will end. It is unknown if SCP-XXXX-03 itself ends the dream or if it is a reaction the dreamer has to the laughter. SCP-XXXX-03 will aggressively attack any other instance of SCP-XXXX it comes across using tendrils, claws, jaws and a large array of similar weaponry.
Additional Notes: N/A
Unknown Entities:
Designation: SCP-XXXX-07
Description: SCP-XXXX-07 will take the appearance of a younger version of the dreamer, usually approximately 10 years of age in various clothes. It is unknown if SCP-XXXX-07 has a stable, consistent form. SCP-XXXX-07 was initially believed to be multiple entities. However, after analysis of descriptions and common behaviors, it is now believed these multiple entities are actually one entity that has multiple appearances. Any information proving or disproving this theory should be reported to Dr. on earliest possible convenience.
Behavior: SCP-XXXX-07 usually occurs more than 5 times in a succession of dreams, regardless of theme or other influence and will watch the dreamer from various distances ranging from as close as 3 meters to as far as over 100 meters. SCP-XXXX-07 will usually remain still and avoid any interaction, remaining unaffected by weather, destruction, attempted communication or attacks. The dreamer will usually find that SCP-XXXX-07 follows them through the dream by walking. If this is not possible, then it will move by an unknown means to a position in which it can continue to follow the dreamer. The entity does not make movements besides this following.
Additional Notes: 12/██/██11: SCP-XXXX-04, 05 and 06 are now collectively referred to as SCP-XXXX-07 on theory of being one entity.
-Dr. L███
Additional Notes:
Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]
SCP-XXX with SCP-XXX-05 |
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be contained in a fifteen (15) by fifteen (15) meter room, however SCP-XXX-01 through 09 are to be allowed free access see Addendum 12/██/20██. SCP-XXX between SCP-XXX's containment room and a grazing pasture measuring one (1) acre is to be provided food and drink three (3) times every twenty-four (24) hours and allowed a restroom and a bed.
Description: SCP-XXX appears to be a humanoid woman of approximately twenty-three (23) years old. SCP-XXX is typically accompanied by SCP-XXX-01 through 09. SCP-XXX is able to convert humans to lambs by damaging and then reconstructing tissue. Those converted show no discernible difference from a lamb of the species Ovis aries after the full process, which varies from as little as ten (10) hours to as long as three (3) months. The exact factors contributing to this variation in time are unknown. The conversion begins by SCP-XXX placing a dried lamb's tail onto the target, which then fuses itself with the target and becomes that of a fully-functioning tail. The target's posture and movement are affected due to unbalancing and victims usually begin walking on fours. SCP-XXX's behavior does not at any point shift from what has been described as 'friendly' during the conversion.
The process from human to lamb varies greatly. Usually, SCP-XXX will attack the face and limbs first, then treating the damaged areas by touching the area with her crook for approximately twenty (20) seconds, during which the flesh will reform to that of a lamb's. This healing and the general process itself can be interrupted at any time by simply avoiding contact with SCP-XXX, although SCP-XXX will actively seek and ask for those in which she has begun converting. SCP-XXX does not follow a specific pattern, absent leaving the skull and brain for last. The result is that of a lamb, a new instance of SCP-XXX-0X.
SCP-XXX-09 and -08, previously Agent ██████ and Doctor ████ |
For further information of SCP-XXX's conversion, Doctor ████ (now SCP-XXX-08) has kept a record of the process during his own transformation. Please see Document XXX-N1 for said record.
SCP-XXX was brought into containment when the Foundation was notified of a news report describing a 'half sheep man' in the town of ██████, Australia. SCP-XXX provided no resistance during capture and has been largely complacent in her containment. Typical behavior exhibited by SCP-XXX involve inviting others to tea she does not have, attempting to engage in cordial conversation with anyone in her containment, and waving to anyone that she can see pass by her containment. Any changes to behavior must be reported to level three (3) staff or higher. Presently, only d-class ordered to and researchers tasked with SCP-XXX may have any interactions with her. Any other personnel must ignore her.
Addendum 10/██/20██: SCP-XXX has complained about lack of space for SCP-XXX-01 through 09 and requested the grazing pasture to be increased in size by at least half an acre. Request denied due to lack of noticeable distress in animals.
Addendum 11/██/20██: SCP-XXX continued to express concerns about lack of grazing space and field quality for SCP-XXX-01 through 09. Request denied again.
Addendum 12/██/20██: SCP-XXX made an uncharacteristically violent attack against Doctor ███ during a routine interview and attempted to hold Doctor ███ hostage in exchange for a larger and healthier field for grazing. Request was initially agreed to, before SCP-XXX-01 through 09 were put into a separate containment with no way to reach SCP-XXX. SCP-XXX's behavior pattern changed appropriately; subject now spends more time leaning against or otherwise touching the wall nearest to SCP-XXX-01 through 09's containment and has become more neutral in her interactions with personnel.