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Item #: SCP-616

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-616 is housed and maintained at Site 8-1 or at a qualifying backup airfield meeting the specifications set forth in Document Ez-7:2. While grounded, maintenance personnel with Miller-level clearance are permitted to enter the aircraft, and are to conduct maintenance and inspections to assure that SCP-616 is ready for flight at all times on 40 minutes notice. On flight days, only the flight crew of SCP-616 and members of MTF-Omega-144 are permitted to enter the aircraft until after Contraeschatological Procedure 1 (CEP-1) is completed. At all times, the then-current rotation of MTF-Omega-144, plus at least 3 alternates, and a qualified flight crew, are to be maintained on standby status at the airfield.

On a periodic basis, as scheduled by the Foundation's computus desk, CEP-1 is to be performed. Each performance of CEP-1 must occur at its scheduled time and in accordance with the specifications of the applicable CEP Plan. If for any reason CEP-1 is not successfully completed, Contingency Plan Aharit Ha-Yamim is to be enacted.

CEP-1 consists of a flight of SCP-616 meeting the specifications with the applicable CEP Plan. The crew and passengers aboard SCP-616 during CEP-1 are to consist only of certified flight crew members and the applicable rotation of MTF-Omega-144. The flight crew of SCP-616, and all members of MTF-Omega-144, shall be comprised exclusively of personnel certified as consistently rating between 115 and 135 centiakiva/hour in piety.1 The flight plan of each CEP-1 flight is to be carefully timed so that at T-time, the position of the aircraft is at the Reference Point2 (tolerance +/- 60 meters), and with the altitude, velocity, bearing and aircraft principal axes of SCP-616 to be within the parameters specified by the CEP Plan for that flight. The Foundation's computus desk is responsible for scheduling each instance of CEP-1, and for calculating T-time and the other components of the CEP Plan for that instance, based on data provided by a consortium of cooperating outside sources.3. At T-time, SCP-616-1 will spontaneously open, at which point the participating members of MTF-Omega-144 are to face and direct their attention toward SCP-616-1 and recite and/or perform their respective CEP Protocols with conviction in a loud, clear voice (repeatedly, as necessary), while maintaining line-of-sight with SCP-616-1 at all times until SCP-616-1 closes. If any member of the flight crew or of MTF-Omega-144 deviates from his or her respective duties during CEP-1 or engages in behavior that, in the judgment of the flight crew observer (or, in the event of the observer's incapacitation, his or her designated alternates) jeopardizes the performance of CEP-1, the individual in question is to be immediately incapacitated. At all times, extreme caution is to be taken so as to assure that personnel do not fall through SCP-1844-1 while it is open.

Description: SCP-616 is an Airbus A-380 aircraft. The aircraft was originally manufactured to the specifications of a national flag commercial airliner but was acquired by the Foundation after Incident Qiyamah. The Foundation has subsequently modified the interior of the aircraft to facilitate the performance of CEP-1. The aircraft is ordinarily unliveried between flights, but livery is applied when deemed necessary for operational security.

SCP-616-1 is the starboard, upper-deck rear emergency exit door of SCP-616. The interior surface of SCP-616 is extensively inscribed in Koine Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, Ge'ez, Old Church Slavonic and other liturgical languages, and bears a representation of a malformed juvenile specimen of Ovis aries with supernumerary horns and eyes. While SCP-616 is grounded, SCP-616-1 can be opened and used normally, although some personnel have reported experiencing a sense of nausea, vertigo or anxiety while passing through SCP-616-1.

During a flight of SCP-616, SCP-616-1 will spontaneously open, resulting in cabin depressurization and turbulence. At that time, cabin lighting within SCP-616-1 generally fails (as a result of which the flight crew and MTF-Omega-144 are equipped with supplemental lighting sources). The space perceived to be beyond SCP-616-1 does not conform to the external environment of the aircraft, but instead [DATA EXPUNGED]. While SCP-616-1 is open, personnel aboard SCP-616 will perceive that the aircraft is violently shuddering and falling although these sensations are not consistent with instrument readings. Additionally, personnel aboard SCP-616 will perceive intense heat and luminosity radiating from the space beyond SCP-616-1, accompanied by extremely loud [DATA EXPUNGED], but these phenomena are also not detected by instruments. No means of closing SCP-616-1, other than CEP-1, has been found effective. Probes sent through SCP-616-1 while it was open have failed to return usable data and have not been recovered; indeed, all personnel and equipment that for any reason pass through SCP-616-1 during flight must be regarded as lost.

Upon the successful completion of CEP-1 (which generally correlates to the time when the aircraft reaches a distance of approximately 800 km from the Reference Point), SCP-616-1 will close, whereupon SCP-616 can be landed normally.

Failure to close SCP-616-1 is believed to result in [DATA EXPUNGED], according to eschatological models.

Addendum No. 1: Memorandum dated April 23, 20██

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